100字范文 > 顶推施工 incremental launching construction英语短句 例句大全

顶推施工 incremental launching construction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-22 03:03:11


顶推施工 incremental launching construction英语短句 例句大全

顶推施工,incremental launching construction

1)incremental launching construction顶推施工

bined with practical engineering of west bridge in Zhujiang bridge,the author separately illustrates the construction technology and time-limit of traditional bearing changing method and improved bearing as sideway,compares the two bearings,and introduces the selection of new-type bearing,in order to accumulate experience for bridgeincremental launching construction.结合珠江大桥西桥工程实例,分别阐述了传统的更换支座方法的施工工艺及工期和改进支座兼作滑道的施工工艺及工期,并对其进行了比较,最后介绍了新型支座的选型,为桥梁顶推施工积累了经验。

2.The reasonable arrangement of the launching nose will be critical to the smooth proceeding ofincremental launching construction of the whole bridge.导梁的长度、刚度及重量在顶推施工阶段对顶推主梁的内力有着重要的影响,其合理配置是全桥顺利顶推的关键。

3.The main shipping channel bridge and the non-navigable span approach bridges of the Bridge respectively make use of the long span continuous composite arch bridges and continuous composite box girder bridges that are all erected by the multi-point and synchroincremental launching construction technique.其中,引桥顶推施工时,85 m跨间无临时墩;主桥顶推施工时,210 m跨间仅设置1座临时墩。


1.The Research of Key Problems in the Incremental Launching of Cable-stayed Bridge with Steel Box Girder;钢箱梁斜拉桥顶推施工关键问题研究

2.On Multipoints Jacking Construction of Zhujiang Bridge with 5 × 50 m Continuous Box Girder珠江大桥5×50m连续箱梁多点顶推施工

3.The Research of the Launching Construction Control Technology about the Concrete Skewed Continuous Beam Bridge;混凝土斜连续梁桥顶推施工控制技术研究

4.Simulation and Optimization for Long-span Changing Curvature Vertical Curve Steel-box Girder Bridge Constructed by Incremental Launching Method大跨度变曲率竖曲线钢箱梁顶推施工仿真优化

5.Incremental Launching Technology of Steel Box Girder in Ji"nan Huanghe Bridge of Qingdao-Yinchuan Highway青银高速济南黄河大桥钢箱梁顶推施工技术

6.Incremental launching construction research of the closure section of Xicheng bridge at Nanping in Fujian福建省南平市西城大桥合龙段顶推施工研究

7.Several Linear-Control Questions of Long Span Steel Box Girder in Spelling and Thrusting Case大跨度桥梁钢箱梁拼接顶推施工过程线形控制的若干问题

8.Program Development and Research on Key Technologys of Long-span Skew Angle Incremental Launching Continuous Bridge;大跨度斜连续梁桥顶推施工仿真计算程序设计与关键技术研究

9.Program Design and Research on Mechanical Property of Skew Angle Incremetal Launching Continous Bridge;斜连续梁桥顶推施工过程力学特性研究与程序设计

10.Influence of Inclined Continuous Bridge Pier′s Height and Rigidity on Push Construction斜连续梁桥桥墩高度和刚度对顶推施工的影响分析

11.In this article, the author states the multi-points automatic continuous jacking construction technology of a continuous steel box beam over several railway lines and electrified contacting nets.介绍了跨越多条铁路线路及电气化接触网的连续钢箱梁多点自动连续顶推施工技术。

12.Study on the Jacking Force Induced by Linear and Curved Pipe Jacking Construction;直线及曲线顶管施工中的顶推力研究

13.The Research on Construction Control in the Incremental Launching of Main Girder of Cable-stayed Bridge with Steel Box Girder钢箱梁斜拉桥主梁顶推法施工阶段控制研究

14.Calculation Analysis of Closure Jacking Force and Introduction to Construction Monitoring Scheme of Incremental Launching of Continuous Rigid Frame Bridge连续刚构桥顶推合拢的计算分析及施工监控

15.Calculation and Application of Lunching Force in Bridge Construction by Swing桥梁转体施工过程中顶推力的计算及应用

16.The transverse No.1 Bridge of Japan is a bridge on slope and in curve with small radius and was installed by segmentally launching.日本横向一号桥是一座采用顶推法施工的小半径弯坡桥。

17.Research on Analyses of Construction and Seismic Response and Optimization of Closure Jacking-Force of Low-Pylon Cable-Stayed Bridge Based on Beam Element;基于梁单元的矮塔斜拉桥施工与地震计算和合龙顶推力优化研究

18.Research on Key Technologies of Construction Control & Mechanics Characters of Multisectio Curved Steel-box Girder Bridge Which Constructed by Incremental Launching Method变曲率竖曲线钢箱梁顶推受力特性及施工控制技术研究


incremental launching method顶推施工

1.In the process of long-span multi-segment continuous curved steel-box girder bridge constructed byincremental launching method,how to adjust the height of temporary piers to insure the safety of steel-box girders and temporary piers is a complex problem.在进行大跨度多段连续曲线钢箱梁顶推施工过程中,如何通过适时调整临时墩标高来保证钢箱梁及临时墩的受力安全是一个复杂的问题。

2.The varying depth steel box girder bridge cross Tonghui river, which is a part of connecting line between Second and Forth circle ring road in Beijing , was constructed byincremental launching method.北京二环、四环联络线跨越通惠河的变高度曲线钢箱梁采用了顶推施工方法。

3.The construction process simulation and construction control of steel box girder bridge withincremental launching method is studied.顶推施工不同于悬臂施工,其最大特点在于随着施工过程的进行,结构的坐标、边界支承条件以及相应的结构内力、变形等均在不断地发生变化。

3)incremental launching顶推施工

1.A description is given about theincremental launching technology used in the 96-meter double-track simply-supported trussed girder passing over the second ring road of Beijing.介绍了京津城际轨道交通工程改京山线96 m双线简支钢桁架梁跨越北京市二环路顶推施工技术,该桥施工时因地制宜,充分利用二环路的辅路空间以尽量减小顶推跨度,上滑道采取间断式布置,下滑道采用不连续多段长滑道,用八三式军用墩器材搭设临时墩,并在主梁前方加设长导梁,顺利完成了钢桁梁顶推架设。

2.Incremental launching method is popular in long span skew continuous beam bridges which are across canyons because constructing of freeways in the mountains of western China are limited by land feathers 、geological conditions and highway alignment .0 有机结合,编制了“斜梁桥顶推施工仿真计算分析”程序。

3.The construction methods of steel box girder in Ji\"nan Huanghe cable-stayed bridge of Qingdao-Yinchuan Highway breaks the traditionalincremental launching technology.青银高速济南黄河大桥斜拉桥钢箱梁施工方法突破了传统的顶推施工工艺,采用在每一个临时墩上设置棘块式顶推设备的方法,实现了由简单的拖拉式顶推到真正意义上的顶推施工方法的转变。

4)incremental lounching顶推施工

1.In box culvertincremental lounching construction,precipitation and covering water are often carried on contemporarily so as to ensure the box culvert and its bottom be avoided the effect of water,and ensure the construction to go on wheels.在箱涵顶推施工中,为保证箱涵及涵底免受地下水的影响,需要同时进行降水和封水措施,以确保施工的顺利进行。

2.This paper introduces the application of MATLAB to programming for continuous girder bridge byincremental lounching, particularly for analyzing the course internal force dynamic analysis.文章介绍了MATLAB语言在顶推施工预应力混凝土连续梁桥施工过程内力动态分析程序设计中的应用 ,从而说明基于MATLAB语言开发结构分析软件的可行性与优越性。

5)incremental launching construction顶推法施工

6)Propulsion construction method顶推施工法


顶管施工顶管施工黝 顶管施工
