100字范文 > 个人-组织契合度 person-organization fit英语短句 例句大全

个人-组织契合度 person-organization fit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-21 20:56:46


个人-组织契合度 person-organization fit英语短句 例句大全

个人-组织契合度,person-organization fit

1)person-organization fit个人-组织契合度


1.The Effects of Personal-Organization Fit and Organizational Citizenship Behavior on Contextual Performance:An Empirical Research个人-组织契合度对组织公民行为及关系绩效影响的实证研究

2.Relationships among Person-Organization Fit, Psychological Contract, Oranizational Citizenship Behavior;个人—组织契合度、心理契约、组织公民行为之间的关系研究

3.People-Organization Fit in Organization Recruiting;个人与组织契合在组织招募中的应用

4.A Study of Individual-Organization Agreement Degree:Its Difference and Application Based on Demographic Characteristic Variable个人—组织契合度在人口特征变量上的差异及应用研究

5.Research on Person-Organization Fit of the Staff of High-Tech Enterprises;高新技术企业员工个人与组织契合度及其相关研究

6.Contingency Management Model of P-O Fit Based on the Development of Employee"s Career and the Development of Organization基于员工职业发展与组织发展的个人—组织契合权变管理模型

7.From Eligibility to Suitability:New Trend of Teachers" Employment从合格到合适:教师聘用的新走向——基于个人与组织契合理论的视角

8.It is most suitable for individuals, small groups, fellowships and those who serve in worship ministry.一个适合个人、组、契、拜服事人员参与的退修会。

9.A study on work engagement and its relationship with person-job fit基于个人—工作契合度对员工敬业度的研究

10.From Contract-community to Organization-community--Partnership:a New Independent Civil Body;从契约共同体到组织共同体——合伙:一个崭新的独立民事主体

11.Evaluation of strategy fit in knowledge-based organizations from a view of SHRM;战略人力资源管理下的知识型组织战略契合评价

12.Relationship between HRM system and organizational performance in power industry:The view of internal fit供电行业的人力资源管理系统与组织绩效的关系:内部契合观点

anizational Identification and Person-Organization Fit:A Members" Socialization Model组织中的契合与认同:员工社会化模型

14.Next, a joint venture shall determine by themselves their organizational structure and personnel system, right?下一个问题,合资企业应由自己决定其组织结构和人事制度,对不对?

15.Measuring Index and Models with Employee-Organization Value Fit;员工价值观与组织价值观:契合衡量指标与契合模型

16.A Study of Employee Satisfaction Degree Based on the Psychological Contract;基于心理契约的组织成员满意度问题研究

17.Study on Gauge System of Psychological Consistence of Organization Behavior and its Staff;组织与员工心理契同度测量体系的研究

18.In the last period, after the Gulf Crisis, Shi"i Islamic organizations began to change from radicalism to pragmatism in big strides.在第三个时期,以海湾危机为契机,什叶派伊斯兰组织开始大幅度地由激进主义向实用主义转变。


consilience between individuals and organization个人与组织契合度

1.However,influenced by all kinds of factors,ignorance ofconsilience between individuals and organization becomes the common problem in teachers\" employment and it also becomes a difficulty of school managers.为此,在总结分析国内外有关个人与组织契合度研究的基础上,特提出个人与组织整合理论对我国教师聘用的启示,即通过教师聘用权的合理归属和正确行使,以及通过教师聘用流程和标准的不断优化,提高教师与组织之间契合度,从而保证教师工作绩效的最大发挥。

3)person-organization fit个人与组织契合

1.Therefore,the concept ofperson-organization fit has become an important concept when enterprise enlists an employee.近年来,个人与组织契合的主题逐渐受到了有关学者和管理者的重视,在企业甄选员工的过程中,如何选出与组织契合度高的员工,将是影响组织保持竞争力与弹性以面对各种挑战的关键。

4)person-organization values fit个人与组织价值观契合

5)person-organization fit人-组织契合

1.By referring the related research,this paper concludes the person-organization theory development and explains the conception,types and the effecting ofperson-organization fit.人-组织契合作为影响员工态度和行为的重要变量,是近年来组织行为学和管理学领域研究的重要课题之一。

6)individual and organization个人和组织


