100字范文 > 土建类 civil engineering英语短句 例句大全

土建类 civil engineering英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-11 20:47:00


土建类 civil engineering英语短句 例句大全

土建类,civil engineering

1)civil engineering土建类

1.Practice and exploration of teaching material construction of higher vocational education in the speciality ofcivil engineering;土建类专业高等职业教育教材建设的实践与探索


1.Displine Construction Promoting Construction of Civil Engineering;以学科建设为龙头,推动土建类名牌专业建设

2.The Teaching Team Building for the Course of Construction Regulation in Civil Engineering Colleges土建类高校《建设法规》课程师资队伍建设刍议

3.How to Exploit CAI System in the Instruction of Architecture Engineering Graphics;土建类工程图学CAI课件设计与研制

4.Research and practice of higher vocational education in the specialty of civil engineering;土建类专业高等职业教育实践与探索

5.On compilation of the textbooks of civil engineering towards 21th century;面向21世纪土建类教材编写的思考

6.The Theory and Practice of Talent Training of Civil Engineering in Local College土建类人才创新与就业能力培养探索

7.Using the "inverse method" to develop the plan for training the students of the civil engineering major to be applied professionals;“逆向法”构建应用型土建类人才培养方案

8.Promoting the Construction Level of Civil Engineering Specialty at Local Colleges Through Professional Assessments;以专业评估促进地方院校土建类专业建设

9.On Constructing the Platform of Structural Design Competition and Training Innovation Talents of Civil Engineering;构建结构设计竞赛平台,培养土建类创新人才

10.Construction of the Specialty-Extensivity-Combined Curriculum System of the Architectural and Civil Engineering Major in Higher Vocational Education;高职土建类专业“宽专”结合课程体系的建设

11.Discussion on the Course Reform of Construction Laws in the Civil Engineering University土建类高校《建设法规》课程教学方法改革刍议

12.Curriculum Structure System Construction of Civil Engineering Specialty Based on Combination of Working and Learning基于工学结合的土建类专业课程结构体系建设

13.The Construction and Reform of Building Materials Course in Higher Vocational Education;高职教育土建类专业《建筑材料》课程建设与改革探析

14.A Study on the Quality Evaluation of College Graduates Majoring in Civil Engineering Based on AHP Method;基于AHP法的土建类大学毕业生质量评价研究

15.The Preliminary Discussion About the Procedure Management of the Civil Engineering Majors Graduation Design;土建类专业本科学生毕业设计过程管理探析

16.Exploration of Practice Instructional Implementation Method of Civil Architecture Major in Distance Education of Yunnan TV University;开放教育土建类专业实践性教学实施方法探讨

17.A Discuss on Strengthening the Training of Practice of Students in Civil Engineering of Higher Occupational School;土建类高职学生加强实践能力培养的探讨

18.Civil Engineering "2+1" Teaching Mode in Practice And Cognition at Higher Vocational Polytechnic Institute;高职土建类专业“2+1”教学模式的实践与认识


Civil engineering major土建类专业

1.A survey report on the practical teaching of civil engineering major in Russian institutions of higher learning;俄罗斯高等院校土建类专业实践教学调查研究报告

3)civil engineering undergraduates土建类本科

1.In comparing training mode,training plan,running idea in civil engineering schools with those of domestic and abroad,a reasonable orientation of our school was explored,therefore the training mode,training goal and corresponding course system for our owncivil engineering undergraduates can be obtained.通过对比国内外土建类本科院校的培养模式、培养计划、办学思想,探讨我校土木与交通工程学院的合理定位,得出土建类本科生的培养模式、培养目标及相应课程体系的建设。

4)textbooks of civil engineering土建类教材

1.On compilation of thetextbooks of civil engineering towards 21th century;面向21世纪土建类教材编写的思考

5)the civil engineering university土建类高校

1.With the marketing,legislation and internationalization of building industry,the civil engineering university offers the course of Construction Laws in educational program for civil engineering talents.随着我国建筑产业市场化、法制化、国际化的发展趋势,作为培养土建类专业人才的土建类高校已将建设法规课程纳入到专业教育课程体系之中。

6)Architecture Engineering Graphics土建类工程图学

1.How to Exploit CAI System in the Instruction ofArchitecture Engineering Graphics;土建类工程图学CAI课件设计与研制


