100字范文 > 开关电弧 switching arc英语短句 例句大全

开关电弧 switching arc英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-24 03:39:28


开关电弧 switching arc英语短句 例句大全

开关电弧,switching arc

1)switching arc开关电弧

1.The Study on Movement Mechanism and Simulation of Low Voltage Apparatus Switching Arc低压电器开关电弧运动机理及仿真研究

2.Research on low voltage electrical apparatusswitching arc"s image gathering and enhancement低压电器开关电弧的图像采集与增强

3.It’s difficult to find contact from the image photographed by high-speed image sampling system because of the light reflection characteristics ofswitching arc, contact and interrupter.由于开关电弧的发光特性和电器触头系统及灭弧室的反光特性,使从高速图像采集系统拍摄到的图像中很难观察到电器触头。


1.Research on low voltage electrical apparatus switching arc"s image gathering and enhancement低压电器开关电弧的图像采集与增强

2.The Study on Movement Mechanism and Simulation of Low Voltage Apparatus Switching Arc低压电器开关电弧运动机理及仿真研究

3.Investigations on the Characteristics of Arc Forms and Diagnosis of Plasma Parameters in VCB真空开关电弧形态研究及其等离子体参数诊断

4.Arc Ignition and Arc Extinguishing in Power Circuit Breaker电力开关中电弧的产生机理及其灭弧措施

5.Study on the Arc Formation and Relevant Parameters in Circuit Breaker开关电器电弧形成及相关参数的研究

6.Study on Soft-switching Circuit of Half-bridge Arc Welding Inverter;半桥逆变弧焊电源软开关电路的研究

7.Development of Rotary Arc Gap-Switch in Axial Magnetic Field;轴向磁场控制的旋转电弧开关的研制

8.The arc structure design for internal malfunction of KYN28AKYN28A型开关柜内部故障的电弧结构设计

9.Suggestions of Carrying on Study of Decreasing Energy Consumption for EAF Steelmaking Process关于开展降低电弧炉炼钢工序能耗研究的建议

10.The Research on Full-Bridge Soft-Switching Power Supply for Microplasma Oxidation with Wide Range Output;宽范围输出全桥软开关微弧氧化电源研究

11.The Investigation of High Speed Grounding Switches on Secondary Arc in 800kV GIS;800kV GIS中采用快速接地开关抑制潜供电弧的研究

12.Research on High-power-factor & Soft-switching Arc-welding Inverter;高功率因数软开关逆变弧焊电源的研究

13.Arc Fault Management Using Solid State Switch in Aviation电弧故障检测在航空固态开关中的应用

14.Application of Arc-suppression Switch and Line Selection Device in the system of 6kv in No.30 Substation开关消弧及选线装置在变电站6kV系统中的应用

15.Investigation on Fuzzy Evaluation of Electrical Life and Electrical Arc Erosion Characteristics of Contact Materials of Switchgears Used in Coal Mines;矿用开关电器触头材料电弧侵蚀特性与电寿命的模糊评价研究

16.STUDY OF SWITCH-TYPE TRANSISTOR ARC WELDING POWER SOURCE--Mathematical analysis of work process of main circuit开关型晶体管弧焊电源的研究——主电路工作过程的数学分析

17.Arc Current-transferring Type Fault Current Limiter Based on High Speed Vacuum Switch基于快速真空开关的电弧电流转移型故障限流器

18.The Arc Protection System and Its Application to the Internal Fault of LV/MV Switchgear and the Busbar电弧光保护及其在中低压开关柜和母线保护中的应用



1.Experimental set-up of Vacuum switches arc (VSA) is designed in this paper, and an acquisition system ofVSA images is researched.设计了真空开关电弧试验装置,并对真空开关电弧图像采集系统进行了分析研究,对所采集得到的真空开关电弧图像利用Matlab进行了边缘检测、中值滤波、灰度增强处理。

3)switching-off arc开关断路电弧

4)Arc-suppression Switch消弧开关

5)Rotary arc gap-switch旋转电弧间隙开关

6)arc dissociation电弧断开


