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导读 reading guidance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-21 01:20:26


导读 reading guidance英语短句 例句大全

导读,reading guidance

1)reading guidance导读

1.A goodreading guidance to college freshmen will greatly improve the college library s service and help cultivate students with cross-discipinary knowledge and abilities.对高校新生的导读工作是提高高校图书馆高层次服务方式,培养“复合型”人才的需要。

2.The paper analyzed why the reading therapy can be applied in thereading guidance of the university library,elaborated in detail the application,and proposed the limitations of reading therapy applying in the library.分析了阅读疗法能够应用到图书馆导读工作中的原因,并详细阐述了阅读疗法在高校导读工作中的应用方式,同时提出了阅读疗法应用在图书馆界的局限性。

3.This paper introduces the features of the reader groups in private university library,and taking Guangdong Peizheng College as an example,analyzes the reading trends of the readers in private university library,and probes into how to develop thereading guidance work.介绍了民办高校读者群的特点,以广东培正学院为例,分析了民办高校图书馆读者的阅读倾向,对如何有针对性地开展导读工作进行了探讨。


1.On Mission Reading and Its Navigation --Take the Graduate Entrance Examination Reading Navigation for Example论任务阅读及其导读——以考研任务阅读导读为例

2.Knowing the Reading Motive of College Students,Providing a Better Guide for Reading;掌握大学生阅读动机 做好读者导读工作

3.A Study on Three-step Teaching Approaches --“Guidance Reading and Practice”-in Senior Middle Schools Reading Lessons;谈高中英语阅读课“导读练”三步教学法

4.Inducing The Undergraduates to Read Accurately through Excellent Guide-reading Bibliography利用优秀导读书目引导大学生正确阅读

5.Thoughts on the basic thinking and methods of teaching mode innovation--primary exploration on guiding of "guide reading of modern Chinese classic literature";《中国现当代文学名著导读》导学初探

6.The Extracurricular Reading Status Quo of Present College Students and the Constr-uction of the New Mode of Reading Guide;大学生课外阅读现状分析与导读新模式构建

7.Probe into Guided Reading for Journals with Varied Levels for University Students;针对大学生读者的分层次期刊导读工作初探

8.Understanding the Reading Requirements of the Deaf Students and Giving the Full Play to the Reading-guidance of the Library;了解聋哑学生阅读需求 发挥图书馆的导读作用

9.Undergraduates" Reading and University Libraries" Services in Guided Reading大学生阅读与高校图书馆导读服务工作

10.New Exploration in Methods of Internet Reading and University Library Instruction网络阅读与高校图书馆的导读对策新探

11.On Reading Guidance of Library from the Angle of Readers’ Reading Interests in Our College--On the Basis of the Questionnaire on Readers’ Reading Interests in Liuzhou Medical College从读者阅读兴趣论我校图书馆的导读工作——以柳州医专读者阅读兴趣调查为依据

12.Stereoscopic Reading;立体阅读——读涂普生《苏轼黄州代表词赋导读与审美》随感

13.glass semiconductor ROM玻璃半导体只读存储器

14.Analyzing reading tendency of student reader in reading-room;学生读者的阅读倾向及阅读指导方法研究

15.The old books contain selections that invited critical reading.老读本选文诱导儿童边读边思考。

16.Reading Capacity and Reading Instruction of Infants and Toddlers;0—3岁婴幼儿的阅读特点与阅读指导

17.Readers Network Psychology Guided by Network-Information Navigation;网络信息导航对读者网络心理的引导

18.Guiding Opinions on Regulating the Establishment and Operation of Venture Capital Funds:An Elaboration《创业投资引导基金指导意见》解读


guided reading导读

1.This article reveals the new trend ofguided reading of univesity library,and further discusses the effective ways and methods ofguided reading.从高校图书馆开展导读工作的重要性入手,揭示了高校图书馆导读工作的新趋势,探讨了高校图书馆开展导读工作的有效途径和方法。

2.Beginning with knowledge accumulation, the students reading ability and reading characteristics and the library s function, this paper discussed the importance ofguided reading of school library and the working methods.本文从学生的知识积累、阅读能力、阅读特点和图书馆的职能等方面 ,阐述图书馆导读工作的重要性以及开展导读工作的方

3.Theguided reading of the college library intends to offer a direct guide to the readers aim, contents & method of reading, and develop readers ability in obtaining knowledge.高校图书馆的导读 ,意在对读者的阅读目的、内容、方法给予直接的指导 ,以培养和提高读者获取知识的能力。

3)reading guide导读

1.Thereading guide online is different from the traditionalreading guide.传统导读由来已久,为读者选择阅读提供了方便。

2.This paper aims at the diversified reading requirement and reading trend of university students,analyzed the necessity ofreading guide in university libraries and discussed the illegibility character of objective and existent requirement ofreading guide in university library.针对大学生阅读需求和倾向的多元化,分析了高校图书馆导读的必要性,论述了导读需求客观存在的模糊性,在此基础上,提出了搞好高校导读工作具有操作性的对策和措施。

bined with work practice,this paper has discussed the ways of creating individualized borrow environment in the following aspects:creation of high quality library resources,enhancement ofreading guide work,creation of respective and free atmosphere,creation of comfortable indoor en.本文结合工作实践,从创建高质量的馆藏资源,加强导读工作,创设尊重、自由的气氛,营造舒适的室内环境,加强规范化的管理等方面进行阐述。

4)reading guidance导读工作

1.Hospital libraryreading guidance and literature resource building in internet environment;网络环境中医院图书馆的导读工作与文献资源建设

2.This paper expounds the connotations ofreading guidance and information literacy, analyzes the necessity of developing thereading guidance, and points out some effective approaches for carrying out the information literacy education for college students through the developing thereading guidance.阐述了导读和信息素质的内涵,分析了开展导读工作的必要性,指出导读工作是对大学生进行信息素质教育的有效途径。

3.This paper analyzes the reading situation of higher vocational students,and advances some suggestions on strengthening thereading guidance work.对高职生的阅读状态进行了分析,提出了加强导读工作的建议。

5)Reading guidance阅读辅导

1.This paper expounds the definition of reading guidance,and expounds the enlightenment of reading guidance service on the service method of university library.阐明了阅读辅导的含义,论述了阅读辅导服务对高校图书馆服务方式的启示。

2.Psychological consult is a comprehensive service to cultivate and enhance healthy psychological qualities, and developing reading guidance with the combination of college students psychological consult is an important work of high school libraries.心理咨询是近年来兴起的培养提高大学生健康心理素质的一项综合服务,结合大学生心理咨询积极开展阅读辅导是高校图书馆的一项重要工作,目前大学生的现状要求高校要积极开展多种形式的心理咨询服务,高校图书馆要加强心理咨询人才的引进和培养,加强和规范学生读者心理咨询和阅读辅导工作,不断提升心理咨询和阅读辅导工作水平。

3.The Library of Xujiang Experiment Middle School,Branch of Suzhou Library,making use of its special identity,explores methods to coor-dinate the school\"s teaching demands and involves reading guidance in students\"study and life so that students\"reading ability can be improved and good habits of making use of the library can be formed.苏州图书馆胥江实验中学分馆利用其特殊身份,探索结合学校的教学需求,把阅读辅导融入学生的学习和生活中,从而大大地提高了孩子的阅读能力和利用图书馆的习惯。

6)Vivid directing形象导读




