100字范文 > 试错权 inter-provincial英语短句 例句大全

试错权 inter-provincial英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-08 17:09:19


试错权 inter-provincial英语短句 例句大全



2)trial and error试错


1.trial and error correction尝试错误矫正 尝试错误矫正

2.theory of trial and error尝试错误理论 尝试错误理论

3.No. I do not find any mistake in his test paper.没错。我在他的试卷上没发现任何错误。

4.The new drug has performed well in tests.那种新药试验效果不错.

5.Error setting debug exception hook设定调试异常挂钩错误

6.debug support system error message调试支持系统错误信息

7.I made three mistakes in my English examination.英语考试我错了三处。

8.An error occurred while attempting this operation. Please try again.\0在试图进行此项操作时出错。请再试。\0

9.An error occurred while dialing the selected connection.Dial again?在试图进行此项操作时出错。是否重试?

10.An error occurred while attempting this operation. Please try again.在试图进行此项操作时出错。请再试。

11.and fried chicken are good I"d like to try something new.和炸鸡都不错。我想试试这些新东西,

12.Test failed, error while parsing test instance file.测试失败,分析测试实例文件时出错。

13.She did quite well in her written paper;it was in the oral examination that she fell down.她笔试考得很不错,但口试失败了。

14.She did quite well in her written paper; it was in the oral examination that she fell down.她笔试考得不很不错,但口试失败了。

15.Jack tried to guess on the examination, but his answers missed by a mile.杰克考试企图猜答案,他所答的却大错特错。

16.On Concurrent Factual Error From the Perspective of the Error on the Nature of Acts试论竞合性事实错误——以行为性质错误为契合点

17.Error Analysis and Correction Strategy in Primary School English Teaching试论小学英语教学中的错误分析及纠错策略

18.Internal Error. An error occurred trying to create the database but error information is not available.内部错误。在试图创建数据库时发生错误,但无法获得错误信息。


trial and error试错

3)property right ambiguity产权错位

4)Negligent conduct错侵权

5)property rights misallocation产权错置

1.This paper tries to analyze the vendor problem in the city with the principles of property rights economics,pointing out theproperty rights misallocation is its root,and put forward suggestions for property rights reallocation.本文试图以产权经济学的原理来分析城市中摊贩问题这一顽症,指出其根源是产权错置,并提出相应的重新配置产权的对策。

6)wrong place of rights and duties责权错位


