100字范文 > PEP Book 7 Unit 3 What are you going to do?A. Let’s read LiuYun’s weekend plan_小学六年级英语教案

PEP Book 7 Unit 3 What are you going to do?A. Let’s read LiuYun’s weekend plan_小学六年级英语教案

时间:2021-09-20 09:51:43


PEP Book 7 Unit 3 What are you going to do?A. Let’s read  LiuYun’s weekend plan_小学六年级英语教案

一、教学目标:1、 知识目标:(1)能够正确理解短文内容。(2)能够写出提纲式的liuyun’s weekend plan,并能用第三人称she进行复述。(3)能熟练运用be going to 句型去讲述自己的周末计划。2、情感目标:合理安排自己周末活动。3、能力目标:阅读策略和能力得到培养和提高。二、教学重点:教学目标1和3。三、教学难点:1、知识目标(2)和能力目标。2、对busy ,that will be fun!单词与句子的理解。四、教学准备:教师:准备课件、录音机和录音带、相关词组卡片、students’worksheet。学生:课本,文具。五、教学步骤:(一)warm-up let’s sing(p36)what are you going to do? (1)t:good morning, class.do you remember the song”what are you going to do?”please stand up and clap your hands.let’s sing together. (2)t:a nice song, right?today let’s have a competition between boys and girls,ok?let’s see who will be the winner.(设计意图:让学生站起来拍手唱,能有效地组织英语课堂学习,课前明确分组竞赛任务,能提高学生参与课堂的积极主动性。)(二)revision free talk( t & s): (1)t:what are you going to do this weekend? s1: i’m going to … .t :(在学生回答时适时加入oh, that will be fun.)what about you?s2: i’m going to ….(2)t:wow, your weekend plan sounds nice.look, this is my friend liuyun,please guess what is she going to do on the weekend? ss guess: she is going to …(设计意图:让学生开口练说,复习be going to句型,并通过猜一猜,引起学生对liuyun’s weekend plan 的好奇心.)(三)presentation/practice 1.(the first reading:read and choose the right pictures) t:er, maybe.that’s what we are going to learn today.(出示课题:unit 3 what are you going to do? a.let’s read liuyun’s weekend plan.)let’s read the text quickly and choose the right pictures.attendion, you only have 1 minute.when you finish,put up your hand.let’s see who is the fastest.(设计意图:通过限时阅读选图片竞赛引起学生阅读的兴趣,同时培养学生快速浏览短文获取关键信息的阅读能力。)check the answers.2、(the second reading:read and judge)t:wow, you‘re smart. next, i have something more challenge for you, do you want to do? ok, please read the text again,find some informations to help you to judge yes or no.you have 3 minutes. when you finish,put up your hand. ( )1、liuyun is going to be busy this weekend. ( )2、liuyun is going to the library on saturday. ( )3、liuyun is going to buy some story-books in the bookstore. ( )4、liuyun and her mother are going to the supermarket after breakfast. ( )5、liuyun is going to watch tv with her aunt on sunday evening. check the answers.(设计意图:第二遍阅读目的是培养学生获取信息、处理信息的能力。通过理解课文的主要内容和细节信息,让学生根据短文内容判断句子的对错,借以检测学生的理解程度。)3、
