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期刊导读 Periodical Reading英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-13 01:09:35


期刊导读 Periodical Reading英语短句 例句大全

期刊导读,Periodical Reading

1)Periodical Reading期刊导读

1.On Guide toPeriodical Reading in Hospital Library;浅谈医院图书馆的期刊导读


1.Probe into Guided Reading for Journals with Varied Levels for University Students;针对大学生读者的分层次期刊导读工作初探

2.Objective To explore the effect of journal guided reading on the quality of nursing and the quality of nursing staff in operation room.目的探讨开展手术室期刊导读对手术室护理质量和护士整体素质的影响。

3.Reader"s digest is a periodical.《读者文摘》是一种期刊。

4.A Reference Book for Periodicals Workers;期刊工作者的参考工具书——读《中国期刊年鉴》

5.A Core Journal Perspective on the Regulated Management of Academic Journals: Reflections on The Core Journals and Journal Assessment Written by Mr. Qian Ronggui;从“核心期刊”看学术期刊的规范化管理——钱荣贵著《“核心期刊”与期刊评价》读后

6.Teaching English Newspaper Reading with Constructivism用建构主义理论指导报刊选读课教学

7.You can read these pictorials when you are waiting for me.当你等我的时候,可以读这些期刊。

8.The Application of the Probit Model to the Magazine Reader Group Analysis;Probit模型在期刊读者群分析中的应用

9.The Exploration of Magazine Reading Demdnd and Service for College Library;高校图书馆期刊阅读需求与服务探讨

10.A study of the rationality of reducing the circulation of academic journals;解读学术期刊印数减少的另一种视角

11.Analysis of Readers Needs for Documentary Information in University Library;读者期刊文献信息需求的调查与分析

12.How to Serve the Readers in the Periodical Reading Room of Higher Learning Institutions;论高校图书馆期刊室的读者服务工作

13.How to Save Readers Time in Periodical Work in Reference Library;资料室期刊工作如何节省读者的时间

14.The relationship between readers,authors and editors in scientific and technical journals浅议科技期刊读者、作者和编者的关系

15.Modality of interaction between readers and authors for learned periodicals学术期刊读者与作者互动的表现形式

16.Reader orientation of sci-tech periodicals in universities in the internet age论网络时代高校科技期刊的读者定位

17.Analysis of Periodicals Reading Behavior of Teachers in Capital Medical University首都医科大学教师期刊阅读行为分析

18.Orientation of read-check after journal"s publication and regulation of read-check system期刊出版事后审读的定位与审读体系的规范


periodical readers期刊读者

1.This paper analyzes the readers’ levels and the reading tendency ofperiodical readers of the library of higher vocational college, points out several factors influencing the reading psychology ofperiodical readers, and puts forward some measures for optimizing the service forperiodical readers.分析了高职高专图书馆期刊阅读的读者层次和阅读倾向,指出了对期刊读者的阅读心理产生影响的几个因素,提出了优化期刊读者服务的举措。

3)reading guidance of newspapers报刊导读

1.University libraries must strengthen many-sided development and organization of information ofreading guidance of newspapers,effectively establish information chain of reading guidance,and make use of technical means of modern information,furthermore,do well and enliven service ofreading guidance of newspapers of library.高校图书馆应加强多方面的新报刊导读信息开发和组织,有效地组建导读信息链,并利用现代信息化技术手段进一步搞好、搞活新报刊导读服务。

4)academic picture journal读图学术期刊

5)periodical service for readers期刊读者服务

6)journal paper reading期刊论文阅读




