100字范文 > 强制险 Compulsory insurance英语短句 例句大全

强制险 Compulsory insurance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-06 16:21:44


强制险 Compulsory insurance英语短句 例句大全

强制险,Compulsory insurance

1)Compulsory insurance强制险

1.Compulsory insurance regarding the liability in traffic accident of motor vehicles and commercial insurance regarding the liability in traffic accident of motor vehicles are two kinds of liability insurance with different quality.机动车交通事故责任强制险与商业险是两种性质不同的责任保险,二者具有不同的设计原理,对交通事故受害人赔偿时,后者与前者为补充和被补充关系。

2.In the view of any risk of environmental pollution risk, the current system of environmental liability insurance set up the country of the introduction to the compulsory insurance.鉴于任意性环境险对环境污染保护不离,目前建立环境责任保险制度的国家都侧重于将其引入强制险领域。

2)compulsory insurance强制保险

1.The law commenting on motor vehicle road accident responsibilitycompulsory insurance is suitable for use;论机动车交通事故责任强制保险的法律适用

2.On the Legal Issues of Motor Vehicle Thirty Party Liability Compulsory Insurance;机动车辆第三者责任强制保险法律问题研究

3.A Study on the System of Third Party Liability Compulsory Insurance for Motor Vehicles in China;我国机动车第三者责任强制保险制度研究


pulsory third party insurance第三者责任的强制保险

pulsory insurance against injury to passengers旅客意外伤害强制保险

3.Usage of the Compulsive Insurance in the Village Business Insurance;论强制保险在农村商业保险中的运用

4.A study on whether compulsory insurance can improve market efficiency强制保险能否提高保险市场效率分析

5.Research on the Automobile Third Party Liability Compulsory Insurance System;机动车第三者责任强制保险制度研究

6.Research on Legal System of Compulsory Insurance of Transport by Water;我国水路运输强制保险法律制度研究

7.The Compulsory Traffic Accident Liability Insurance for Motor Vehicles论机动车交通事故责任强制保险制度

8.On the Insurer"s Intervention in Medical Dispute Treatment System in the Compulsory Medical Liability Insurance论强制保险人介入医患纠纷处理制度

pulsory Insurance of Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage by Ship船舶油污损害民事责任的强制保险

10.Analysis of Reasonablity of the Scope of Maritime Compulsory Insurance海上强制保险适用范围的合理性解析

pulsory Insurance of Pollution Liability for the Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Sea;论海上危险货物运输污染责任强制保险

parison between motor vehicle traffic accident liability compulsory insurance and commercial third-party liability insurance;机动车交通事故责任强制保险与商业第三者责任保险的比较分析

pulsory fidelity insurance scheme强制性忠诚保险计划

14.facultative reinsurance临时再保险(可选择的保险,非强制性的)

15.On the reform of the tax system in China s insurance trade;改革保险业税制增强我国保险业的竞争力

16.Analysis of Several Legal Problems Related to Compulsory Public Liability Insurance;强制公众责任保险若干法律问题研究

17.General Statement and Inspiration of Germany Compulsory Long-term Care Insurance;德国强制性长期护理保险概述及启示

18.Look Forward to Strengthening the Construction of Social Endowment Assurance System in the Countryside;农村社会养老保险体制建设亟待加强


compulsory insurance强制保险

1.The law commenting on motor vehicle road accident responsibilitycompulsory insurance is suitable for use;论机动车交通事故责任强制保险的法律适用

2.On the Legal Issues of Motor Vehicle Thirty Party Liability Compulsory Insurance;机动车辆第三者责任强制保险法律问题研究

3.A Study on the System of Third Party Liability Compulsory Insurance for Motor Vehicles in China;我国机动车第三者责任强制保险制度研究

3)compulsory insurance强制性保险

4)Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance强制三责险

1.In general,Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance is regarded as a indemnity system after traffic accidents.一般认为,机动车第三者责任强制保险(以下简称强制三责险)乃是加强被保险人的赔偿能力,进而赔偿交通事故受害者损失的事后补偿机制。

5)the compulsory insurer强制保险人

6)compulsive house loan insurance房贷强制险

1.Many Medias and scholars always castigated thecompulsive house loan insurance.房贷强制险一直被许多学者和媒体所诟病。


怎样理解基本险和附加险? 财产保险的险别分为基本险和附加险。所谓基本险是指可以单独投保和承保的险别。所谓附加险是指不能单独投保和承保的险别,投保人只能在投保基本险的基础上,根据自己的需要选择加以投保。如果附加险的条款和基本险条款发生抵触,对抵触之处的解释以附加险条款为准;如果附加险条款未作规定,则以基本险条款为准。
