100字范文 > 归责原则客观化 objectification of imputation英语短句 例句大全

归责原则客观化 objectification of imputation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-08 18:58:03


归责原则客观化 objectification of imputation英语短句 例句大全

归责原则客观化,objectification of imputation

1)objectification of imputation归责原则客观化

1.With the development of liability insurance,"objectification of imputation" becomes the trend of international environmental damages.随着责任保险制度的发展,在国际环境损害赔偿法领域出现了"归责原则客观化"的趋势,各国成文法和国际条约大都采用了"无过错/严格责任"归责原则。

2)objective imputation客观归责

1.Theobjective imputation theory is the fashion of study in German academy of criminal law.客观归责理论是目前德国刑法学界研究的时尚理论。

2.Theobjective imputation theory is a hot frontier problem which has been most frequently discussed by the criminal law circles in Germany and even in Europe since the 1970s.客观归责理论是自上世纪70年代以来在德国刑法学界乃至欧洲刑法学界讨论的最频繁和最热烈的前沿问题。


1.On the Case of Deng Yu-jiao and the Theory of Objective Imputation by Claus Roxin邓玉娇案件与罗克辛的客观归责理论

2.The Studies on Negligent Crimes Illegitimacy System under the Theory of Objective Imputation;客观归责理论视野下的过失不法理论探析

3.On the Causality Theory of criminal law --Based on the Theory of Objection Incrimination;简论刑法中的因果关系学说——基于客观归责理论

4.Hypothetical Causation, Possibility of Avoiding Result and Objective Attribution Theory假定因果关系、结果避免可能性与客观归责

5.Objectification and System Construction of Imputation of International Environment Damages论国际环境损害赔偿归责原则的客观化及体系构建

6.Analysis on the Object and Impersonality in Major Accidents重大责任事故罪客体及客观方面探析

7.It is incorrect to put all the blame on objective causes for our failure.把失败都归咎于客观原因是不正确的。

8.He ascribed his failure to objective conditions.他把失败归咎于客观条件。

9.From causality judgment to objective assignment: how to realize the turning;从因果判断到客观归属:转向何以实现

10.So you conducted tours for foreign tourists?那么你是负责外国游客的观光游览了?

11.Harm and Responsibility: The Two Characteristics of the Subjectivity and Objectivity of a Crime;危害与责任——论犯罪的主客观二特征

12.On the Investigation and Affix of the Legal Responsibility of Macro-control Conduct;宏观调控行为法律责任的认定与归结初探

13.Conflict and Unity of Objective Responsibility and Subjective Responsibility of Administrative Leaders;论行政领导的客观责任与主观责任的冲突与统一

14.Liability Quality, Subjective Important Document and Doctrine of Liability Fixation on the Third Party Liability of Company Directors;试论公司董事第三人责任的性质、主观要件及归责原则

15.Responsible for big-picture thinking, the consultant has the first interaction with the client.谘询员负有宏观思考之责,和客户有第一线互动。

16.I don"t see why you should go on blaming yourselves for circumstances.我看你们不该因为客观情况责备你们自己。

17.As Dr Chan says candidly, that charge “is a reality”.正如陈冯博士所坦白的,这一指责“是客观事实”。

18.Objective Culpability and the Fate of Reasonable Expectation;罪责的客观化与期待可能性理论的命运


objective imputation客观归责

1.Theobjective imputation theory is the fashion of study in German academy of criminal law.客观归责理论是目前德国刑法学界研究的时尚理论。

2.Theobjective imputation theory is a hot frontier problem which has been most frequently discussed by the criminal law circles in Germany and even in Europe since the 1970s.客观归责理论是自上世纪70年代以来在德国刑法学界乃至欧洲刑法学界讨论的最频繁和最热烈的前沿问题。

3)dualization of liability criterion归责原则二元化

4)multi-factored doctrine of liability fixation多无化归责原则

5)imputation principle归责原则

1.Study on Tort Law Imputation Principle;侵权行为法归责原则研究

2.As the development of legal practice of environmental tort in the countries,today"simputation principle of environmental derives from the socialized process which the experiences ofimputation principles are from fault liability into fair responsibility into liability without fault.随着各国环境侵权法律实践的发展,环境侵权的归责原则演绎出“过失责任-公平责任-无过失责任”的社会化之路。

3.The Reasonable Persons Criterion and the kind-hearted Father Criterion are the general standard for the traditional tortimputation principle to judge whether the actors is fault."合理人标准"或"善良家父标准"是传统侵权归责原则判断行为人是否有过错的一般性标准。

6)criterion of liability归责原则

1.Most scholars believe thatcriterion of liability of environmental tort is only liability for negligence.目前大部分学者认为 ,环境侵权民事责任的归责原则是单一的无过错责任原则。

2.Relatedcriterion of liability are various.目前我国有关交通事故的立法严重滞后,理论界和实务部门对铁路交通事故归责原则众说纷纭。

3.Thecriterion of liability is one of the most important problems in the field of the intellectual property infringement,while laws in China do not have relevant regulations to it.知识产权侵权的归责原则是知识产权侵权领域的一个核心问题。


