100字范文 > 跨省婚嫁 Inter-provincial marriage英语短句 例句大全

跨省婚嫁 Inter-provincial marriage英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-10 13:53:31


跨省婚嫁 Inter-provincial marriage英语短句 例句大全

跨省婚嫁,Inter-provincial marriage

1)Inter-provincial marriage跨省婚嫁


1.A survey on AIDS and maternal to child transmission diseases (hepatitis B,hepatitis C,syphilis) among inter-provincial married women of childbearing age in a county at rural areas某县跨省婚嫁育龄妇女母婴传播性疾病调查

2.Survey on AIDS and maternal-neonatal transmission diseases of rural women of child-bearing age in inter-provincial marriage in Shanxi山西省跨省婚嫁的农村育龄妇女艾滋病及母婴传播性疾病调查

3.The Marital Status of Non-native Female and Their Notion on Marriage in Jiangsu Province;江苏省外来婚嫁女的婚姻状态与观念

4.When two people talk of marriage...两人在谈婚论嫁时……

5.Hasty marriage seldom turn out well.匆忙论婚嫁,结果未必佳。

6.She have no intention of plight her troth at the moment.目前她尚无意於婚嫁。

7.She has no intention of plighting her troth at the moment.目前她尚无意于婚嫁。

8.Hera [queen of heaven]海娜[婚嫁保护者,天后

9.Juno [queen of heaven]朱露[婚嫁保护神,天后

10.Marriage Modes and New Fertility Culture Construction--Case Analysis in Yao Autonomous County, Hunan Province;瑶、汉族婚嫁模式与新型生育文化建设——湖南省江华瑶族自治县的实证分析

11.Marriage Customs Reflected by "Gui" --also on "Jia" "Shi" and Paring Marriage System“归”反映的婚嫁习俗——兼谈“家、室”与对偶婚制

12.Change of Marriage Pattern and Development of Countryside:The Example of the village Kang"s Intermarry Range婚嫁格局变动与乡村发展——以康村通婚圈为例

13.Money or property brought by a bride to her husband at marriage.嫁妆结婚时新娘带给其夫的钱财

14.Perhaps she is on the sunny side of marriage age but I doubt it.或许她还未到婚嫁年龄,但我怀疑。

15.Serf-owners had a firm grip on the birth, death and marriage of serfs.农奴主掌握着农奴生、死、婚、嫁大权。

16.whom you, lord, give me as husband, him will I gladly take in troth."老爷,您要我嫁给谁,我就乐意和他订婚。”

17.When a son is grown he takes a wife, and when a girl is old enough she goes to her husband. And that is right and proper.男大当婚女大当嫁, 古今常理。

18.She discovered she had married a miser.她结婚之后才发现自己嫁了个吝啬鬼.



1.The Research onWedding Etiquette and Custom of Gold Bottle Plum;本文是从民俗学角度对《金瓶梅》中的婚嫁礼俗进行的全面考察研究之作。


1.We conducted the research to theirmarriage to be able to supplement the correlation research of the woman history.秦汉时期公主的婚嫁具有等级性、两面性的特点,带有浓厚的政治色彩。

2.Using the tool of subject indicator, this article focuses its attention on the Chinese coastal female and quantitatively studies the above question from the aspect of "marriage".笔者将关注点放在中国沿海农村女性,从“婚嫁”切入,作定性研究、主观指标测试,研究目前中国沿海农村女性是否随经济发展获得其“生活质量”应有的增量。

4)etiquette of marriage婚嫁礼仪

1.Among which,theetiquette of marriage culture is outstanding.裕固族的礼仪文化内容丰富,其中婚嫁礼仪文化独具特色。

5)Marrage consumption婚嫁消费

6)marriage issue婚嫁矛盾

1.This paper takes Deqing County in Zhejiang Province to analyze the family planning policies and rural birth cases during late 1970s to early 1980s,trying to explain themarriage issue in rural area nowadays and indicating that themarriage issue due to the family planning has caused other problems,such as problem of social custom,census register management,social security,etc.以浙江省德清县为调查对象,分析了20世纪七十年代末八十年代初的计划生育政策以及当时农村人口的出生情况,在此基础上对当前农村面临的婚嫁矛盾做出了解释,并指出由于计划生育引发的农村婚嫁难题已逐渐延伸到了其它社会问题,如社会风俗的转变,户籍制度的管理、社会保障体系的健全等。


