100字范文 > 单面点焊 single sided spot welding英语短句 例句大全

单面点焊 single sided spot welding英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-16 01:09:03


单面点焊 single sided spot welding英语短句 例句大全

单面点焊,single sided spot welding

1)single sided spot welding单面点焊

1.In the tube-sheetsingle sided spot welding(SSSW) process,welding quality is affected by welding deformation significantly.针对管板单面电阻点焊过程中接头变形对焊接质量影响较大的问题,通过电极位移曲线分析了管板单面点焊的变形过程以及工艺参数对接头变形和力学性能的影响,并利用伺服焊枪的可变电极力特性,研究了变电极力对管板单面点焊焊接质量的影响。


1.Study on Single-side Spot Welding Technology for BT20 Titanium Alloy SheetBT20钛合金板材单面点焊工艺研究

2.monoside twin shots welder(KD-16)单面双点点焊机(KD-16)

3.monoside twin shots welder(KD-17)单面双点点焊机(kd-17)

4.Drawer bodies will have bottom and sides formed into one piece center section. Front and back panels are spot-welded to center section.抽屉底部和两边为单片设计。前、板面为点焊。

5.Effect of variable electrode force on weld formation of sheet to tube joining with single-sided spot welding变电极力对管板单面电阻点焊形核的影响

6.The Research of Single Face Welding-Double Face Forming Automatic Welding Equipment;单面焊双面成形自动焊接设备的研制

7.narrow gap one-side automatic welding窄间隙单面自动电弧焊

8.Forming Process Research on Joint Vertical Welding from Single-face to Double-face of Low-alloy Steel Plate低合金钢板对接立焊单面焊双面成形工艺研究

9.Application of Single-Welding-Shaping-Two-Sides Technology in Welding of Tanker Metal Tank单面焊双面成型工艺在罐体焊接中的应用

10.Static Analysis for Weld-Bonded Single-Lap Shear Joint with Multiple Weldspots多焊点情况下胶焊单搭接头的静力分析

11.SnAgCuBi-Solder Alloy Development and Its Joint Interfacial Behavior Study;SnAgCuBi系无铅焊料的开发及其焊点界面行为的研究

12.Development of Constant Current Controller with Dual-CPU for Spot Welding;单片机提高点焊恒流控制精度的探索

13.Influence of Phosphorus on Reliability of Interface between Au/Ni/Cu Pad and SnAgCu Solder JointP对Au/Ni/Cu焊盘与SnAgCu焊点焊接界面可靠性的影响

14.One-side welded bed plate for flanges in marineGB/T11693-1994船用法兰焊接单面座板

15.The Microstructure and Mechanical Property of Lead-free Solder/copper Single Crystal Interface;铜单晶体/无铅焊料的界面组织与性能

16.The Application of Mixed Gas Shielded Welding from One Side for Double Surface of Steel Sheet;混合气体保护单面焊双面成形自动焊在薄板中的应用

17.Study on the Numerical Simulation for Resistance Spot Welding with Rectangular Tip Electrode;矩形端面电极电阻点焊数值模拟研究

18.The Establishment and Solution of a Shape Model of Soldered Joints of Surface Mount表面组装焊点形态模型的建立及求解


series spot welding单面多点点焊

3)one side two spot welder单面双点点焊机

4)Single-face double point resistance welding单面两点电阻焊

5)single-sided argon arc spot welding machine单面氩弧点焊机

6)bridge spot welding单面搭板点焊


