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流量特性 flow characteristic英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-14 21:52:53


流量特性 flow characteristic英语短句 例句大全

流量特性,flow characteristic

1)flow characteristic流量特性

1.Application of curve of butterfly valveflow characteristics in V-type filter bed in the control of invariableness water level;蝶阀流量特性曲线在V形滤池恒水位控制中的应用

2.Theflow characteristic analysis and application selection of regulating valve;调节阀流量特性分析及应用选择

3.Theflow characteristic simulation of the multi-gear pump;多联齿轮泵流量特性的仿真研究


1.Flow feature: The intrinsic flow feature of V-type regulating ball valve approximates the intrinsic flow feature of equal percentage, the featrre curve is shown as Fig.3.流量特性:V型调节球阀的固有流量特性为近似等百分比固有流量特性,特性曲线如图例所示.

2.Simulation Research of Flow Characteristics for Three Internal Gear Flowmeter三型内齿轮流量计的流量特性仿真研究

3.Research on traffic control schema based on property of video traffic基于视频流量特性分析的流量控制机制研究

4.Analysis of Flow Characteristics for Different Flow Directions of Angular Control Valve角式调节阀流向对流量特性的影响及分析

5.V-cone flowmeter characteristics for measuring vehicle diluted exhaust gas flow用于汽车稀释排气流量测量的锥形流量计特性

6.Theoretical and Experimental Study on the Performance of a Small Flow Vortex Tube;小流量涡流管特性的理论与实验研究

7.Image Measurement of Two-Phase Flow Characteristic in Centrifugal Pump Impeller;离心泵内两相流流动特性的图像测量

8.The Research on the Inner Flow Characteristic of Circumferential Direction Bowed Blade with Mini Flow小流量下周向弯曲叶片内流特性研究

9.Study on Dynamic Characteristics of Coriolis Mass Flowmeter科里奥利质量流量计动态特性的研究

10.Nonlinear Vibration Characteristics of Coriolis Mass Flowmeter科氏质量流量计非线性振动特性研究(英文)

11.Numerical Simulation of Flow Characteristics and Experimental Study of Flow Coefficient on Elbow Flowmeter;弯管流量计水流特性的数值模拟及流量系数的试验研究

12.apparatus for measuring d.c. magnetic chracteristic with ballistic galvanometer method冲击法直流磁特性测量装置

13.Detection of Distributed Denial of Service Based on Fractal Characteristic of Network Traffic基于网络流量分形特性的DDoS攻击检测

14.Simulation on Static Characteristic of Pressure-Flow Composite Valve Based on AMESim基于AMESim的流量-压力复合阀静特性研究

15.Flow rate of cosine gear pump and analysis of its pulse characteristics余弦齿轮泵的流量及其脉动特性分析

16.Research on Current Measurement Dynamic Characteristics of PCB Air-core CoilPCB空心线圈的电流测量动态特性研究

17.Study of Influence on Gear Flowmeter Dynamic Characteristics影响齿轮流量计动态特性的因素研究

18.Distributing Characteristic of Dynamic Pressure Field of Vortex Flowmeter涡街流量传感器动态压力场分布特性


flow characteristics流量特性

1.Theflow characteristics of the non-engaging two-teeth gear pump;非啮合式二齿齿轮泵流量特性研究

2.Research on theflow characteristics and distribution construction of axial piston pump;轴向柱塞泵流量特性与配流副结构研究

3.Numerical Simulation and Analysis of the Flow Characteristics of the Angle Pattern Control Valves;角式调节阀流量特性的数值模拟及分析

3)flow rate characteristics流量特性

1.Experimental research onflow rate characteristics of fine mist pressure nozzles;压力式细雾喷嘴流量特性实验研究

2.According to correlative theories,water,lubricating oil and Sodium Lauryl Sulfate solutions were used to investigate the influence of operational parameters(gas / liquid ratio) and liquid properties(viscosity,surface tension) onflow rate characteristics of a typical internal-mixing twin-fluid atomizer.结合相关理论,以水、润滑油和十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS)溶液作为液体介质,详细研究了操作参数(气液比)和液体物性(粘度、表面张力)对一种典型的内混式二相流喷嘴流量特性的影响,通过对实验数据的分析得出了一些重要结论。

3.The necessity of using sonic conductance C and critical pressure ratio b to describe theflow rate characteristics of pneumatic components was discussed firstly,then the principles and the test device of ISO/DIS6358 standard were introduced and its advantages and disadvantages were analyzed.论述了利用声速流导C与临界压力比b描述气动元件的流量特性的必要性,介绍了ISO/DIS6358标准的原理及试验装置,分析了其优缺点,参考等温容器放气法替代ISO标准测试方法,介绍了等温容器放气法的试验装置和方法及测试原理。

4)Discharge characteristic流量特性

1.Experimental investigation of discharge characteristic of electrical ball valve;电动球阀流量特性实验研究

2.The constituent,operating priciple and the discharge characteristic of the regulating valve are briefly introduced in this article.本文简要介绍了调节阀的构成、工作原理及其流量特性,叙述了调节阀在乳化炸药生产线自动控制系统中的应用方法和选型时应注意的问题。

5)flow property流量特性

1.The experiment study offlow property and the formula simulation about the SPF balance valve;SPF型平衡阀流量特性的实验研究及公式拟合

2.The experiment study offlow property on the core-exchange balance valve;换阀芯平衡阀的流量特性实验研究

3.The experiment study offlow property in SP type balance valve;SP型平衡阀流量特性的实验研究

6)discharge characteristics流量特性

1.Thedischarge characteristics of the nozzle and the mechanical characteristics of the mini-air-motor are analyzed.介绍了冲击式小型气动马达的工作原理和具体结构组成,理论分析了其喷嘴流量特性和叶轮受力情况,并通过计算机仿真研究了其主要结构参数变化对输出转矩的影响规律。

2.The numerical equation about regulating valve s resistance anddischarge characteristics is established according to their relation.根据调节阀阻力特性和流量特性的定义 ,建立了二者之间的数值关系方程。


