100字范文 > 九年级英语毕业专项复习教案 学案 讲义及专项训练---形容词 副词

九年级英语毕业专项复习教案 学案 讲义及专项训练---形容词 副词

时间:2019-11-28 16:32:25


九年级英语毕业专项复习教案 学案 讲义及专项训练---形容词 副词






⑴作定语时放在名词的前面,且音节少的词放在音节多的词之前。如:abig yellow woodenwheel(一个黄色的大木轮)

⑵作表语时放在连系动词之后。如:The price soundsreasonable.(这个价格听起来算是合理)

⑶作宾语补足语时放在宾语之后。如:We must try our best to keep our environmentclean.(我们必须尽力保持我们的环境清洁)


①修饰复合不定代词时放在代词之后。如:Somethingserioushas happened to him.(他发生了严重的事故)

②与表示“长、宽、高、重、老、远离”的词连用时形容词后置。如:He’s 1.8 metrestall.(他身高1.8米。)The moon is about 380,000 kilometresawayfrom the earth.(月球离地38万公里)










today, tomorrow,


here, there,

very, too,



too, also,

yesterday, now,


home, below,




nor, so,

then, early, late,



rather, quite,



as, on,off,

once, soon, just,


above, outside,

how, so,




tonight, long,


in, inside, out,

much, just,



yes, no,

already, yet, before,


back, up, down,

nearly, only


however, etc.

not, neither

ago, later, ever since


away, off, far,

almost, hardly,




after, whenever


near, nearby,

as long as等,




first, someday,



even, all,

why, how


sometime, last,


a little, a bit




①时间副词:一般放在句首或句尾,注意,early、late、before、later、yet等一般放在句尾,already、just一般放在动词的前面。如:We will visit the Great Walltomorrow.(我们明天要去参观长城)/ They havealreadybeen to the UK twice.(他们去过英王国两次)/Soonthe lost boy found his way back home.(不久迷路的孩子找到了回家的路)

②频度副词:一般放在be动词之后或者助动词与主要动词之间,但sometimes、often等还可以放在句首或句尾,usually可放在句首,once可放在句尾,twice、three times等一般放在句尾。如:SometimesI get up early.(我有时起得早)/ The workersusuallyhave lunch at the factory.(工人们通常在厂里吃午饭)/ Take this medicinetwicea day.(这种药一天吃两次)

③方式副词:一般放在行为动之后,suddenly可以放在句首、句尾或动词之前。如:Old people can hardly walk asquicklyas young people.(老年人几乎不可能走得和年轻人一样快)/Suddenlyhe saw a light in the dark cave(山洞).(突然,在黑黢黢的山洞里,他看见了一丝亮光)

④地点副词:一般放在句尾,但here、there还可放在句首。如:Thereyou can see thousands of bikes running in all directions(方向).(在那里,你可以看到成千上万的自行车朝各个方向流动)/ The frightened wolf ranaway.(受到惊吓的狼逃开了)/ He walkedoutquietly and turnedbacksoon.(他悄悄地走了出去,很快又返回)

⑤程度副词:修饰动词时,放在动词之前;修饰形容词或副词时,放在形容词或副词之前。但注意,enough总是放在被修饰的形容词或动词的后面;only位置比较灵活,总是放在被修饰的词的前面。如:Inearlyforgot all about it if he did not tell me again.(如果他不再次告诉我,我几乎把那事全忘了)/ It wassostrange that I couldhardlybelieve my ears.(它那么奇怪一直我都不能相信我的耳朵)/ She got to the station earlyenoughto catch the first bus.(她早早地赶到车站赶上了首班车)

⑥疑问副词:用于对句子的状语进行提问,位置总是在句首。如:When and wherewere you born?(你何时何地出生?)/Whydid little Edison sit on some eggs?(小爱迪生为什么要坐在鸡蛋上?)/Howdo you do?(你好!)

⑦连接副词:用来引导主语从句、宾语从句和表语从句,在从句中作状语。How I am going to kill the catis still a question.(我打算怎样杀死那只猫还是个问题)/ That iswhy everyone is afraid of the tiger.(那就是人人都害怕老虎的原因)/ He wonderedhow he could do it the next day.(他不知道第二天怎样做那事)

⑧关系副词:用来引导定语从句,在从句中作状语。如:This is the placewhere Mr Zhang once lived.(这就是张先生曾经住过的地方)/ Please tell me the wayhow you have learned English so well.(请告诉我你的英语是怎样学得这么好的方法)

⑨其它副词:too“也”,用在句尾;also放在动词前;either“也不”,放在句尾;nor“也不”,放在句首;so“如此,这样”,放在形容词、副词前;on/off“开/关”放在动词之后;not放在be之后、助动词之后、不定式或动名词之前;maybe/perhaps放在句首;certainly放在句首或动词之前。如:He went to the Palace Museum and I went there,too.(他去了故宫博物院,我也去了)/Maybeyour ticket is in your inside pocket.(也许你的票就在你的里边衣袋里)/ --Tom doesn’t have a computer. –Nordo I.(汤姆没有计算机,我也没有。)

(2)作表语:地点副词一般可以作表语,放在be等连系动词之后,说明人物所处的位置。如:I’m very sorry he isn’tinat the moment.(很抱歉,他此刻不在家)/ I have beenawayfrom my hometown for nearly 20 years.(我离开家乡有将近了)/ Jim is overthere.(吉姆就在那边)

(3)作定语:时间副词(如now、then)以及许多地点副词都可以作名词的定语,放在名词的后面。如:People nowoften have their festival dinners at restaurants.(现在的人们经常在餐馆里吃节日晚宴)/Women therewere living a terrible life in the 1920s.(在二十世纪代那儿的女人过着可怕的日子)

(4)作宾语补足语:地点副词一般可以作宾语补足语。如:Put your dirty socksaway, Jim! They are giving out bad smell!(吉姆,把你的脏袜子拿开!它们在散发着臭气。)/ Father kept himinand doing his lessons.(父亲把他关在家里做作业)

[注意]“动词+副词”的宾语如果是代词,则该副词应该放在代词之后。如:He wrotedownthe word.(他写下了那个词。)→He wrote itdown.(他把它写了下来。)


⑴as…as…常构成一些词组:as soon as…(一旦…就…),as well as…(同样),as+形容词/副词+as possible(尽可能……地)。如:Please ring me upas soon asyou get to Beijing.(请你一到北京就给我写信。)/ Miss Gao hurried to the school gateas quickly aspossible.(高小姐尽快地赶到了校门口。)

[注释]“as long / much as+名词”可以表示“长达/多达…”的含义。如:The house costsas much as five hundred thousand yuan.(那幢房子花费高达50万元。)/ They stayed in the cave(山洞)as long as two weeks.(他们呆在山洞里长达两周。)

⑵later、after、ago、before的用法:①“一段时间+later/ago”分别表示“(多久)以后/以前”,主要用于过去时态。②“after/before+某个时刻”分别表示“在某时刻之后/之前”,此时两个词是介词。③ago与before:ago只能用于过去时,before用于完成时。如:He had an accident a weekago.(一周前出了一个事故)/ Some yearslater, the boy became a very famous singer.(数年后这个男孩成了著名的歌唱家)/ Have you been therebefore?(你从前到过那儿吗?)/Aftera few years he gave up smoking.(过了几年他戒了烟。)

⑶above、below、over、under的用法:在上下方用above和below,在高低处用over和under.如:The stars are highabovein the sky.(星星高挂在空中)/ A plane flewoverquickly.(一架飞机从头顶飞过。)


⑷too、also、either、nor的用法:too(“也”)用于肯定句和疑问句的末尾,且用逗号隔开;also(“也”)用于肯定句句子谓语动词之前;either(“也”)用于否定句末尾,也用逗号隔开;nor(“也不”)用于倒装句句首;如:Are you American,too?(你也是美国人吗?)/ He is not happy and I am not happy,either.(他不愉快,我也不。)/ He didn’t watch the football game.Nordid I.(他没有看足球赛,我也没有。)/ You canalsofind the market is very good.(你还可以发觉那个市场很好。)

⑸enough、too、so、very、quite、very much的用法:enough(“足够,十分”)放在形容词或副词之后;too(“太”)、very(“非常”)、quite(“相当”)、so(“如此地”)等放在形容词或副词之前,very much(“非常”)放在动词之后。如:It’stoo/so/very/quiteexpensive.(它太贵/那么贵/非常贵/相当贵。)/ I don’t like sweetsvery much.(我不很喜欢糖果)

[注意]very与much的区别:very修饰形容词、副词的原级和现在分词形容词,much修饰形容词和副词的比较级;much还可以修饰疑问句和否定句中的动词,very不可以。如:He isverystupid.(他很笨)/ The film wasverymoving and everyone swept.(电影非常动人,大家都哭了)/ You must workmuchharder or you will fail to enter the good school.(你得学习更努力,不然你考不进那所好学校)/ I don’t like himmuch.(我不太喜欢他)

⑹sometimes、sometime、some times、some time的用法:sometimes(有时)用于一般现在时、sometime(在将来某时)用于将来时、some times(数次)表示次数、some time(一些时间)表示一段时间。如:Sometimesthey go hiking in the mountains.(他们有时徒步旅行到山里去)/ I will stay heresome time.(我会在这儿呆些时候的。)/ I will meet your fathersometime.(我什么时候要见见你的父亲。)

⑺how、what用于感叹句的用法:对句子中的形容词或副词感叹时用how,对人或事物(可能含有形容词作修饰语)进行感叹用what.如:What a fine day (it is) today!(今天天气真好!)/ How difficult (the problem is)!((问题)真难呀!)

⑻already、yet的用法:在完成时中,already一般用于肯定句,yet一般用于否定句和疑问句。如:Have you done italready?(你已经做好了?)/ I have not had my breakfastyet.(我还没有吃早饭呢。)

⑼hard与hardly的用法:hard作为副词意思是:“努力地,猛烈地”,hardly是否定词,意思是:“几乎不”,一般与情态动词can/could连用。如:They study Englishvery hard.(他们英语学得很刻苦)/ You canhardlysee a person spit in a public place.(在公共场所你几乎看不到一个人随地吐痰)

⑽like...very much、like...better(=prefer)、like...best的用法:三个短语分别表示“非常喜欢”、“更喜欢”、“最喜欢”。如:I like baseballvery much.(我非常喜欢棒球)/ Do you like butterbetterthan cheese?(/ They like hamburgersbest.

⑾“quite/what+a+形容词+名词”的用法:记住:①quite/such/what...+a+形容词+名词;②too/so/how+形容词+a+名词;③rather+a+形容词+名词=a+ rather+形容词+名词。如:I have never seensucha strange guy(家伙).(我从未见过这样奇怪的家伙)/ It isquitea nice day for a walk.(这真是散步的好日子)

⑿how的几个短语:how often“多常,每隔多久”,用于一般时态,对表示频度的词语进行提问;how soon“多久以后”,用于将来时态;how long“多久”,用于过去时、完成时或其他时态;how many times“多少次”,用于过去时或完成时,对总计次数进行提问;how much“多么,多少”,对程度进行提问,也可以对数量(不可数)或金钱进行提问。如:How longhave you been like this?(你这样已经多久了?)/How oftendoes he wash his face?(他每隔多久洗一次脸?)









(2)两个音节或两个以上的音节的,在原级前加more / most.



























主语(sb./sth) +谓语动词+ (very/too/so/quite/rather…) +形容词/副词原级+….

如:He is veryoldnow.(他现在很老了)/ They ran quitefast.(它们跑得相当快)/ The weather looks ratherbad.(天气看上去相当糟)/ I am sohappy!(我是如此的快乐)


主语(第一个人物) +谓语动词+ as +形容词/副词原级+ as +第二个人物+….

如:He is asexcitedas his younger sister.(他和他妹妹一样兴奋)/ Lily rode her bike asslowlyas an old lady.(莉莉骑车像老太太一样慢)/They picked asmanyapples as the farmers (did).(他们摘的苹果和农民一样多)


主语(第一个人物) +谓语动词(否定式) +as / so +形容词/副词原级+ as +第二个人物+….

如:He is not so / asexcitedas his younger sister.(他没他妹妹那么兴奋)/ Lily did not ride her bike so / asslowlyas an old lady. (莉莉骑车不像老太太那样慢) /They didn’t pick so / asmanyapples as the farmers (did). (他们摘的苹果不如农民多)


主语(‘A’)+谓语动词+(much/a little/even/still)+形容词/副词比较级+than+第二个人物(‘B’)+….

如:A modern train ismuch fasterthan a car.(现代的火车比轿车快多了)/ This book didn’t cost memorethan that one.(这本书花费我的钱不比那本多)


主语(‘A’) +谓语动词+ less+ (多音节形/副)比较级+ than +第二个人物(‘B’) +….

如:I think English isless difficultthan maths.(我认为英语不比数学难)/ Do you think itless importantto learn a foreign language?(你认为学外语不那么重要吗?)


主语(sb./sth) +谓语动词+(the) +形容词/副词最高级+in / of ….

如:The Changjiang River isthe longestin China.(长江是中国最长的河流)/ He jumped(the) highestof the three (boys).(三个男生中他跳得最高)


1、以上六个句型中,如果动词是及物或不及物动词,则后面用副词;如果后面是连系动词,则后面用形容词。如:This car is thefastest of the four.(形容词)(这辆汽车是四辆之中最快的)/ This car runs (the)fastest of the four.(副词)(这辆汽车是四辆之中跑得最快的)

2、“比较级+and+比较级”表示“越来越……”。如:The weather is gettingwarmer and warmer.(天越来越温暖了)

3、“the+比较级…,the+比较级…”表示“越…就越…”。如:The moretrees we plant,the betterit will be.(我们栽的树越多,情况就会越好)/The harderyou try,the greateryour progress is.(你越是努力,进步就越大)

4、一般的形容词或副词的比较级前面可以加much/a little/even/still,而表示数量的more之前还可以加some/ any/ no/ one/ two/ many/ several/ a lot等词。如:It ismuch coldertoday than yesterday.(今天比昨天冷多了)/ Would you likesome morecoffee?(你还要些咖啡吗?)/He did not eatany more.(他没有再吃)

5、more than / less than分别可以理解为“多于/少于”,相当于副词,more than=over; less than=under.如:I lived in New York formore thanfour months.(我在纽约生活了四个多月)

6、“one of the+最高级+名词(复数)”整个短语为单数含义,谓语要用单数形式。如:One of the oldest houseshasbeen burnt in a fire.(最古老的一幢房子在一场大火中被烧毁了)

7、“Which / Who+动词+形/副,□,□or□?”句型中,如果有两个选项,形/副用比较级,如果有三个选项,形/副用最高级。如:Who hasmorebooks, Lin Tao or Han Mei?(林涛和韩梅谁的书最多?)/ Which isthe heaviest,a pig,a horse or an elephant?(猪、马、象哪个最重?)

8、上下文中含有both/either/neither/two/twins等表示两个事物的词时,用比较级,而且往往还要加the;含有all/none/no one/ every等表示三个或三个以上事物时,用最高级。如:--Do you likethe smallerone?—Neither.(小一点的那个你喜欢吗?一个都不喜欢)/ --Which do you likebest? –All of them!(你最喜欢哪个?全部。)



1. John is ________(tall) than Sam.(99北京)

2. Lin Lin is the ________ (young) in our class.(99北京)

3. the man took off his shoes and put them under his bed very _______(quiet).


4. Ann felt very _______ (happy) at her birthday party.

5. Which is _______ (far) from us, the sun or the moon?(99河南)

6. She looks _________ (thin) than me.(99成都)

7. It snowed ________ (heavy) last night and now the streets are covered with snow. (1998上海)

1.Mr. Benson seems to be the ________ (busy) man in the world.(98河北)

2.“The sooner, the ________ (good)”, Uncle Wang said.(98广东)

3.Jack has the ______ (little) bread of the three boys.(98吉林)

4.We don’t think their classroom is ______(干净) than ours.

5.Meimei walks as _______ (慢) as Lily does.(99兰州)

6.Who’s _______(好) than you at English in your class?(99西安)

7.The teacher asked us to take a _____ (仔细) look at everything in the lab.(98浙江)

8.Shanghai is one of the _______ (大) cities in the world.(98宁夏)

9.Which is the _________ (beautiful) skirt of the three?(2000北京海淀区)

10.The sick man is getting ________ (ill).(2000上海)

11.The meat smells ________ (坏). Please take it away.(2000黑龙江)

12.The wind is blowing _________ (strong).(2000广西)

13.Who’s ________(高), Lucy or Lily?(2000杭州)

14.She didn’t do her homework _________(仔细).(2001汕头)

15.Your bag is much _________ (轻) than mine.(2001汕头)

16.How _______ (大) the rain is!(2002汕头)

17.Of all the students Li Hua lives _______ (远).(2002汕头)


1. My ____ sister is two years _____ than I.

A. older; olderB. elder; elderC. older; elderD. elder; older

2. Can you do your work with _____ money and _____ people?

A. less; fewB. less; fewerC. little; lessD. few; less

3. I didn’t know which was _____, so I took them both.

A. goodB. betterC. bestD. the best

4. There was _____ house in front of the hill.

A. a wooden old fineB. an old wooden fine

C. a fine old woodenD. an old fine wooden

5. The population of Beijing is larger than _____ Shengzhen.

A. /B. the one inC. that ofD. those of

6. What an _____ story! I’m _____ in it.

A. interested; interestingB. interesting; interested

C. interested; interestedD. interesting; interesting

7. The jacket is _____ nice, but it’s _____ more expensive than that one.

A. much; muchB. very; veryC. much; veryD. very; much

7.After tunning She is too tired to walk ______.

A. fartherB. furtherC. farthestD. furthest

8.–Do you think the chicken tastes ______?

-She cooked it _____, I think.

A. good; goodB. well; wellC. well; goodD. good; well

9.Li Lei is running _____ now.

A. more and more slowlyB. slowier and slowier

C. slowly and slowlyD. more slowly and more slowly

10.Lin Tao speaks English very well, and ______.

A. so does his friendB. his friend does soC. so did his friendD. so he did

11.He worked _____ quietly _____ no one knew he was there.

A. so; asB. so; thatC. very; thatD. too; to

12.You must be more ______, Jim. Look, you didn’t write _____.

A. carefully; carefulB. careful; carefullyC. careful; carefulD. carefully; carefully

13.The twins are together most of the time. So they never fell ______.

A. lonelyB. aloneC. happilyD. friendly

14.New York is _____ in the United States.

A. larger than any cityB. larger than any other city

C. bigger than any citiesD. biggest of all the cities

15.This street is much ______ than that one.(2000天津)

A. straightB. straighterC. straightestD. more straighter

16.Of the two pencil-boxes, the boy chose ______ expensive one. (2000重庆)

A. lessB. the leastC. the lessD. the most

17.Would you please say it _____? I still can’t follow you.(2000河北)

A. more slowB. much slowC. more slowlyD. much slowly

18.This kind of skirt looks ______ and sells ______.(2000安徽)

A. nice; wellB. nice; goodC. well; wellD. good; nice



–How was the weather yesterday?

-It was terrible. It rained _____. People could _____ go out.

A. hardly; hardlyB. hardly; hardC. hard; hardD. hard; hardly

20.He hurt her so _____ thatshe cried.(2001汕头)

A. badB. badlyC. hardlyD. worse

21.The girl is _____, but her younger sister is even _____.(2001汕头)

A. tallest; tallerB. taller; tallestC. tall; tallestD. tall; taller

22.This chair is not _____ for him to ______.(2001汕头)

A. strong enough; sitB. enough strong; sit

C. enough strong; sit inD. strong enough; sit on

23.Tom does everything _____, so his teacher speaks ______ of him. (汕头)

A. careful; highB. carefully; highlyC. careful; highlyD. carefully; high

24.You don’t look so _____ as usual. You’d better go and see a doctor at once.

A. wellB. goodC. niceD. bad(汕头)


1.The little baby looks _____.(99上海)

A. lovelyB. carefullyC. heavilyD. sadly

2. The Chinese people are ______ than you think.(99南京)

A. friendlyB. more friendlyC. very friendlyD. as friendly

3. Everything is _____ on the moon than on the earth.(99昆明)

A. much more lighterB. much more light

C. more lighterD. much lighter

4. She is _____ careful as I, but I’m _____ than you.(99河南)

A. as; much carefulB. so; more careful

C. as; much more carefulD. so; very careful

5. I think science is ______ foreign languages.(99福州)

A. so difficult asB. as difficult as

C. very difficult thanD. much difficult than

6. Allan is one of _____ popular teachers in the school.(99广州)

A. moreB. the moreC. mostD. the most

7. I don’t think Unit 3 is more difficult. I think it’s _____.(99山西)

A. more easilyB. more easierC. much easilyD. much easier

8. No one runs as fast as John in his class. The sentence means _____.(99山西)

A. John runs fastest in his class.

A.John runs faster than any other boy in his class.

B.John runs more slowly than any other student in his class.

C.John runs as fast as others in his class,

9. Which do you like _____, tea, orange or water?(99天津)

A. goodB. wellC. bestD. better

10. Of all the apples Jim’s is _____.(98黑龙江)

A. the biggerB. the biggestC. biggerD. biggest

1.Maths _____ one of the ______ subjects in middle school.(98西安)

A. are; importantB. is; most important

C. is; more importantD. are; much important

2.What a _____ cough! You seem ______ ill.(99辽宁)

A. terrible; terriblyB. terribly; terribleC. terrible; terribleD. terribly; terribly

3.The Yellow River is ______ river in China.

A. the two longB. the second longerC. the second longestD. two longest

4.–Do you have a big library?

-No, we don’t, at least, not _____ yours.

A. bigger asB. as big asC. as big thanD. as bigger than

5.There are a lot _____ people today than yesterday.

A. ofB. mostC. muchD. more

6.–She has been ill since last week. How is she now?

-She is _____ today.

A. worseB. illerC. worstD. much more ill

7.John has three sisters. Mary is the ______ of the three.

A. most cleverestB. more cleverC. cleverestD. cleverer

8.It takes a long time to go there by train; It’s _____ by road!

A. quickB. the quickestC. much quickD. quicker

9.The horse is getting old and cannot run ______ it did.

A. as faster asB. so fast thanC. fasterD. so fast as

10.I believe that _____ you work, ______ result (结果) you’ll get.

A. the harder; the betterB. the harder; a better

C. the more hard; the more betterD. more hard; more better

11.Though Li Ming and Li Hua are twin brothers, they look _____.(2002汕头)

A. sameB. the sameC. differenceD. different

12.Queshi Bridge is the second ______ bridge in Shantou.(2002汕头)

A. largeB. longC. longerD. longest

13.单词拼写:How ______ (大) the rain is!(2002汕头)


The coat cost so little that I bought it. (用肯定句转换)(2002汕头)

The coat ______ ______ ______ for me to ______.


We ______ _______ that honesty will make Shantou ______ _______.


______ ______ health is the _______ _______.
