100字范文 > 强制责任保险 compulsory liability insurance英语短句 例句大全

强制责任保险 compulsory liability insurance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-30 06:09:13


强制责任保险 compulsory liability insurance英语短句 例句大全

强制责任保险,compulsory liability insurance

1)compulsory liability insurance强制责任保险

1.A Study on the System of Compulsory Liability Insurance of Oil Pollution Damage;油污强制责任保险制度研究

2.As a result,the cry to extend the coverage ofcompulsory liability insurance for carriage of dangerous liquid cargo from international sea-route to inshore and inland water way has been increasingly rising.当前关于液体货物危险品运输的油污强制责任保险主体由国际航线扩大到沿海或内河的呼声日益高涨。

3.On the basis of the compulsory insurance theory and the international lawmaking trend, it tries to make clear some uncertain points in this area, and explore the way to build up thecompulsory liability insurance system for the carrier of passengers at sea in China.分析了海上旅客运输承运人责任强制保险制度的必要性,并在此基础上就建立我国海上旅客运输承运人强制责任保险制度提出了一些建议。


1.The Demonstration of Automobile Trffic Accident Compulsory Liability Insurance from the Principle of Infringement Liability;从归责原则论机动车交通事故强制责任保险

2.Study on Liability Insurance Suitable in the Judicature of Vehicle Forces;机动车强制责任保险制度在司法适用中的研究

3.The Study on the System of Motor Vehicle Liability Compulsory Insurance for the Third Party in China;关于我国机动车第三者强制责任保险制度研究

4.Study on Mandatory Liability Insurance of Motor Vehicle;机动车辆强制责任保险若干法律问题研究

5.The Research on Compulsory Liability Insurance in Oil Pollution from Ships;船舶油污强制责任保险法律问题的比较研究

6.The Research on the Victim s Right of Direct Claim in the Automobile Liability Insurance.;机动车强制责任保险中受害人直接请求权研究

pulsory third party insurance第三者责任的强制保险

8.Research on the Automobile Third Party Liability Compulsory Insurance System;机动车第三者责任强制保险制度研究

9.The Compulsory Traffic Accident Liability Insurance for Motor Vehicles论机动车交通事故责任强制保险制度

10.On the Non-fault Liability through the Compulsory Liability Insurance of Motor Vehicles;论强制机动车责任保险中的无过失责任

pulsory Insurance of Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage by Ship船舶油污损害民事责任的强制保险

12.Analysis of Several Legal Problems Related to Compulsory Public Liability Insurance;强制公众责任保险若干法律问题研究

parison between motor vehicle traffic accident liability compulsory insurance and commercial third-party liability insurance;机动车交通事故责任强制保险与商业第三者责任保险的比较分析

pulsory Insurance of Pollution Liability for the Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Sea;论海上危险货物运输污染责任强制保险

15.The Discussion about Obligation of Compensation of Compulsory Mobile Liability Insurance;强制汽车责任险中保险人的赔偿义务探讨

16.The Analysis of the Compulsory Motor Vehicle Insurance;机动车交通事故责任强制保险制度研究

17.A Study on the System of Third Party Liability Compulsory Insurance for Motor Vehicles in China;我国机动车第三者责任强制保险制度研究

18.On Establishing Compulsory Insurance for Environmental Responsibility in Shanxi Province;论山西省环境责任强制保险制度的建立


compulsory motor vehicle liability insurance责任强制保险

1.The idea of thecompulsory motor vehicle liability insurance system is to protect the interest of the injured party.机动车责任强制保险制度的理念是保障交通事故受害人的利益救济。

3)compulsory car insurance强制汽车责任保险

4)Compulsory environmental pollution liability insurance环境污染责任强制保险

5)law of duty insurance of compulsory motor-driven vehicle强制机动车责任保险法

6)compulsory liability insurance faculty强制责任保险机构


