100字范文 > 电弧压力 arc pressure英语短句 例句大全

电弧压力 arc pressure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-17 10:14:47


电弧压力 arc pressure英语短句 例句大全

电弧压力,arc pressure

1)arc pressure电弧压力

1.High-frequency pulse modulated variable polarity welding power and itsarc pressure;高频脉冲变极性焊接电源及电弧压力分析

2.Analysis of twin-electrode TIG coupledarc pressure;双钨极氩弧焊耦合电弧压力分析

3.The results indicate that the T-TIG welding can avoid the defects of undercut and humping effectively in high current and high speed region on the basis of lowarc pressure.与常规钨极氩弧焊的对比分析表明,由于双钨极氩弧焊降低了电弧压力,提高了焊丝的熔敷率,因而在大电流高速度焊接时,极大地减少了凹坑、咬边等缺陷,实现了良好的焊缝成形,从而改善了常规钨极氩弧焊不适合大电流高速度焊接的不足,拓宽了钨极氩弧焊的使用范围,提高了焊接生产率。


1.Analysis of different welding conditions on variable polarity plasma arc pressure变极性等离子电弧压力的影响因素分析

2.low idle voltage arc-welding power supply低空载电压的弧焊电源

3.Synthesis of carbon nanotubes at different pressure by arc discharge and its characterization不同压力下碳纳米管的电弧法合成及其表征(英文)

4.Objection to “Elimination of Arcing Ground Over-voltage” by Arc Quenching Coil对消弧线圈“消除弧光接地过电压”的异议

5.Research and Simulation on Ground Arc Over-voltage of Wuhai Power System;乌海电网弧光接地过电压研究与仿真

6.Research on the Algorithms of Edge Detection on the Image of Apparatus Arc;低压电器电弧图像边缘检测算法研究

7.Secondary Arc Spectrum Characteristics on EHV Transmission Lines超高压输电线路的潜供电弧频谱特性

8.Research on low voltage electrical apparatus switching arc"s image gathering and enhancement低压电器开关电弧的图像采集与增强

9.Arc Ignition and Arc Extinguishing in Power Circuit Breaker电力开关中电弧的产生机理及其灭弧措施

10.Research on arc erosion of AgMeO contact with low voltage resistive load and small current at 50Hz and 400Hz50Hz和400Hz低压阻性小电流电弧对AgMeO触头电弧侵蚀的研究

11.Arc welding transformer against electric shock deviceGB/T10235-1988弧焊变压器防触电装置

12.The Research of Welding Arc Physical Characteristic in Hyperbaric TIG Welding;干式高压TIG焊接电弧物理特性的研究

13.Study of CrAlN Film Deposited by Pulsed Bias Arc Ion Plating;脉冲偏压电弧离子镀CrAlN薄膜性能研究

14.Fundamentals of Pulsed Bias Arc Ion Plating;脉冲偏压电弧离子镀的工艺基础研究

15.The Measurement of Disturbance Voltage and Radiated Emission for Arc Welding Equipment弧焊设备骚扰电压和辐射发射的测量

16.Simulation of PF arc grounding over-voltage based on MODELS基于MODELS的工频弧光接地过电压的仿真

17.Improvement of Hydraulic System for ZH-3000 Vacuum Consumable Electro-arc FurnaceZH-3000真空自耗电弧炉液压系统改进

parison of secondary arc extinction methods for UHV transmission lines特高压线路熄灭潜供电弧的方法比较


arc voltage电弧电压

1.The controlling research ofarc voltage of shielded metal arc welding;手工电弧焊电弧电压控制的研究

2.Effect ofarc voltage on arc stability of MIG welding;电弧电压对混合气体保护焊电弧稳定性的影响

3.Study on analyzing droplet transfer characterization byarc voltage fluctuation value;电弧电压变化量分析熔滴过渡特征的研究

3)arc voltage弧压,电弧压降

4)arcing voltage起弧电压

1.In order to solve the problem of high energy consumption in the process,the factors which affectarcing voltage of micro-arc oxidation on aluminum alloy were studied.针对目前微弧氧化技术中存在的电能消耗高的问题,对影响铝合金微弧氧化起弧电压的因素进行了研究,分析溶液成分和含量、工艺条件等因素对起弧电压的影响。

2.The influences of concentration of NaOH on thearcing voltages,characteristics of spark spot of the sample in microarc oxidation,the rate of c.通过改变NaOH的浓度研究其对微弧氧化的临界起弧电压、微弧氧化过程中试样表面火花形态、陶瓷膜的生长速率及陶瓷膜厚度的影响。

5)arc voltage弧电压

1.The torch can bring higherarc voltage with lower fluctuation by elongating the arc.该喷枪能够提高电弧电压并减小电弧电压波动。

6)arc starting voltage启弧电压


锅炉、压力容器、压力管道及特种设备定期检验锅炉、压力容器、压力管道及特种设备定期检验periodic inspection of boilers, pressure vessels, pressure piping and special equipmentguolu YOli侧飞扣1 YOli gLJal对印ji tez陌叩劝以拍1 dingqi】,on四n锅炉、压力容器、压力管道及特种设备定期检验(peri诫c inspectionof城le。,p~切reves-Sels,p~二piPing ands衅过闪uiplr屺nt)为保证设备的安全使用,规定设备必须按一定周期进行法定的、强制性的检验。定期检验由政府设立的检验所、使用单位或行业检验站进行。检验单位及检验人员必须具有与所检设备相适应的资格。设备使用单位应该建立定期检验制度,做好检验计划,按时向检验单位提出申请。检验单位应该保证及时进行检验,检验按有关检验规则进行。检验时,设备使用单位应做好配合工作,提供必要的运行资料。检验完毕,检验单位要出具检验报告,对设备能否使用,要作出明确结论。如设备有缺陷,要提出是否修理、监护使用和报废的处理意见。锅炉压力容器安全监察机构根据检验机构的报告,发使用许可证书。有缺陷的,责令使用单位修理,修理后检验仍不符合安全要求的,则通知报废。使用单位逾期不进行定期检验,锅炉压力容器安全监察机构有权停止其设备运行。(陈亦惠)
