100字范文 > 九年级英语下册Module1导学案_九年级英语教案


时间:2024-04-21 17:22:40



module1 第一课时 (unit 1)

目标: 1、会读单词,能默写重要单词和短语

2、能听懂读懂对话内容并能找出重点句。 3、能掌握6个语言点

一 课前预习与展示: 写出下列unit1表达的中英文含义

飞机____________ 客车____________ 步骤______________交通方式______________

like most___________ like least ___________ use most often ___________

use least often___________ form_________ not bad__________

困难的___________ 春节______________¬¬¬¬_ 最繁忙的季节_________________

回程__________________说英语的剧院_________________ 在…结束时_____________________

二 课堂活动

1 听力训练 (填数字)课本p2 activity 3

2 快速阅读 完成课本p3 activity 5 的表格

3 阅读理解 根据课文对话,选择答案

1) lingling’s trip back to henan was ___________. a. very good b. very long c. very short

2) why is travel so difficult in winter? ___________. a. harvest b. travelling c. spring festival

3) which of the following is not mentioned?____________

a. school trip b. party c. photo competition

4 重要句子朗读与翻译

1. the train was full of people.

2. why is travel so difficult in winter? it"s the busiest season in china because of spring festival.

3. we had quite a good time in beijing. we went sightseeing by bus and by taxi.

4. we have got exams at the end of the term.

5. there are plenty of fun things to do this term, (such as )the school trip, and the

school leavers’ party. ww


1. 关于“因为”: because: 后加_______________, 不能与_____________连用。

because of:后加______________,

thanks to: 后加______________,

2. 关于“充满”:

full:形容词, 意思是“满的”; a满是b:______________________________

fill:动词, 意思是“去装满” ; 用a装满b________________ b被a装满________________

①be filled with侧重于动作和装的东西: the basketball is filled with apples by the old man.

②be full of 侧重于状态: the bottle is full of water.

3. 关于“end”: 在…末:__________________, 后可加时间或地点。
