100字范文 > 点焊设备 spot welding equipment英语短句 例句大全

点焊设备 spot welding equipment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-31 22:05:39


点焊设备 spot welding equipment英语短句 例句大全

点焊设备,spot welding equipment

1)spot welding equipment点焊设备

1.By analyzing the current management situation of equipments in FAW Car Welding workshop, the paper represents a detailed study of monitoring methods for resistance spot welding process parameters, and designs a monitoring system for thespot welding equipments based on LabVIEW.电阻点焊是现代汽车车身装配生产中最主要的焊接方法,为了提高生产效率,对点焊设备工作状态进行实时监测是非常必要的。


1.Research on Condition Monitoring of Spot Welding Equipment Based on LabVIEW基于LabVIEW的点焊设备状态监测系统研究

2.Locator Optimization for Resistance-spot-welding Fixtures电阻点焊焊装夹具定位点的优化设计

3.production line and technology for manufacturing electrode电焊条生产技术及设备

4.nozlle for atomic hydrogen hand welding equipment原子氢手工焊设备喷嘴

5.The Research of Single Face Welding-Double Face Forming Automatic Welding Equipment;单面焊双面成形自动焊接设备的研制

6.Development of the Longitudinal Seam Welding Equipment Used for Automobile Rear Axle;全自动汽车车桥直焊缝焊接设备研究

7.Design of Welding Equipment for Cu-Al Pipe Joint Used in Refrigeration Plant;制冷设备Cu-Al管接头焊接设备的设计

8.Design of Dust Cleaning Equipment of Twin Deposition Electrode Arc Welding;双熔敷极焊条电弧焊除尘净化设备设计

9.Safety requirements for are welding equipment Part 11: Electrode holdersGB15579.11-1998弧焊设备安全要求第11部分:电焊钳

10.Safety requirements for arc welding equipment--Part 1: Welding power sourcesGB15579-1995弧焊设备安全要求第1部分:焊接电源

11.Fair of the Welding New Machine and welding Equipment in the Chengdu焊接新设备和焊接器材展览会在成都隆重举行

12.Development of China Welding Exposition and welding equipment profession;中国焊接博览会与我国焊接设备行业的发展

13.Research on Dual-torch Automatic Welding Machine and Process for Long-distance Pipeline Construction长输管道双焊炬全位置自动焊设备及工艺研究

14.Cause of Welding Cracks for Ti Equipment and Its Process Optimization in Winter冬季施焊钛设备焊接裂纹成因及其工艺优化

15.CRC automatic welding equipment and procedure in pipeline construction管道施工中的CRC自动焊设备和焊接工艺

16.Development and Achievements of Korea Welding Equipment and Welding Materials韩国焊接设备及焊接材料的发展与成就

17.The Design and Development of the Electrical Control System for SMT Solder-reflow Machines;SMT回流焊设备电控系统的设计开发

18.Design and Experimental Research of Tools Used in Friction Stir Welding for High Melting Point Materials;高熔点材料搅拌摩擦焊用焊具设计及试验研究


contact spot welding equipment接触点焊设备

3)welding equipment焊接设备

1.The situation analysis of import & exportwelding equipment in the 90 s;90年代进出口焊接设备情况分析

2.A special purpose automaticwelding equipment was designed and developed according to the requirement of thick-thin steel plates welding of container crane box beam.根据集装箱吊车箱形梁中厚薄板焊接要求,设计了一台专用自动焊接设备。

3.The components, energy-saving effect and producing process of thewelding equipment were described, and the application of TLP bonding in the future was also analyzed.以管道感应加热瞬时液相扩散焊新工艺为引导,叙述了开放式管道感应加热瞬时液相扩散焊接工艺的特点及优势,对开放式瞬时液相扩散焊接机的组成、节能效果及本焊接设备的开发研制过程进行了描述,并对新型开放式瞬时液相扩散焊接工艺及设备的应用前景进行了分析。

4)arc welding equipment弧焊设备

1.Research situation for electromagnetic compatibility ofarc welding equipment;国内弧焊设备电磁兼容性研究进展

2.Suppression technology of input current harmonic and conducted electro-magnetic emission forarc welding equipment弧焊设备网侧电流谐波和传导发射的抑制技术

5)brazing equipment钎焊设备

1.A 5kW light beambrazing equipment has been developed and tested.研制和试验了功率为5kW的聚焦光束钎焊设备。

2.For resolving the flaws and capacity lacks of traditional MCM substrate equipment,we have developed a new type of vacuumbrazing equipment.面对传统MCM基板生产设备的缺陷和产能的不足,开发了新型的真空钎焊设备,很好地解决了产能和空洞率的问题,使得生产效率和产品质量都有了极大的提高。

6)oxyacetylene welding equipment气焊设备


