100字范文 > 人格因素 Personality factor英语短句 例句大全

人格因素 Personality factor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-23 12:58:42


人格因素 Personality factor英语短句 例句大全

人格因素,Personality factor

1)Personality factor人格因素

1.The processing results indicated that main problems are the unbalanced structure of the personality factor,lack of wisdom,weak in abstract thinking,bad in independent character and low in trust to the society.结果表明 :人格因素结构不均衡 ,主要问题是聪慧不足 ,抽象思维能力偏弱 ,独立性差 ,社会适应性差 ,对社会的信任度偏低 ;有半数以上的新生有中度以下的心理问题 ,心理障碍率为 1 0 。

2.Thirdly,as for the personality factor,there is significant di.本研究采用问卷法和访谈法,以黑龙江省哈尔滨市和齐齐哈尔市479名在职监管警察为被试,发放由人口统计学资料、16PF人格因素量表和SCL-90量表组成的题本,集中施测。


1.factor theory of personality人格因素说人格因素说

2.Correlation Study on the Relationship between the Metal Health Factors and Personality Factors among University Students;大学生心理健康因素和人格因素相关性研究

3.The Research on the Game Addicts Cognitive Style and Personality Characteristics;大学生游戏成瘾者的认知风格和人格因素研究

4.Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire卡氏十六种人格因素测验

5.Analysis of Carter 16PF Measure with College Students大学生卡特尔16种人格因素测查分析

6.Study on the Effect which the Personality Factorhas on the Mental Health of the Supervisory Police;人格因素对监管警察心理健康的影响

7.An Investigation of Personality Factors Affecting Impression Management of Senior High School Students.;影响高中生印象管理的人格因素调查

8.Study on the Personality of Gymnastic Technical Innovation Principal Part;竞技体操技术创新主体人格因素研究

9.Investigation and analysis of sixteen personality factors questionnaire on medical doctor candidates;医学博士生16PF人格因素调查分析

10.Research on Factors of Healthy Personality of Grass - roots Soldiers;军队基层士兵健康人格因素结构研究

11.Norm of the Sixteen Personality Factor Test of Chinese Military;卡氏十六种人格因素中国军人常模的修订

12.Establishment of national norm of Cattell 16 personality factor questionnaire in military personnel;卡特尔16种人格因素问卷中国军人常模的建立

13.Factor Analysis Personality Questionnaire因素分析型人格问卷

14.Searching for a Personality Structure of Chinese: A Theoretical Hypothesis of a Six Factor Model of Personality Traits;中国人人格结构探索——人格特质六因素假说

15.the - s of a man"s character形成一个人的人格的各种因素

16.An Analysis of Qu Yuan s Tragic Parsonality and the cultural Factors;试析屈原悲剧人生的人格与文化因素

17.Big Five Personality Model Versus Sane Developmentof Students Personality;五因素人格模式与大学生人格的健全发展

18.The influence of parents is a major force in the development of character.父母的影响是人格形成的主要因素。


personality factors人格因素

1.Study on the present conditions undergraduate spersonality factors in normal university of Guizhou;贵州省高师大学生人格因素表现现状研究

2.It has far reaching and positive significance to emphasize PE teacherspersonality factors for improving physical education and other causes in an all-round way.体育教师的人格因素对学生的身心健康影响巨大,重视体育教师的人格因素,对于促进体育教学和各项事业全面发展都将有着积极而深远的意义。

3.Regard to teacher burnout at home and abroad on the impact of factors,the factors can be summed up as the situation factors andpersonality factors.影响教师职业倦怠的因素主要可以归纳为情境因素和人格因素。


1.The Relation among thePersonality Factor, the Subjective Stress and the Coping Style in the Students of the Judicatory Constable Institute;司法警校学员人格因素、主观应激与应对方式的关系

2.This study concludes that personality health and sports ability are closely related to each other.本文研究分析大学生体质优生在乐群外向、恃强好胜、敢为冒险、自信直率等人格因素方面具有优良的品质或有利的积极向上的发展条件 ,在沉稳性、自律性方面显得不足 ;体质差生在稳定性、谨慎性、客观现实性方面人格品质优良 ,但紧张性、焦虑性、乐群性方面显得不足 。

3.The result runs as follows:(1) There is extremely significant difference between them and college students in China in respect of 5 personality factors,and significant difference between them in respect of 2 factors.运用Cattell-16PF人格因素量表,对57名山东省大学生男篮运动员进行测试。

4)personality characteristics人格因素

1.The Research on the Game Addicts Cognitive Style and Personality Characteristics;大学生游戏成瘾者的认知风格和人格因素研究

5)personality traits人格因素

1.In this study, the relationship of jealousy and personality dimension, as well as jealousy andpersonality traits were examined.旨在考察嫉妒与人格维度及人格因素的关系 ,通过对 2 31名被试者施测Bringle自我报告嫉妒量表 ,Hup ka爱情嫉妒量表 ,White习惯及关系嫉妒量表 ,Buunk嫉妒量表和大 5人格量表 (NEO -PI-R) ,对施测结果进行相关分析和逐步回归分析 ,发现在大 5人格量表中所包含的神经质 ,外向性 ,开放性 ,顺同性和严谨性 5种人格维度中 ,只有神经质维度与嫉妒呈现一致性密切关系 ;外向性维度与嫉妒的一致性关系尚不明确 ;开放性维度、顺同性维度和严谨性维度与嫉妒关系并不密切。

2.The influence ofpersonality traits on second language or foreign language study is attached more and more importance to and much research work is done by the experts and scholars abroad.人格因素对二/外语学习的影响越来越受到大家的关注,国外的专家和学者们对此做了很多研究。

6)five-factor personality人格五因素

1.To explore the relationship between personality,perceived social support and self-esteem in high school students,1432 high school students of grade one and grade two in junior and senior high schools at Beijing and Xi an completed thefive-factor personality inventory,social network questionnaires and Rosenberg whole self-esteem scale.以北京和西安1432名初一、初二、高一、高二的中学生为对象,采用小五人格学生问卷、社会关系网络问卷、Rosenberg整体自尊量表,综合探讨中学生的人格五因素、感知的社会支持与自尊的关系。

2.There were 1592 students who completed the learning behaviors questionnaire,thefive-factor personality inventory,and the teacher-student relationship inventory.以北京和西安两所城市四所中学初一、初二、高一、高二年级1592名中学生为被试,采用学业行为问卷、人格五因素问卷和师生关系问卷,考察中学生学业行为的特点,并探讨人格、师生关系对学业行为的影响。


16项人格因素16项人格因素16 personality factors16项人格因紊(16 Personality faetors)o因素自大一自责一种人格调查表,卡特尔(c attell,R.B.)Ql因素守旧一革新于1949年编制,故又称卡特尔16种QZ因素随俗一自立人格因素问卷(Cattell,5 16 PersonalityQ,因素任性一自律Faeto:Questionnaire)。经过多次修订,Q;因素松弛一紧张现分成5式。目的是测量人格本来特.,人~~一_~,、.,.~人~_~“‘~“~’曰“‘介~~竺川一/~尸16个因素又可再分出四个第二质(s ourco traits)。每一个因素由一个~“爪公二厂’-一”-一一兰一‘一_“罗一‘一~’份~岁’级的因素,即:分量表来测量,每一因素分两极。16-----一个因素如下:Ql因素内向一外向 Qn因素低焦虑一高焦虑A因素含蓄一开朗Qlll因素敏感、情绪的一不敏感、B因素智力低一智力高冷静的C因素情绪激动一情绪稳定QW因素依赖的一独立的E因素谦逊一武断5式不过是因受试者的文化程度 F因素有节制一冲动不同而对量表的项目数量进行了删G因素权宜一认真节;而且在选择回答有的量表由从三 H因素害羞拘谨-冒失敢为个回答中选择一个,改由从两个中选I因素不空想一空想一个。将结果换算成标准10分(平均L因素信任一猜疑为5.5)。原量表按文化程度设立常模。 M因素实际的一想像的(龚雄先撰林传燕市)N因素爽直一世故
