100字范文 > 流量脉动特性 flow pulsation characteristic英语短句 例句大全

流量脉动特性 flow pulsation characteristic英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-18 01:38:12


流量脉动特性 flow pulsation characteristic英语短句 例句大全

流量脉动特性,flow pulsation characteristic

1)flow pulsation characteristic流量脉动特性

1.MATLAB-basedflow pulsation characteristic simulation on compound gear pumps基于MATLAB的复合齿轮泵流量脉动特性的仿真


1.MATLAB-based flow pulsation characteristic simulation on compound gear pumps基于MATLAB的复合齿轮泵流量脉动特性的仿真

2.Flow rate of cosine gear pump and analysis of its pulse characteristics余弦齿轮泵的流量及其脉动特性分析

3.Research on Instant Flow Characteristic and Pulsation of Arch Gear Pump弧齿齿轮泵瞬间流量及其脉动特性研究


5.Characteristics of pulse velocity of turbulence in a SK-static mixerSK型静态混合器湍流速度脉动特性

6.pulsating flow of mean constant flow-rate恒定平均流量的脉动流

7.Experimental Study on Fluidizing, Pulsating & Heat Transfer Characteristics of a Rijke-type Self-pulsating Fluidized Bed;Rijke管型自激式脉动流化床流化、脉动和传热特性实验研究

8.Research on the Characteristics of Fluctuating Pressures and the Mechanism of Its Scouring in the Scour Pit;挑流冲坑内的水流脉动特性及冲刷机理研究

9.Analysis on Pressure Fluctuations of Unsteady Flow Field in Mixed-Flow Main Coolant Pump混流式核主泵非定常流场的压力脉动特性分析

10.Pressure Fluctuation Characteristics Study of Unsteady Flow Field on Rotational Flow Self-priming Pump旋流自吸泵非定常流场压力脉动特性研究

11.Experiment on the influence of discharge ratio of main flow of tributary on flow fluctuation characteristics in confluence area主支汇流比对交汇区域水流脉动特性影响试验

12.Experimental Study on Flow Visualizing and Heat Transfer Characteristic of Pulsating Heat Pipe;脉动热管的流动可视化及传热特性的实验研究

13.Characteristics of Fluid Flow and Flow Structures of Non-Newtonian Fluid in a Wavy-walled Tube for Steady and Pulsatile Flow定常和脉动流场下波壁管内非牛顿流体的流动及结构特性

14.Image Measurement of Two-Phase Flow Characteristic in Centrifugal Pump Impeller;离心泵内两相流流动特性的图像测量

15.Study on Dynamic Characteristics of Coriolis Mass Flowmeter科里奥利质量流量计动态特性的研究

16.Increasing original resistan coefficient of the secondary air duct can improve the adjusting performance of air damper, and inhibit pulsation of the flow rate.增加二次风道的原始阻力系数,可以使风门的调节特性得到改善并抑制流量脉动。

17.Influence of bubble content on laser-induced cavitation bubble oscillation in glycerol-water mixture含气量对黏性液体中空泡脉动特性的影响

18.Effect of flow pulsations on performance of straight tube coriolis mass flow meter流体脉动对直管科氏流量计测量性能的影响分析


flow pulsation流量脉动

1.Whereafter,the influence offlow pulsation rate and steady pressure of system on the effect of accumulator absorbing pressure pulsation was analyzed theoretically.建立了吸收压力脉动的普通蓄能器回路的数学模型,从理论上分析了流量脉动频率和系统稳态压力对蓄能器吸收压力脉动效果的影响。

2.This paper gives the analysis about the changeable law and the cause of the producedflow pulsation on common gear wheel pump and shows the unfavourable influence of theflow pulsation on hydraulic pressure system, the concrete measures of reducing theflow pulsation to be given.对齿轮泵瞬时流量的变化规律以及产生流量脉动的原因进行了分析,指出了流量脉动对液压系统的不利影响,提出了降低流量脉动的具体措施。

3)Flow ripple流量脉动

1.It was shown by calculation results that the flow ripple and fluid noise of hydraulic pump increased seriously when the bulk modulus descended.结果表明,随着油液体积弹性模量的下降,泵的流量脉动及流体噪声均增大。

2.It demonstrates that the composite curve is advantageous in good kinematics behavior and low flow ripple, more appropriate to 10 vane than the polynomial curve conventionally used.对 10叶片式轿车转向泵定子曲线进行了校系统的研究 ,分析其运动特性及流量脉动。

3.It demonstrates that the composite curve is advantageous in good kinematic behavior and low flow ripple.研究了 10叶片式转向泵的定子曲线 ,指出分段组合曲线不但运动学特性较好 ,而且其流量脉动显著降低 ,有推广应用价值。

4)flow fluctuation流量脉动

1.Influence of composite damping of port plate offlow fluctuation of composite vane pump;子母叶片泵配流盘复合阻尼对流量脉动性的影响

2.Because theflow fluctuation in axial piston pumps is one of the major factors for their engineering noise control, the influencing factors of transit flow in the pumps are to be found out and a method for reducing the coefficient of flow unevenness by means of computer simulation analysis is also to be given.针对轴向柱塞泵的流量脉动是工程噪声控制的主要因素之一,找出了轴向柱塞泵瞬时流量的影响因素,并运用计算机仿真分析给出了减小流量不均匀系数的方法。

5)flow pulse流量脉动

1.The relationship of the whole profile mesh helical gear pumpflow pulse with screw angle β ,tooth broad b and other parameters is analyzed,and the conclusion by research and example is achieved that with same main parameters theflow pulse of whole profile mesh helical gear pump is lower than that of spur gear pump.分析了全齿廓啮合斜齿齿轮泵的流量脉动与螺旋角 β、齿宽b等参数的关系 ,并通过推导和算例得出主要参数相同的全齿廓啮合斜齿齿轮泵的流量脉动小于全齿廓啮合直齿齿轮泵的结

2.Theflow pulse property of helical gear pump is analysed in detail.详细分析了斜齿齿轮泵的流量脉动特性,结果表明斜齿齿轮泵不能等同于若干个依此错开一个相位角、具有独立容腔直齿轮泵的迭加,不具有减少流量脉动的功能。

3.The conclusion that double helical gear pump can not only drastically deduct the mal-influence of accessory axial thrust,but also ameliorate the instant displacement andflow pulse.通过分析双斜齿轮泵的工作原理及其性能,得出双斜齿轮泵既能锐减单组斜齿轮泵的附加轴向力的不良影响,又能改善了瞬间排量和流量脉动,更具优良性能。

6)flow behavior measurement流动特性测量


理想流量计试探与流量仪表的选用理想流量计试探1.检测件无阻碍物;2.检测件可夹装在管道外部,可随意移动在任何地点测量而无须截断管道与流体;3.仪表的流量计算方程简单明确,可外推到未知领域而无须实流校验;4.频率脉冲输出信号,数字式仪表,便于远传抗干扰及与计算机联网;5.仪表输出信号不受流体介质物性的影响;6.仪表输出信号不受流体流动特性的影响;7.仪表复现性高;8.仪表范围度宽,线性好;9.仪表可靠性高,价格适宜,维修技术不复杂;10.无须个别实流校验,或只须“干校”,或在一、二种介质中校验可推广到各种介质;11.检测件输出信号直接反映质量流量。可以说至今并没有出现上述的理想流量计,所有流量计都多少具备一些上述条件,只不过有的多些,有的少些。所有流量计制造厂试制新产品都力图能更多地具备上述条件。流量仪表的选用 流量仪表的选型对仪表能否成功使用往往起着很重要的作用,由于被测对象的复杂状况以及仪表品种繁多,产品质量难以掌握等情况,使得仪表的选型感到困难。没有一种十全十美的流量计,各类仪表都有各自的特点,选型的目的就是在众多的品种中扬长避短,选择自己最合适的仪表。 一般选型可以从五个方面进行考虑,这五个方面为仪表性能方面、流体特性方面、安装条件方面、环境条件方面和经济因素方面。五个方面的详细因素如下: 1.仪表性能方面准确度、重复性、线性度、范围度、流量范围、信号输出特性、响应时间、压力损失等;2.流体特性方面流体、温度、压力、密度、粘度、化学腐蚀、磨蚀性、结垢、堵塞、混相、相变、电导率、声速、导热系数、比热容,等熵指数;3.安装条件方面管道布置方向,流动方向,检测件上下游侧直管段长度、管道口径、维修空间、电源、接地、辅助设备(过滤器、消气器)、安装、脉动等;4.环境条件方面环境温度、湿度、电磁干扰、安全性、防爆、管道振动等;5.经济因素方面仪表购置费、安装费、运行费、校验费、维修费、仪表使用寿命、备品备件等。仪表选型的步骤如下:1. 依据流体种类及五个方面考虑因素初选可用仪表类型(要有几类型以便进行选择);2. 对初选类型进行资料及价格信息的收集,为深入的分析比较准备条件;3. 采用淘汰法逐步集中到1-2种类型,对五个方面因素要反复比较分析最终确定预选目标。
