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人-组织匹配 Person-organization fit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-03 20:41:20


人-组织匹配 Person-organization fit英语短句 例句大全

人-组织匹配,Person-organization fit

1)Person-organization fit人-组织匹配

1.Through surveying 387 employees from companies,banks,government offices or government-sponsored institutions,this paper studies the influence of person-organization fit on turnover intention and the mediation role of organizational commitment.本文旨在考察人-组织匹配对员工离职意向的影响,着重检验组织承诺的中介作用机制。

2.In this paper, a brief review was made on the development of the research of person-organization fit (P-O Fit) abroad.本文概述了国外关于人-组织匹配研究的最新发展。


1.A Review of Person-Organization Fit and Person-Job Fit in Employee Selection;传承与发展:人-岗匹配与人-组织匹配关系探讨

2.Person-Organization Fit and Job Satisfaction:Comparative Research on Value Congruence,Need-Supply Fit and Demand-Ability Fit个人-组织匹配与工作满意度——价值观匹配、需求匹配与能力匹配的比较研究

3.The Mechanism of the Effect of Person-Job Matching and Person-Organization Matching on Work Attitudes;人-职务匹配、人-组织匹配对员工工作态度的效应机制研究

4.Person-Organization Fit and Turnover Intention:Study on Mediator Role of Organizational Commitment;人-组织匹配与离职意向:组织承诺的中介效应研究

5.Person-Organization Fit:validation of three-type model and its relation with individual"s outcome人-组织匹配:三维模型的验证及其与个体结果变量的关系

6.A Study on Influence Factors of Employees’ Innovative Work Behavior: In a Person-Organization Fit Perspective人与组织匹配对个体创新行为的影响

7.Person-Organization Fit:Conceptualization,Types and Improvement论人与组织匹配的内涵、类型与改进

mentary on Human and Organization Matching人—组织匹配研究述评:范畴、测量及应用

9.A Study on the Influence of Person-Organization Fit on Organizational Citizenship Behavior;个人—组织匹配对组织公民行为的影响研究

10.Research on the Impact of Person-Organization Value Fit on Organizational Commitment个人——组织价值观匹配对组织承诺的影响研究

11.On Person -organization Fit Model and its Value组织视角的组织—人匹配模式及其管理价值探析

12.A Research on the Strategy of Human Resources Management Based on the Person-Organization Fit;基于人与组织匹配的人力资源管理策略研究

13.Study on the Model of Employee Recruitment Based on Person-Organization Fit;基于人与组织匹配的员工招募模式研究

14.The Effect of Match or Mismatch between Individual and Organization Expectations on Expatriate Performance;外派人员与组织的期望匹配模式对绩效的影响

15.Research on the Person-Post Matching in the Training Institution of Vehicle Equipment Support车辆装备保障训练组织的人-岗匹配研究

16.A Study on the Relationship of Employee-Organization Value Fit and Organizational Commitmetn, Quit Intention;个人—组织价值观匹配与组织承诺、离职倾向关系研究

17.The Impact of Person-Organization Fit on Organizational Commitment:A Comparative Research on Enterprises of Different Ownership;个人组织价值观匹配对组织承诺的影响——不同所有制企业的差异

18.Person-organization Fit,Perceived Organizational Support and Turnover Intention-the Mediating Effects of Job Satisfaction个人—组织匹配、组织支持感与离职倾向——工作满意度的中介作用


person organization fit人组织匹配

1.The process in which person job fit theory developed into environmental theory,career developing phase theory into career transformation theory,and socialization and role theory intoperson organization fit theory was articulated also.阐述了从人职匹配到环境理论 ,从职业发展阶段论到职业转变理论 ,从社会化与角色理论到人组织匹配的演变过程。

3)person-organization fit个人-组织匹配

1.The primary theoretical and practical contribution of this study is the development ofperson-organization fit theory and the suggestion for improving the efficient fit management.研究结果有效拓展了中国背景下的个人-组织匹配研究,并为企业开展有效的匹配管理提供了建议。

2.A Study on the Influence of Person-Organization Fit on Organizational Citizenship Behavior;个人-组织匹配强调员工与组织之间的整体匹配,并通过调整二者间的关系提高员工忠诚度。


1.This article outlines the development ofperson-organization(P-O) fit theory,which emphasizes the congruence between the characteristics of an individual and organization.本文概述了关于人与组织匹配的研究理论,强调组织成员的个人特征与组织特征之间的相容性。

5)person-organization fit人与组织匹配

1.Theperson-organization fit is a strategy of human resources management,which based on the zero-time enterprises with the conception of time competition.人与组织匹配是基于时间竞争的零时间企业的人力资源管理策略。

2.This thesis presents the construction of the “person-organization fit” theory model and explains thesubjective individual outcomes in view ofperson-organization fit.阐述了人与组织匹配的直接测量和间接测量两类方法及其匹配度的数据处理手段,提供了特有研究方法的基础,并表明了该测量方法对于实践的指导意义。

3.The focus problem confronting researchers and managers is how to attract, select, and retain employees of high levelperson-organization fit.近年来,人与组织匹配已成为组织行为学和人力资源管理领域研究的热点议题。

6)Person-Job-Organization Fit人-职-组织匹配


