100字范文 > 海上强制责任保险 Maritime compulsory liability insurance英语短句 例句大全

海上强制责任保险 Maritime compulsory liability insurance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-23 07:16:07


海上强制责任保险 Maritime compulsory liability insurance英语短句 例句大全

海上强制责任保险,Maritime compulsory liability insurance

1)Maritime compulsory liability insurance海上强制责任保险

2)marine liability insurance海上责任保险

1.The Right of Direct Action of the Third Party Against the Insurer of the Marine Liability Insurance;第三人对海上责任保险人的直接请求权

parative Studies on P&I Insurance and Marine Liability Insurance;保赔保险与海上责任保险之比较研究

3.Althoughmarine liability insurance has not been in existence for a long time,its importance increases constantly and there is a trend for its independent development.尽管海上责任保险发展的历史并不长,但是海上责任保险正占据日益重要的地位并有独立发展的倾向;海上责任保险立法也开始更加注重对受害人的保护并有进一步强制化的趋势,虽然这并不意味着强制责任保险将完全取代任意责任保险;此外,海上责任保险立法还出现了国际趋同和统一化的趋势,并且在一些领域内已经成为现实。


parative Studies on P&I Insurance and Marine Liability Insurance;保赔保险与海上责任保险之比较研究

2.The Third Party in Article 218 of the CMC and Marine Liability Insurance Contract;论《海商法》218条第三人与海上责任保险合同

3.Research on the Protection for the Third Party s Benefits in Marine Liability Insurance of China;我国海上责任保险第三人权益保护问题研究

4.The Right of Direct Action of the Third Party Against the Insurer of the Marine Liability Insurance;第三人对海上责任保险人的直接请求权

5.Research on the Direct Claim to the Third Party in Marine Liability Insurance;海上责任保险中第三人直接请求权制度研究

6.Research on the Direct to the Third Party in Marine Liability Insurance海上责任保险第三人直接请求权法律问题研究

7.On the Right of Direct Claim of the Third Party in Marine Liability Insurance海上责任保险第三人直接请求权制度研究

8.Analysis on Some Issues of The Direct Claim of Third Parties in Marine Liability Insurance in China试论我国海上责任保险第三人的直接请求权

9.Analysis on Conditions for the Exercise of the Direct Claim of the Third Party in Marine Liability Insurance浅议海上责任保险第三人直接请求权的行使条件

10.Liability Insurance of Marine Oil Exploration Development海上石油开发责任保险

11.A Study on the Ship Insurer s Defense Against Some Claims;海上船舶保险人对若干承保危险责任抗辩研究

12.Thoughts on Burden of Proof of theInsured in Marine Insurance;关于海上保险中被保险人举证责任的思考

pulsory Insurance of Pollution Liability for the Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Sea;论海上危险货物运输污染责任强制保险

14.The Burden and Standard of Proof in Marine Insurance;海上保险中的举证责任及其证明标准研究

15.Construction of the System of Rule of Proof in Marine Insurance;海上保险中举证责任分配规则的体系之构建

16.On the System of Carrier’s Liability Insurance in the Carriage of Passengers at Sea;论海上旅客运输中的承运人责任保险制度

17.Differentiating and Analyzing the General Average Compensation Responsibility of Marine Insurers--Comparison of Acts and Clauses between China and UK海上保险人的共同海损赔偿责任辨析——中、英法律和条款之比较

18.Homer charged himself with all the sea-risk of such vessels.霍默对些船只的海上风险负全部责任。


marine liability insurance海上责任保险

1.The Right of Direct Action of the Third Party Against the Insurer of the Marine Liability Insurance;第三人对海上责任保险人的直接请求权

parative Studies on P&I Insurance and Marine Liability Insurance;保赔保险与海上责任保险之比较研究

3.Althoughmarine liability insurance has not been in existence for a long time,its importance increases constantly and there is a trend for its independent development.尽管海上责任保险发展的历史并不长,但是海上责任保险正占据日益重要的地位并有独立发展的倾向;海上责任保险立法也开始更加注重对受害人的保护并有进一步强制化的趋势,虽然这并不意味着强制责任保险将完全取代任意责任保险;此外,海上责任保险立法还出现了国际趋同和统一化的趋势,并且在一些领域内已经成为现实。

3)compulsory liability insurance强制责任保险

1.A Study on the System of Compulsory Liability Insurance of Oil Pollution Damage;油污强制责任保险制度研究

2.As a result,the cry to extend the coverage ofcompulsory liability insurance for carriage of dangerous liquid cargo from international sea-route to inshore and inland water way has been increasingly rising.当前关于液体货物危险品运输的油污强制责任保险主体由国际航线扩大到沿海或内河的呼声日益高涨。

3.On the basis of the compulsory insurance theory and the international lawmaking trend, it tries to make clear some uncertain points in this area, and explore the way to build up thecompulsory liability insurance system for the carrier of passengers at sea in China.分析了海上旅客运输承运人责任强制保险制度的必要性,并在此基础上就建立我国海上旅客运输承运人强制责任保险制度提出了一些建议。

4)compulsory motor vehicle liability insurance责任强制保险

1.The idea of thecompulsory motor vehicle liability insurance system is to protect the interest of the injured party.机动车责任强制保险制度的理念是保障交通事故受害人的利益救济。

5)Liability Insurance of Marine Oil Exploration Development海上石油开发责任保险

6)Compulsory maritime insurance海上强制保险


什么是自愿保险?什么是强制保险? 所谓自愿保险,是指投保人和保险公司在平等互利、等价有偿的原则基础上,通过协商一致,双方完全自愿订立保险合同,建立保险关系。换句话说,是否投保和承保,参加什么保险,保险合同的具体内容,完全由双方自愿自主决定,不受任何第三者干预。平等自愿是商业保险的一个基本原则。 所谓强制保险,又称法定保险,指根据国家有关法律法规,某些特殊的群体或行业,不管当事人愿意与否,都必须参加规定的保险。比如,世界各国一般都将机动车第三者责任保险规定为强制保险的险种。由于强制保险某种意义上表现为国家对个人意愿的干预,所以强制保险的范围是受严格限制的。我国《保险法》规定,除法律、行政法规规定必须保险的以外,保险公司和其他任何单位不得强制他人订立保险合同。
