100字范文 > 工作流量特性 working flow characteristics英语短句 例句大全

工作流量特性 working flow characteristics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-20 01:19:40


工作流量特性 working flow characteristics英语短句 例句大全

工作流量特性,working flow characteristics

1)working flow characteristics工作流量特性

2)working performance工作特性

1.To rationally utilize energy,the laboratory and site experiments on theworking performance of hydro-cyclones operated under the conditions of series/parallel connection are conducted in Dongsheng Company of Shengli Oilfield.为了掌握旋流器串并联的工作特性,合理利用能量,胜利油田东胜公司通过室内和现场试验,获取了大量的试验数据,运用数理统计方法,对试验数据进行了分析、对比和归纳,推导并总结出了反映旋流器串并联工作特性的特征方程。

2.To grasp theworking performance of an underwater thermal glider,this paper firstly presented a dynamic analysis of the ocean thermal energy acquisition by a certain PCM(phase change material),based on the gliding trajectory and environment.从温差能驱动水下滑翔机的运动轨迹和航行环境出发,对感温工质获取温差能的相变过程进行动态分析,以确定滑翔机工作特性。

3.It lucubrated the main technologies of the high-power Shunt Hybrid Active Power Filter (SHAPF), which includes its harmonic detecting method,working performances, optimal controlling strategy and its practical realization.本课题以某变电站的谐波检测、治理以及无功功率补偿为研究对象,系统的研究大容量并联混合型有源电力滤波器的谐波检测方法、工作特性、最优控制策略以及工程应用技术。


1.Operating characteristic of rotary piezo impact drive mechanism旋转型压电惯性冲击马达的工作特性

2.The Relative Research between the Individual Working Characteristic and Personal Characteristic of Undergraduates;大学生个人工作特性及个性特征相关研究

3.oil performance in engine油品在发动机内工作特性

4.A Study on the Working Characteristics of Pre-stressing 7 Cone Anchorage预应力 Φ7 锥塞锚工作特性研究

5.Research of Working Characteristic of Solid Motor in Water;固体火箭发动机水下工作特性的研究

6.Simulation and Analysis about Working Characteristic of Loading Mechanism in Excavating Machine;掘进机装载机构工作特性的模拟研究

7.The Working Characteristic and Performance Research on a Novel Energy Storage System for Dehumidifying and Air-conditioning;新型蓄能除湿空调系统工作特性研究

8.Study on the Working Performance of Built-In Miniature Hydraulic Turbine Heat Exchanger Tube;内置微型液轮机换热管工作特性研究

9.The Research of the Operational Properties of Organic Static Induction Transistor;有机静电感应晶体管工作特性的研究

10.Analysis of ball bearing performance with general speed;一般速度条件下球轴承工作特性分析

11.Analysis of Triode When the Collector and Base Being Short-Circuit;三极管集——基短路后的工作特性分析

12.Study on the plate rigidity effect on stiffened earth-retaining wall operating characteristics面板刚度对加筋挡土墙工作特性研究

13.mechanical behavior of effective force工作阻力的机械特性

14.workload characterization工作负荷特性表示法

15.The Nature, Features, Position, Role of College Logistic Work;高校后勤工作的性质、特征、地位和作用

16.How fast a machine works is one of its important characteristics.工作速度是机器的重要特性之一。

17.Ad Hoc Working Group of Experts on Biological Diversity生物物种多样性特设专家工作组

18.Ad Hoc Working Group on Persistent Organic Pollutants持久性有机污染物问题特设工作组


working performance工作特性

1.To rationally utilize energy,the laboratory and site experiments on theworking performance of hydro-cyclones operated under the conditions of series/parallel connection are conducted in Dongsheng Company of Shengli Oilfield.为了掌握旋流器串并联的工作特性,合理利用能量,胜利油田东胜公司通过室内和现场试验,获取了大量的试验数据,运用数理统计方法,对试验数据进行了分析、对比和归纳,推导并总结出了反映旋流器串并联工作特性的特征方程。

2.To grasp theworking performance of an underwater thermal glider,this paper firstly presented a dynamic analysis of the ocean thermal energy acquisition by a certain PCM(phase change material),based on the gliding trajectory and environment.从温差能驱动水下滑翔机的运动轨迹和航行环境出发,对感温工质获取温差能的相变过程进行动态分析,以确定滑翔机工作特性。

3.It lucubrated the main technologies of the high-power Shunt Hybrid Active Power Filter (SHAPF), which includes its harmonic detecting method,working performances, optimal controlling strategy and its practical realization.本课题以某变电站的谐波检测、治理以及无功功率补偿为研究对象,系统的研究大容量并联混合型有源电力滤波器的谐波检测方法、工作特性、最优控制策略以及工程应用技术。

3)Working characteristics工作特性

1.Study and testing of the working characteristics of labyrinth pump and seal;迷宫螺旋泵和密封工作特性研究

2.Research on method for on line testing the working characteristics of three-phase induction motor;三相异步电动机工作特性在线测试方法

3.Discusses the testing methods and characteristic curves of four working characteristics.分别介绍了摩托车自动变速离合器及其试验台的结构与工作原理 ,探讨了其四种工作特性的试验方法及曲线特

4)working characteristic工作特性

1.This article analyses the relation between the individualworking characteristic and personal characteristic of undergraduates through measuring them by Personal Characteristics Inventory (PCI) and Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF).通过对大学生进行PCI个人工作特性测验和卡特尔16PF人格测验,对大学生的工作特性和个性特征进行分析。

5)operating characteristic工作特性

1.Analysis and Research on Mathematical Model of Oil Pump s Operating Characteristic;内燃机机油泵工作特性数学模型的分析与研究

2.Also theoperating characteristic of valve type orifice system was simulated.给出约束活塞型内燃式水泵主体部分及进水阀和出水阀的动力方程,并对该阀式配流系统的工作特性进行仿真研究。

6)performance characteristic工作特性

1.This paper introduces the method of obtaining theperformance characteristic of the asynchronous motor with circle diagram by use of microcomputer.本文介绍了一种应用微型计算机,由圆图求取异步电动机工作特性的方法。


