100字范文 > 土建工程 civil engineering英语短句 例句大全

土建工程 civil engineering英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-18 17:41:29


土建工程 civil engineering英语短句 例句大全

土建工程,civil engineering

1)civil engineering土建工程

1.Application of chemical fiber incivil engineering;化学纤维材料在土建工程中的应用

2.How to carry out insurance and claim work incivil engineering;浅谈如何做好土建工程的保险与索赔工作

3.Review on several problems in the implementation of the internationalcivil engineering construction contracts of Ertan Hydropower Station;二滩水电站土建工程国际合同实施中若干问题的反思


1.builder"s works承建商负责的工程;屋宇装备配合工程;土建工程

2.On combination of electrical engineering installation and civil engineering浅析建筑电气安装工程与土建工程的施工配合

3.The teaching conception on the direction of traffic and civil engineering in the speciality of civil engineering;土木工程专业交通土建工程方向的教学构想

4.The Strategy of Construction Coordination of Equipment Installation Engineering and Civil Engineering设备安装工程与土建工程的施工配合策略浅析

5.The technical management of electrical installation engineering adapted with civil engineering construction电气安装工程配合土建工程施工的技术管理

6.Simple view about claim in domestic hydroproject construction;浅谈国内水利水电土建工程施工索赔

7.Discussions on Common Problems in Construction of Civil Engineering of Power Substation and the Counter Measures变电所土建工程施工常见问题及对策

8.The application of the FCB,especially in road engineering is also presented.列举了它在土建工程、特别是交通土建工程中的主要应用领域。

9.Underground Engineering Construction in Soft Clay--Civil Engineering of Shanghai Metro Xujiahui Station;软粘土中地下工程施工——上海地铁徐家汇车站的土建工程

10.building and civil engineering construction contractor建筑及土木工程承建商

11.Best Civil Works Site Award最佳土木工程建造地盘

12.Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction土木建筑工程承包合同

13.On the construction of geo-environmental engineering curriculum system on civil engineering aspect土木工程专业环境岩土工程课程建设探讨

14.A laborer, especially one employed in construction or excavation projects.挖土工壮工,尤指被雇干建筑业或掘土工程的人

15.Specification for investigation of geotechnical engineering of tall buildings高层建筑岩土工程勘察规程

16.A Study on the Reform of the Course "Construction Material" in Civil Engineering;土木工程专业建筑材料课程改革探索

17.A Tentative Research on the Construction and Application of the New Course System on Budgetary Estimate of Civil Engineering in Adult Education;构建成教土木工程专业课程体系初探

18.Content of Construction: CIvil work, Steel Structure Work, Installation Work, Commissioning, Construction and Purchase Management.工程土建施工、结构、装、验、程施工及采购管理。


Civil works土建工程

1.has successfully brought the cost of civil works under well control and made the project meet the targets set for both schedule and quality.周宁水电站建设单位通过加强工程招标、合同变更处理、索赔处理、工程价款审核与支付及竣工结算等方面的管理工作,使土建工程造价得到了控制,同时也保证了工程进度、质量目标的实现。

3)civil works土建工程,建筑工程

4)earth-instruction demand土建工程要求

5)Environment Civil Engineering环境土建工程

1.Discussion on Teaching Reform ofEnvironment Civil Engineering;关于《环境土建工程》教学改革的探讨

6)civil engineering土木建筑工程


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