100字范文 > 土建设计 civil engineering design英语短句 例句大全

土建设计 civil engineering design英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-17 13:59:59


土建设计 civil engineering design英语短句 例句大全

土建设计,civil engineering design

civil design土建设计

1.Volume-expanding reform andcivil design of 3~# BF at Baotou Steel;包钢3号高炉扩容改造及土建设计

3)Design management of civil construction土建设计管理

4)civil design criterion土建设计准则

5)3D design of structure土建结构三维设计

1.Due to slower3D design of structure is restricting in 3D design application of process,and becoming to bottle neck of 3D design.三维设计在电力、石油、石化系统中已经得到广泛应用并取得了显著成绩,但土建结构三维设计的严重滞后已经愈发明显的限制了工艺专业三维设计的应用,成为三维设计的瓶颈。

6)design and construction设计建设

1.Taking a domestic waste landfill site in China as an example,the article has a discussion on overseasdesign and construction concepts in dealing with the relations between filling and excavating by stages and zones in combination with boundary road embankment ditches in landfill sitedesign and construction,and makes comparisons with the domestic design concepts.以我国某生活垃圾填埋场为例,论述国外在填埋库区设计建设中处理分期分区、填挖关系、边界路堤沟结合等方面的设计建设理念,并结合国内设计方面的理念作了有益的比较。


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