100字范文 > 点焊 spot welding英语短句 例句大全

点焊 spot welding英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-05 22:48:04


点焊 spot welding英语短句 例句大全

点焊,spot welding

1)spot welding点焊

1.Phase reconstruction and chaotic properties analysis of signal time series of electrode displacement during Al-alloysspot welding;铝合金点焊电极位移时序相空间重构及混沌特征分析

2.Nucleation mechanism ofspot welding galvanized steel sheet;镀锌钢板点焊形核机理的研究

3.Analysis on thespot welding parameter and welding structure of magnesium alloy;镁合金点焊工艺及焊缝组织分析


1.electrode ,metal contact, for welding machines电焊机金属接点焊条

2.Locator Optimization for Resistance-spot-welding Fixtures电阻点焊焊装夹具定位点的优化设计

3.monoside twin shots welder(KD-16)单面双点点焊机(KD-16)

4.monoside twin shots welder(KD-17)单面双点点焊机(kd-17)

5.Discussion on advantage of resistance spot welding using servo gun and MFDC伺服焊枪中频直流电阻点焊优势探讨

6.GMAW short-arc tack welds shall not be incorporated into the root pass.熔化极气体保护焊-短弧点焊焊缝不能与根部焊道合成一体。

7.pneumatic C type suspension shot welder气动C型悬挂式点焊机

8.spot-welded bar以点焊方法安装的铁枝

9.pneumatic pressing spot welder made in Japan日本空气加压D点焊机

10.electrostatic energy storage spot welder静电能量贮存式点焊机

11.TIG spot welding钨极惰性气体保护点焊

12.Study of Flux for Microelectronics Soldering and Microstructure of Solder Joint;微电子焊接助焊剂及其焊点组织研究

13.The joint formed by welding.焊接点通过焊接形成的接合点

14.To solder(two pieces of metal)together using a hard solder with a high melting point.硬焊用高熔点的硬质焊锡将(两块金属)焊在一起

15.Application and Characteristic of Shielded Flux Cored Arc Down Welding Technology药芯焊丝自保护焊下向焊技术的特点及其应用

16.solder that contains copper; melts at a relatively high temperature; used for brazing.含铜的焊料,熔点较高,用于铜焊。

17.hydromatic welder水力导向焊条顺序夹持多点电焊机

18.Multi-spot Hot-bar Soldering Process Parameters Optimization多焊点Hot-bar锡焊工艺参数优化



1.Analysis of fractography and corrosion resistance ofspot-welding joints of AZ31B magnesium alloy;AZ31B镁合金点焊接头的断口特征和耐蚀性分析

2.Al_2O_3/Cu Composites Spot-welding Electrode Prepared by Internal Oxidation;内氧化法制备Al_2O_3/Cu点焊电极的装机试验

3.Spot-welding process experiment was conducted for AZ31B magnesium alloy,the structures and properties ofspot-welding joints in different process conditions were analysed.对AZ31B镁合金进行点焊工艺试验,并对不同工艺条件下获得的点焊接头进行了组织性能分析,在此基础上分析规范参数对镁合金点焊质量的影响规律,并确定出适合AZ31B镁合金点焊的工艺规范。

3)resistance spot welding点焊

1.Study on inner expulsion inresistance spot welding of magnesium alloy;镁合金电阻点焊内部喷溅产生的原因分析

2.Study on online and non-destructive quality estimation ofresistance spot welding;电阻点焊质量在线无损估测

3.Effect of TiC coating on electrode tip surface on electrode degradation duringresistance spot welding zinc coated steel;点焊镀锌钢板时电极表面熔敷TiC涂层对电极失效的影响

4)Spot weld点焊

1.New FE modeling approach to spot welding joints of automotive panels and applications车身覆盖件点焊结构虚拟节点建模及应用

2.Spot welds are the dominant joining method to make automotive bodies, for finite element analysis of body structure, A spot weld model must be establish.点焊是汽车车身结构常用的一种连接方式,为对这种结构进行有限元分析必须建立相应的点焊模型。

3.According to the edge detection theory based on modulus maxima of wavelet transform, an infinitely differentiable wavelet with good antisymmetry was deduced to extract the edges of defects from X ray spot weld inspection images.基于小波模极大值边缘检测原理 ,推导出一类具有良好反对称性的无限光滑小波并运用于点焊缺陷的边缘提取 。

5)spot welding gun点焊焊枪

6)point electrode点焊焊条


点焊点焊spot weldingd ionhon点焊(sPotwelding)利用工件电阻所产生的热在接触面上使母材熔化,并形成焊点的电阻焊方法。它是将焊件装配成搭接接头,并压紧在两电极之间,于低电压下通以大电流来进行的。点焊的焊接速度快,在薄板组件的大批量生产中适于自动化。它可以与其他制造工序一起编入组装线中。对操作技术要求低,在采用半自动机器单件加工中是经济的。但设备成本较高、维修难度大。搭接接头增加了产品的重量和成本,而且搭接形式载荷是偏心的,因而不能利用板材的全部强度。点焊常用于两块成分和厚度相同的金属薄板,也适用于两块以上成分厚度各异的金属连接。 ‘(卓忠玉)
