100字范文 > 中医四诊 four diagnostic methods of TCM英语短句 例句大全

中医四诊 four diagnostic methods of TCM英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-30 07:24:05


中医四诊 four diagnostic methods of TCM英语短句 例句大全

中医四诊,four diagnostic methods of TCM

1)four diagnostic methods of TCM中医四诊

1.Aim:To explore the application value offour diagnostic methods of TCM of HIV/AIDS patients by principal components analysis.目的:应用主成分分析方法对HIV/AIDS患者中医四诊信息进行分析。


1.Applying the Four Diagnosis Methods of Chinese Medicine to University Basketball Training;中医四诊在普通高校篮球训练中的运用

2.Investigation and Confirm Atory Factor Analysis Methods in Patients with Cough Variant Asthma;咳嗽变异型哮喘中医四诊信息调查及CFA分析

3.The Enlightement for the Reseach of TCM Diagnosis Machine from the Machine Used in Oriental Sixiang Medicine in Korea韩医“四象”诊断仪对中医诊断仪器研发启示

4.Ten Preliminary Study of Clinical Application of TCM Reasonable Thought in Four Diagnostics of Ophthalmology中医理性思维在眼科四诊临床应用的初步探讨

5.The doctor says that TCM uses four methods to diagnose diseases, which respectively are: the inspection, smelling and listening, interrogation and palpation.申屠医师介绍说,中医采用四种方法诊断疾病,即望,闻,问,切。

6.The Comparison Research that the Diagnosis of Chinese Medicine and the Diagnosis of Dai s Medicine;中医诊断学与傣医诊断学的比较研究

7.Discussion of teaching diagnostics of Chinese medicine of the Chinese medicine integrated with Western medicine specialty;中西医结合专业中医诊断学教学探讨

8.Value Study on Traditional Chinese Medicine Tongue Diagnose of Lung Cancer中医舌诊对肺癌的诊断应用价值研究

9.Unfortunately, the new cases being found in medical center often present with a TNM stage III or IV level leading to a low 5-year survival.遗憾的是,越来越多在医学中心诊断出的新病例皆是属于口腔癌分期的第三期及第四期。

10.Discussed Shallowly the Chinese Medicine"interrogates"and the Medical Trouble Relations Communication浅谈中医“问诊”与医患关系的沟通

11.Reform of Western diagnostics teaching in TCM colleges and universities中医药院校西医诊断学教学改革探讨

12.Research on Human Resource Distribution in Emergency Department in Urban Hospitals of Sichuan Province;四川省二级以上医院急诊科人力资源配置

13.Patients" Self-diagnoses and Doctors" Responses in Chinese Clinical Interviews中国门诊交际中病人的自我诊断和医生的回应

14.Diagnosis and rehabilitation of exercise fatigue by Chinese medicine;运动性疲劳的中医诊断与中医药恢复研究

15.Bettering interrogation contents and methods in the teaching of Chinese Diagnostics;关于改进中医诊断学“问诊”内容与方法的思考

16.Study on the relationship of tongue inspection,pulse diagnosis with the result of coronary angiography冠脉造影结果与中医舌诊脉诊关系研究

17.Robotics technology in the instrumentation of traditional Chinese medicine treatment机器人技术在中医诊疗仪器中的应用

18.The Constituent Ratio of Depressive Disorder in the Outpatient Services in General Hospital in Shenyang and Investigation of Psysician s Diagnostic Status;沈阳市综合医院门诊患者中抑郁障碍构成比和医生诊断状况调查


information of four diagnostic methods中医四诊信息

3)TCM diagnosis中医诊断

1.Application of De-noising to TCM Diagnosis Image Using Wavelet Transform;小波变换在中医诊断图像中去噪处理的应用

2.Application of data mining based on Caché database inTCM diagnosis;基于Caché数据库的中医诊断数据挖掘应用研究

3.It expresses that implementingTCM diagnosis research taking the unified architecture of symptoms, syndrome elements and differentia- tion as a break through point, is an achievable objective.基于数据挖掘技术对证素辨证研究实验平台构建的基本思路、方法以及相关技术的研究,表达了以"证候-证素-证型辨证统一体系"为切入点开展中医诊断研究的可达到的目标,为科学深入地开展中医诊断研究提供了一种思路。

4)visual diagnostics中医色诊

5)TCM pulse diagnosis中医脉诊

6)diagnosis/Chinese medicine诊断/中医


