100字范文 > 四诊客观化 objectivization of the four methods of diagnosis英语短句 例句大全

四诊客观化 objectivization of the four methods of diagnosis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-27 00:05:04


四诊客观化 objectivization of the four methods of diagnosis英语短句 例句大全

四诊客观化,objectivization of the four methods of diagnosis

1)objectivization of the four methods of diagnosis四诊客观化

2)Researches of making four diagnoses of TCM objective四诊客观化研究

3)tongue characterization舌诊客观化

1.This paper investigates the use of image analysis techniques fortongue characterization by evaluating visual features obtained from images.本文对中医舌诊客观化涉及的图像分析技术进行了研究 ,提出了舌图像的彩色校正、舌体区域分割、舌质与舌苔特征分析、舌象裂纹分析等一系列实用的算法 ,并通过研制的中医舌象分析仪的临床应用证明了这些算法的有效

2.The accuracy of tongue diagnosis can be improved bytongue characterization.本项目是国家自然基金项目--“舌体三维传热与传统医学的相关性”的一个子项,其目的是要对中医舌诊客观化涉及的舌体湿度测量进行研究,研制出一种新型的舌体湿分含量测量仪,辅助中医辨证施治,并为舌体三维温度场的计算提供客观数据。


1.The study on the relationship between the Glossoscopy Objectivised Image and differentiation type of patients with primary glomerulopathy舌诊客观化图像识别在原发性肾小球疾病辨证分型的研究

2.Research on Key Techniques of Digital Tongue Diagnosis Software Based on Clinic Tongue Images;基于临床舌像的客观化舌诊数字系统关键技术研究

3.Dialectical Medicine Instrument of Objective Tongue and Pulse Inspection and Interaction and Neural Network of Computer for Cardiovascular and Cerebravascular Diseases;心脑血管系统疾病舌脉客观化互动式神经网络辨证诊疗系统

4.Tongue Manifestation Based on Spectral Method基于光谱的中医舌色客观化方法初探

5.Lingual diagnosis is a diagnostic technique by observing the texture, color, and moisture of the coating and substance of the tongue.舌诊是运用视觉观察病人舌苔和舌质两个部分的形态、色泽、润色等变化的诊断方法。

6.The objective study on color inspection on chronic liver failure with HBV慢性乙型重型肝炎肝脾血瘀证色诊客观化研究

7.Further evidence-based investigation with regards to neonatal and dental fields is needed.舌系带黏连的诊断与治疗须要更多新生儿科与小儿牙科的调查研究,期盼能给父母亲们客观的建议。

8.To impart reality to; make objective; externalize.使客观化使具体化;使客观;使客观化,使具体化

9.The condition or quality of being external or externalized.客观性客观的或使客观化的条件或性质

10.Diagnosis of dysbacteria in rats with ulcerative colitis and observation of treatment with compound ShuShe(Ganoderma lipsiense)实验性大鼠溃疡性结肠炎菌群失调的诊断及复方树舌的治疗观察

11.Early evaluation of osteoarthritis using objective diagnostic methods早期骨性关节炎客观诊断方法的评价

12.The Objective Intervention Methods of Tongue Image Forming and Its Research on the Usage of the Damp Heat Syndrome of the Sleen and Stomach;舌象图像生成客观干预方法与在脾胃湿热证的运用研究

13.Applied anatomy and cast observation in lingual arterial chemoembolization经舌动脉药物灌注化疗的应用解剖及铸型观测

14.External Application of Meihuadianshe Pill for Management of Chemotherapy-induced Phlebitis梅花点舌丹外敷治疗化疗致静脉炎的效果观察

15.To make objective or impersonal;objectify.客观化使…客观化,使…脱离感情色彩;使具体化

16.This method has provided a reliable objective evi-dence for the clinical diagnosis and treatment of thiscondition.此法能为临床诊断和治疗提供客观的依据。

17.The Research on the Diagnostic Values of Observations of the Lung Cancer Patient s Sublingual Venae;舌下络脉望诊对肺癌的诊断价值研究

18.Value Study on Traditional Chinese Medicine Tongue Diagnose of Lung Cancer中医舌诊对肺癌的诊断应用价值研究


Researches of making four diagnoses of TCM objective四诊客观化研究

3)tongue characterization舌诊客观化

1.This paper investigates the use of image analysis techniques fortongue characterization by evaluating visual features obtained from images.本文对中医舌诊客观化涉及的图像分析技术进行了研究 ,提出了舌图像的彩色校正、舌体区域分割、舌质与舌苔特征分析、舌象裂纹分析等一系列实用的算法 ,并通过研制的中医舌象分析仪的临床应用证明了这些算法的有效

2.The accuracy of tongue diagnosis can be improved bytongue characterization.本项目是国家自然基金项目--“舌体三维传热与传统医学的相关性”的一个子项,其目的是要对中医舌诊客观化涉及的舌体湿度测量进行研究,研制出一种新型的舌体湿分含量测量仪,辅助中医辨证施治,并为舌体三维温度场的计算提供客观数据。

4)characterization of tongue diagnosis舌诊客观化

5)diagnostic objectification诊断客观化

6)objective diagnosis客观化诊断


