100字范文 > 幼儿教育公平 fairness in early childhood education英语短句 例句大全

幼儿教育公平 fairness in early childhood education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-01 20:39:11


幼儿教育公平 fairness in early childhood education英语短句 例句大全

幼儿教育公平,fairness in early childhood education

1)fairness in early childhood education幼儿教育公平

2)fairness of the childhood education幼儿教育平等


1.On the Fairness in the Childhood Education and the "Young Children Education Coupon" in Taiwan of China;从我国台湾地区“幼儿教育券”的实施看幼儿教育平等

2.Attach Importance to the Platform Contruction Effects of Preschool-Children Literature in Preschool Education;重视幼儿文学在幼儿教育中的平台构建作用

3.Kindergarten Section [Education Department]幼儿园组〔教育署〕

4.The Non-Adaptability Research of Curriculum, Teaching of the Preschool Teacher-training Education;高等幼儿师范教育中课程、教学不适应的研究

5.On the Uneven Development of Rural Preschool Education;公平视野下的农村幼儿教育发展弱势及其归因

6.On the Orientation of Fair Value and Its Realization in Our Policy for Preschod Education;论我国幼儿教育政策的公平取向及其实现

7.Research on the Relationship between Fathers" Education andLevel of the Children"s Body Constitution父亲受教育程度因素与幼儿体质水平的关联性

8.Design of Infant Education in "Infant- Oriented" View;“幼儿本位”视野中的幼儿教育设计

9.Influences of religious education upon Chinese infant education论教会幼儿教育对中国幼儿教育近代化的影响

10.Working Group on Kindergarten Education幼儿园教育工作小组

11.Kindergarten Education Consultative Committee幼儿园教育咨询委员会

12.Kate" s an expert in / at / on teaching small children.凯特是个幼儿教育专家。

13.He"s not qualified to teach young children.他不适合幼儿教育工作。

14.A child receives its early education at home.幼儿在家接受早期教育.

15.Hong Kong Council of Early Childhood Education and Services香港幼儿教育服务联会

16.She has lectured on Psychology of Young Children, Family Education, and Kindergarten Curriculum for many years.主讲《学前儿童心理学》、家庭教育》、幼儿园课程》等课程。

17.On the Significance of Researches on the Effects of Preschool Educational Reform;研究幼儿园教育改革成效,深化幼儿园教育改革

18.The Non-Adaptability of the Preschool Teachers Education and the Development of Preschool Education;幼儿师范教育与幼儿园教育发展的不适应性


fairness of the childhood education幼儿教育平等

3)preschool education幼儿教育

1.The Americanization ofpreschool education system in modern times;近代美国幼儿教育体制的美国化历程

2.The properties of children development makepreschool education the most sophisticated in the education research.人类希望的实现越来越依赖于教育,幼儿教育因幼儿发展的特性决定着它是整个教育中最尖端的领域;同时它又离橇动人类发展杠杆的支点很远,因而对社会发展将发生巨大的效果,但在现有的社会发展水平上发挥其作用的现实可能性还很低。

4)children education幼儿教育

1.The feature of Reggio Curriculum Mode and its influence on China schildren education;“瑞吉欧”课程模式的特点及其对我国幼儿教育的启示

2.This paper first analyzes the prevalence of Montessorian education in South Korea and the reasons for its suitability tochildren education curriculum.本文首先分析了韩国蒙台梭利教育普及以及被认为适合幼儿教育课程的几个原因,然后对韩国蒙台梭利教育的现状作了介绍,并在此基础上对当前韩国蒙台梭利教育的目标、内容和方法进行分析,最后讨论了韩国蒙台梭利教育面临的几个新课题。

3.This paper discusses the connotation of this theory, its main contents and its enlightenment onchildren education, hoping that the contemporarychildren education will follow the rules governing the body and mind development of children.本文主要论述了这一理论的涵义、主要内容及其对当代幼儿教育的启示 ,以期当代幼儿教育能够遵循儿童身心发展规

5)Pre-school education幼儿教育

1.A Case-Based Study of Applying Educational Technological Systematic Method in Pre-School Education;教育技术系统方法在幼儿教育中的应用个案

2.The Integrated Child Development Services Scheme is an important measure taken by the Indian Central Government, which aims at improving the welfare of women and children and to enhance the level of pre-school education.整体性儿童发展服务计划是印度中央政府为了改善妇女和儿童的福利、全面提高幼儿教育水平而采取的重要措施。

3.In the new century, new challenges and chances have aroused for the Chinese pre-school education.新世纪我国的幼儿教育面临着前所未有的挑战和机遇。

6)infant education幼儿教育

1.The treatise is intended to make up a general,scientific,valuable figure of the coursers of infant physical education by taking the research of the position ofinfant education,infant physical education,the courses of infant physical education presently and grasping the government policy and compendium aboutinfant education profoundly.幼儿体育课程合理化设置是一项复杂而艰巨的工作,文章通过透视我国幼儿教育、幼儿体育、幼儿体育课程现状,在深入领会《幼儿园工作规程》、《幼儿园教育指导纲要》及素质教育重要精神基础上,通过制定具体可行的课程目标,提炼课程设置的基本原则,构建现代幼儿体育课程基本框架,致力于开发科学、合理、有价值的幼儿体育课程。

2.Infant education is an important part of basic education and the development ofinfant education plays a vital part in promoting the all-round development of infant body and mind, popularizing compulsory education, improving the whole quality of people, realizing the comprehensive construction of moderately prosperous society.幼儿教育是基础教育的重要组成部分,发展幼儿教育对于促进儿童身心全面健康发展、普及义务教育、提高国民整体素质、实现全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标具有十分重要的意义。


