100字范文 > 顶推 incremental launching英语短句 例句大全

顶推 incremental launching英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-18 04:51:21


顶推 incremental launching英语短句 例句大全

顶推,incremental launching

1)incremental launching顶推

1.The sunlight thermal gradient of the steel box girder and the deformation of the last girder inincremental launching construction of Hangzhou Jiangdong Bridge杭州江东大桥钢箱梁的日照温度梯度及顶推过程中末段梁的变形

2.Theincremental launching of box culvert tunneling under Ci-Lai railway is the critical control engineering of the relocation project in Xintai urban area in 205 national road.下穿磁莱铁路的顶推箱涵,是205国道新泰城区改线工程的关键性控制工程,通过广泛深入的调查研究,精心设计、科学监测、合理施工,在顶进施工过程中采用了一系列行之有效的措施,实现了顶进施工的安全可靠,保证了磁莱铁路交通的不中断运行。

3.The article,taking theincremental launching construction of one bridge as an example,introduces in detail the project,preparation and process of beam placement,proposes principles in the control of beam placement,which may provide reference for beam placement of bridges of the same kind.文章以采用顶推法施工的某大桥为工程背景,详细介绍了落梁方案、落梁前的准备及落梁过程,提出了落梁控制原则,对同类桥梁的落梁施工具有重要的借鉴价值。


1.downbound tows下行(顶推)驳船队

2.notch-tow barge凹尾驳(尾部有顶推凹口

3.Study on the Jacking Force Induced by Linear and Curved Pipe Jacking Construction;直线及曲线顶管施工中的顶推力研究

4.The push-put concept was selected as the most feasible for the site conditions.顶推法被选为最适宜于这个现场条件。

5.The Research of Key Problems in the Incremental Launching of Cable-stayed Bridge with Steel Box Girder;钢箱梁斜拉桥顶推施工关键问题研究

6.On Multipoints Jacking Construction of Zhujiang Bridge with 5 × 50 m Continuous Box Girder珠江大桥5×50m连续箱梁多点顶推施工

7.Assistant pullback technique for main span closure of Sutong Bridge苏通大桥主桥中跨顶推辅助合龙技术

8.Based on CAD Environment Graphic Method Design Translation Apex Throwout Lever Disk Cam基于CAD环境下设计直动尖顶推杆盘形凸轮

9.Individual pushing of flexion reduction manipulation for the treatment of anterior dislocations of the elbow joint:a report of 5 patients屈曲位单人顶推法整复肘关节前脱位5例

10.Influence of Cost Structure on Economy of Changjiang River Push-train成本结构对长江分节顶推船队经济性的影响

11.Application and Development of Segmentally Launching Method in Bridges Construction in China逐段顶推架桥技术在我国的应用和发展

12.He did not want to be pinnacled.他不应该被推到顶点。

13.hydraulic trolley jack手推车式液压千斤顶

14.To hit or push something with the head or horns.顶撞,冲撞用头或角推顶某物

15.Do not push me, or I wil impale you on my horns!别推我,要不我会用我的角顶你。

16.Upward pressure from underlying magma domes the surface.地下岩浆的向上推力使地面成圆顶形。

17.The automobile promotion craze was then at its height.这股推销汽车的热潮当时达到了顶点。

18.To lift(a weight)to a position above the head without moving the legs.推举不移动腿把(杠铃)举至头顶上方



1.Aiming at thethrusting cross sliding technology puzzle of large tonnage concrete preforming bridge,the simple method that is fluid pressure operated jacksthrusting technology was introduced.针对大吨位混凝土预制桥梁横移技术难题,介绍了一种采用"液压千斤顶顶推工艺"完成大吨位混凝土预制桥梁横移的简易方法,指出该方法具有投入少、经济性好、结构简单、工作过程平稳、使用方便等特点,很适用于在现场桥梁预制施工中应用。

2.This article,taking Lishui Bridge,which was built bythrusting,as an example,has analyzed the implementation and achievements of slope construction control,offering references for thethrusting construction supervision of prestressed concrete oblique continuous beam bridges of the same kind.文章以采用顶推法施工的张家界澧水大桥为背景,分析了斜度在顶推阶段对土梁内力的影响,进行了顶推仿真计算,并具体阐述施工控制的实施与成果,为同类型的预应力混凝土斜连续梁桥的顶推施工监控提供参考。


1.This paper introduces the main theory, structure of software and hardware, performance of new equipment, the inspecting and control system for deflection of top end of piers, which is designed for bridgelaunching technology.本文介绍了专为顶推桥梁而研制的桥墩顶部位移自动监控系统的原理、软硬件结构、性能参数。

2.The inspecting and control system for deflection of top end of piers is designed for bridgelaunching technology.文章介绍了专为桥梁顶推工艺而研制的桥墩顶端位移监控系统的工作原理、软硬件结构及主要性能参数。

3.With the restriction of construction space and transport condition in the west, thelaunching construction method has extensive applied prospect, because it need little required equipment and occupy little construction space.顶推施工方法因具有所需的必要设备少、占用场地小等优点,在西部桥址场地狭小,施工运输条件极差的情况下,具有广阔的应用前景。


1.The Pushing Technique of the Overpass of Wuxiang Avenue,Nanning,Guangxi广西南宁市五象大道立交刚架桥顶推工艺

2.During the construction of the superstructure of suspension bridge,it is important to calculate the tower s allowable displacement and determine the main saddle spushing stages andpushing values,which has relation with the safety of the towers.在悬索桥上部结构施工过程中,索塔容许偏位的正确计算以及主索鞍顶推阶段和顶推量的合理确定,事关索塔的受力安全。


1.In this article, the author states the multi-points automatic continuousjacking construction technology of a continuous steel box beam over several railway lines and electrified contacting nets.介绍了跨越多条铁路线路及电气化接触网的连续钢箱梁多点自动连续顶推施工技术。

2.The construction characteristics, the construction craft, the main materials, the machines and the quality control measures for the inclination rectification combined with thejacking and grouting are introduced.介绍了倾斜桩顶推和注浆组合纠偏施工工法特点、施工工艺、主要材料及机具和质量控制措施。

6)tug barge unit顶推船组

1.In order to realize the river/sea transportation,one of the effective ways is to adopt thetug barge unit.波浪联结力的影响要素研究是与顶推船组的耐波性能密切相关的关键技术之一。


