100字范文 > 民办幼儿教育 private early childhood education英语短句 例句大全

民办幼儿教育 private early childhood education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-03 05:15:06


民办幼儿教育 private early childhood education英语短句 例句大全

民办幼儿教育,private early childhood education

1)private early childhood education民办幼儿教育

1.The aim for the government to encourageprivate early childhood education to develop is to give more education chances and better education quality to the public."办好教育"的动机和"经办"自主是民办幼儿教育发展的自身动力;民办幼儿教育具有与公办幼儿教育同样的公益性;政府应对民办幼儿教育进行规划、组织和管理。

2.This paper studies theories and practice inprivate early childhood education from the perspective of education justice, mainly focusing on the root of the problems, i.本文从教育公正视野分析了与我国民办幼儿教育发展相关的理论问题与现实问题,指出当前我国民办幼儿教育发展遇到的问题所产生的根源,主要是政府职能转化问题,从而提出有效改善政府职能,促进民办幼儿教育健康发展的可行性策略。

3.The important function ofprivate early childhood education draws more and more attention by the researchers in china, following quantity and scale of private kindergartens developed continuously.随着民办幼儿园的数量和规模不断扩大,民办幼儿教育的重要作用日益引起研究者的重视。


1.On the Social Supports to Non-governmental Preschool Education in Small Towns;论对小城镇民办幼儿教育的社会支持

2.A Research on Some Issues of Development of Nongovernmental Preschool Education in China;我国民办幼儿教育发展的若干问题研究

3.Development Research of Private Preschool Education in China From 1997-1997—我国民办幼儿教育发展状况研究

4.On Strategic Monitoring System for Non-government Infant Education促进民办幼儿教育健康发展的调控策略

5.Enlightenment of non-governmental infant s educational development of small town of the Midwest of Hong Kong preschool education;香港学前教育对中西部小城镇民办幼儿教育发展的启示

6.On Development of Private Early Childhood Education in China From the Perspective of Education Justice;教育公正视野:我国民办幼儿教育发展中的问题与对策

7.A Study on the Private Early Childhood Education Development in China and Chinese Government Functional Transition Problem During the Chinese Social Transform Period我国社会转型中民办幼儿教育事业发展与政府职能转化问题的研究

8.Investigations and Reflections on Education and Teaching of Private Kindergarten Teacher in Northwest Rural Areas;西北地区农村民办幼儿园教师教育教学状况的调查与思考

9.Research on the Tendency of Kindergarten Education Toward Primary School of Nongovernmental Kindergartens in County Seats from Multiple Perspectives多重视角下的县域民办幼儿园教育小学化倾向研究

10.The Study of Current Situations on Private Kindergarten Teachers Professional Development;民办幼儿园教师专业发展的现状研究

11.The Study of Non-Governmental Pre-school Teacher s Professional Development in Shenzhen;深圳市民办幼儿园教师专业发展研究

12.On Education of Ethnic Minority Infants in Han Nationality Kindergartens;试论汉族幼儿园里的少数民族幼儿教育

13.Kindergarten Section [Education Department]幼儿园组〔教育署〕

14.Analysis on Teachers’ Mental Health Condition in Kindergartens Runned by the Local People;民办幼儿园教师心理健康状况的调查分析——以重庆市民办幼儿园教师为例

15.A Narrative Research on Rural Non-governmental Kindergarteners" Professional Development农村民办幼儿教师专业成长的叙事研究

16.Survey of Mental Health States and Job Burnout of Young Kindergarten Teachers in Private Kindergartens青年民办幼儿教师职业倦怠与心理健康研究

17.Psychological problems of teachers in state-run kindergartens in Jiaocheng district of Ningde宁德市蕉城区民办幼儿教师心理问题研究

parative Study on Environmental Quality of Kindergartens of Different Financial Input and Management System;不同办园体制幼儿园班级教育环境质量比较


teachers in kindergartens runned by the local people民办幼儿园教师

3)minority preschool education民族幼儿教育

4)rural non-governmental kindergarteners农村民办幼儿教师

1.This study used the narrative research method, and selected tworural non-governmental kindergarteners from village D and village Z in Linxia city of GanSu province as research subjects.第二部分,对两位农村民办幼儿教师的专业成长历程进行了描述。

5)private kindergartens民办幼儿园

6)Private and non-governmental kindergarten民办幼儿园

1.Since the opening-up of our country, the private and non-governmental kindergartens in Xiamen have been developing quickly.厦门市民办幼儿园自改革开放以来得到迅速的恢复和长足的发展,已经成为厦门市幼教事业的重要组成部份。


幼儿幼儿preschool children体格生长渐变缓慢,中枢神经系统发育亦开始减慢,语言、行动与表达能力明显发展,能用人称代词,控制大小便,前囟闭合,乳牙出齐,第二信号系统迅速发育,开始养成习惯,对营养需求增加,若供给不及时,易致消瘦甚或营养不良,防病仍为重点;因识别危险能力差,应注意意外及中毒。
