100字范文 > 归责原则 doctrine of liability fixation英语短句 例句大全

归责原则 doctrine of liability fixation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-12 11:59:38


归责原则 doctrine of liability fixation英语短句 例句大全

归责原则,doctrine of liability fixation

1)doctrine of liability fixation归责原则

1.Economic analysis ondoctrine of liability fixation in tort;侵权行为归责原则的经济分析

2.Study ondoctrine of liability fixation and legal effects of violating incidental obligation;论合同附随义务违反的归责原则与法律后果


1.Definition of liability doctrines and the liability doctrines of the infringement law in China;归责原则的界定与我国侵权法的归责原则

2.New Textual Research on Principle of Liability--the development trend of fault-liability;民事责任归责原则新论——过错推定规则的演进:现代归责原则的发展

3.Study on Principle of Liability Attribution of Tort Liability in Road Traffic Accident;道路交通事故侵权责任归责原则研究

4.The Study of Law Question on the Principle of International Product Liability Fixation;国际产品责任归责原则法律问题研究

5.On the Doctrine of Liability Fixation of Civil Liability of Certification Authorities;论电子认证机构民事责任的归责原则

6.Thinking on the Determinative Principle to Carrier s Liability in Carriage of Goods by Sea;对海上承运人责任之归责原则的思考

7.The Elements and Liability-attributing Rule of The Infringment of Patent;专利侵权民事责任的构成和归责原则

8.On Principles of Responsibility in China s Road Traffic accidents;我国道路交通事故责任归责原则刍议

9.The Civil Responsibility of Environmental Pollution in Building Construction;建筑施工环境污染民事责任归责原则

10.Research on Inputation Principle of the Administrative Legal Responsibility in Marine Environment海洋环境行政法律责任归责原则研究

11.Discuss the Imputative Principle and the Implementation of Strict Liability in Criminal Law论刑法中严格责任的归责原则及适用

12.Development and Perfection of Product Liability Principle in China我国产品责任归责原则的发展与完善

13.On the Reconstruction of the State Compensation Liability--China principle and the principle of the French National Compensation Liability Compared;论国家赔偿归责原则的重构——中法国家赔偿归责原则之比较

14.Fault Liability──A Perpetual and Universal Principle for Attribution in the Civil Law;合同法的归责原则探讨──兼论我国《合同法》的归责原则

15.No-error Responsbility in Civil Responsbility Attribution;浅谈民事责任归责原则中的无过错责任

16.System of Imputation Principles of Infringement Liability for Absolute Right And its Liability Undertaking;绝对权侵权责任归责原则体系及其责任承担

parative Study on Trademark Infringement and Its Liability Principle;商标侵权行为及其归责原则比较研究

18.Analysis of Liability-attributing Rule of Copyright Infringement in Digital Library;数字图书馆版权侵权行为的归责原则


imputation principle归责原则

1.Study on Tort Law Imputation Principle;侵权行为法归责原则研究

2.As the development of legal practice of environmental tort in the countries,today"simputation principle of environmental derives from the socialized process which the experiences ofimputation principles are from fault liability into fair responsibility into liability without fault.随着各国环境侵权法律实践的发展,环境侵权的归责原则演绎出“过失责任-公平责任-无过失责任”的社会化之路。

3.The Reasonable Persons Criterion and the kind-hearted Father Criterion are the general standard for the traditional tortimputation principle to judge whether the actors is fault."合理人标准"或"善良家父标准"是传统侵权归责原则判断行为人是否有过错的一般性标准。

3)criterion of liability归责原则

1.Most scholars believe thatcriterion of liability of environmental tort is only liability for negligence.目前大部分学者认为 ,环境侵权民事责任的归责原则是单一的无过错责任原则。

2.Relatedcriterion of liability are various.目前我国有关交通事故的立法严重滞后,理论界和实务部门对铁路交通事故归责原则众说纷纭。

3.Thecriterion of liability is one of the most important problems in the field of the intellectual property infringement,while laws in China do not have relevant regulations to it.知识产权侵权的归责原则是知识产权侵权领域的一个核心问题。

4)liability principle归责原则

1.On theliability principle in tort law;论侵权行为法的归责原则

2.The authors have proposedliability principles as guidelines for solving the problems due to the contract breach of project management engineer.对监理的履约、违约行为方式以及监理违约责任的适用归责原则进行了较为深入的研究 ,探讨了现行法律法规存在的问题 ,并就相关问题提出了自己的看法。

3.This paper discusses the concept,the right subject,the duty subject,theliability principle and the main factors of the product liability of software.本文分别就软件产品责任的概念、权利主体、义务主体、归责原则和构成要件进行了分

5)responsibility principle归责原则

1.Based on the conviction that the study of theresponsibility principle is of great significance in the judgment of whether the suspect should take the responsibility as stipulated by the civil law, the paper analyses theresponsibility principle from the perspectives of civil law, copy rights, the TRIPs regulations and China s relevant laws.探讨知识产权侵权行为的归责原则,对确定侵权人应否承担民事责任很重要。

2.This article probes into theresponsibility principle of the operator, responsibility limitation and corresponding problem produced under the harbor regulation .文章围绕《港口货物作业规则》施行后 ,海上货物运输港口经营人责任制度的变化 ,海上货物运输港口经营人归责原则、责任期间、责任限制以及产生的相应问题进行了思考与探讨。

3.Applyingresponsibility principle is the core of infringement act with practical significance.归责原则是侵权行为法理论的核心,归责原则的适用则是一项具有很强现实意义的课题。

6)attribution principle归责原则

1.On theattribution principle of military administrative compensation军事行政赔偿归责原则初探

2.The author further explains the composing elements of the civil liability, including the category of this infringement, causality,attribution principle and damages.本文主要研究证券侵权民事责任,从我国证券侵权民事责任的现状入手,阐述充分发挥证券侵权民事责任的内在功能、完善我国证券侵权民事责任制度的意义,进一步对证券侵权民事责任的构成要件进行分析,包括侵权行为的类型、因果关系、归责原则、损害事实等方面进行分析,从理论和实践上为投资者维护自己的利益提出一些观点。

3.The liability for beach of contract is an important system in the Contract Law,theattribution principle of which is the essential and core content of the system.违约责任是合同法中的一项重要的制度,而违约责任的归责原则是该制度的本质和核心内容。


