100字范文 > 省际贸易 Inter-provincial Trade英语短句 例句大全

省际贸易 Inter-provincial Trade英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-29 16:02:12


省际贸易 Inter-provincial Trade英语短句 例句大全

省际贸易,Inter-provincial Trade

1)Inter-provincial Trade省际贸易

1.Most inter-provincial trade flows are evidently coast-oriented,especially in terms of manufacturing products which almost entirely confine to the coastal core areas nearby.从空间流向上看,省际贸易具有明显的沿海指向,特别是制成品贸易,主要集中于临近的沿海经济核心区。


1.On the Influence of Interprovincial Trade Barriers with Regional Productivity Growth;中国省际贸易壁垒对地区生产率增长的影响

2.The Analysis of the Correlations between the Intensity of Inter-Provincial Trade and the Structural Homogeneity of Manufacturing in Delta Area of Yangtze;长三角省际贸易强度与制造业同构的关系分析

3.Study on the Choice between the Inter-Regional Trade and the International Trade in Hebei Province河北省国内区际贸易与国际贸易的选择研究

4.Study on the Problems of Developing International Trade in Services of Liaoning Province辽宁省发展国际服务贸易的问题研究

5.On Inter-Provincial Comparison and Analysis of Foreign Trade and Industrial Evolvement Based on Anhui Province安徽省对外贸易与产业演进的省际比较分析

6.The Influence of the Development of International Logistics Industry on International Trade in Hunan;湖南省国际物流产业发展对国际贸易的影响

7.International Trade Organization国际贸易组织(贸易组织)

8.International Trade Centre国际贸易中心(贸易中心)

9.Terms of trade(in international trade)(国际贸易中的)贸易条件

10.Balance of trade贸易差额,国际贸易平衡

11.Study on the Growth Method of Transformation of Agricultural Trade in Hu-nan Province Based on Humanism of WTO;基于人文贸易观的湖南省农产品国际贸易转变研究

12.Inter-provincial Trade Flow Estimation for Central China;中部地区省际产品贸易流量估算与空间分析

13.Empirical Analysis on International Trade Competitiveness Index--Taking Fujian Province as an example;国际贸易竞争力指数的实证分析——以福建省为例


15.Analysis of the Impact of the Real Rate of Foreign Exchange on the Structure of Export Trade in Jiangsu Province;实际汇率对江苏省出口贸易结构的影响分析

16.On Legal Measures Coping with the International Labor Standards Problems in Foreign Trade Of Anhui Province安徽省对外贸易应对国际劳工标准的法律措施

17.Reflections on Rice Development in Jilin Province through International Rice Trade Characteristic透过国际稻米贸易特点谈吉林省稻米发展对策

18.On international trade barriers of export products from Liaoning Province辽宁省出口产品应对国际贸易壁垒研究


Interprovincial Trade Barriers省际贸易壁垒

1.On the Influence ofInterprovincial Trade Barriers with Regional Productivity Growth;中国省际贸易壁垒对地区生产率增长的影响

2.Based on "iceberg cost" theory model,this paper constructed a variance of price-change as the evaluation of interprovincial trade barriers in China and made a quantitive measure for the size and the tendency of the interprovincial trade barriers among 28 provinces in China.本文基于"冰川成本"模型构造价格变动方差作为我国省际贸易壁垒的测度指标,定量测度我国28个省际贸易壁垒大小及其变化趋势。

3)grain trade volume among provinces省际间粮食贸易量

4)international trade国际贸易

1.An Analysis of Energy Tariff "s Effect on International Trade and Environmental Pollution;能源税对国际贸易与环境污染影响的实证研究

2.On the internalisation of environmental cost ininternational trade;试论国际贸易发展中的环境成本内部化

3.Economic analysis on relationship between seafood safety standard andinternational trade;水产食品安全标准与国际贸易的经济学分析

5)World trade国际贸易

1.Theoretically, appropriate introduction of environmental protection policy into world trade may lead to the ideal state of protecting our environment, maintaining the ecological balance and respecting the earth ethically.绿色壁垒作为一种非关税壁垒 ,现已成为国际贸易中最隐蔽、最棘手的贸易障碍之一 ,国际贸易中引进适当的环境保护政策从理论上说可能达致了伦理地通往保护环境、维护生态平衡和尊重地球的美好境界 ,但在现实中往往蜕化为非伦理和反伦理的借口 ,对世界文明 (生态文明 )进化和国际贸易的发展产生负面影响。

2.This paper analyzes the fair world trade under the WTO.分析了WTO体制下的国际贸易公平问题,指出在WTO规则的制定及运作过程中,发达国家起着主导作用,虽然对发展中国家体现了优惠安排,但是这种优惠待遇不足以弥补两者之间的差距,而且这种差距仍在拉大。

3.We need to clarify the relation between the traditional comparative advantage theory and the booming competitive success theory in the tendency of developing world trade theories, as it is of great theoretical significance.从理论上梳理代表国际贸易理论主流的比较优势论与新兴的竞争优势论之间的关系,对于明确国际贸易理论未来的发展方向具有重要的理论意义。


1.In the past decades, the linkage of environmental policy and internationaltrade has been becoming one of more and more important argument in the area of public policy.在过去的十多年中,环境政策与国际贸易的关系问题成为公共政策争论中的重要问题之一。


