100字范文 > 中考形容词和副词复习导学案_九年级英语教案


时间:2023-05-30 15:51:22




学科英语课题unit 7 3a


1. jinyong is one of the greatest and oldest_____ writer. he is still ______.(XX镇江)

a. living ; alive b. living; living c. alive ; living d. alive; alive

2. it has a strong smell in your room. you’d better keep the window ______. (XX 重庆)

a.open b. opens c. closes d. closed

3. ---what does your cousin look like now? (XX 福州)

---oh, he is much _____than before.

a.strong b. stronger c. strongest d. too strong

4. ---hi,tom. is your brother as active as you? (XX 威海)

---no, he’s a quiet boy. he is ______.

a. less outgoing than me b. not so calm as i

c. more active than i d. as outgoing as i

5. ---who is_____ basketball player in china now? is it yao ming? (XX怀化)

---no. it’s sun mingming.

a. tall b. taller c. the tallest

6. ----i don’t think math is so _____as physics, john. XX(烟台)

----i agree with you . it is _____than physics.

a. easy; less difficult b. difficult; less easy

c. difficult; less difficult d. more difficult; easier

7. the busier he is , the _____he feels. (XX天津)

a. happily b. happy c. happier d. more happy

8. though he has studied _____ at germany for ten months, he can still _____ speak german.

a. hard; hard b. hardly; hardly c. hard; hardly d. hardly; hard

9. health is very important to us. we should eat more vegetables and fruit instead of _____ meat.

a. too much b. much too c. very much d. much very

10. i think jack does his homework _____ than his sister.

a. careful b. more carefully c. carefully d. more careful

11. lucy said she hadn’t heard ______ music before.

a. such a beautiful piece of b. a beautiful c. so beautiful a d. such a wonderful

12. i can’t say ______ i want to see you again. it’s a year since i last saw you.

a. how often b. how long c. how much d. how soon

三 .小结:形容词与副词的用法

四 .作业:完成今天的课时作业

目 标1.专项复习形容词与副词的转化及用法


重 点

难 点形容词与副词的转化及用法

内 容 设 计 区 导学设计、


一.语法聚焦:1、形容词与副词的同级比较: 由“as(so)…as”引出,其否定式为“not so…”或“not as…as”,

2、表示“几倍于”的比较级:用twice (两倍),four times (四倍),ten times (十倍)加上as … as 结构

this one is four times as big as that one. 这个是那个的四倍大。(这个比那个大三倍。) our campus is three times as large as yours. 我们的校园比你们的大两倍。
