100字范文 > 发电水资源利用率 ratio of dynamoelectric water resources英语短句 例句大全

发电水资源利用率 ratio of dynamoelectric water resources英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-08 00:03:59


发电水资源利用率 ratio of dynamoelectric water resources英语短句 例句大全

发电水资源利用率,ratio of dynamoelectric water resources

1)ratio of dynamoelectric water resources发电水资源利用率

2)water utilization rate水资源利用率

1.Meanwhile the influence of water price adjustment on household bearing capacity, water - saving equipment market and urbanwater utilization rate is also be analyzed.在统计近一年来河北省各个地市水价调整的基础上,分析了河北省水价调整的趋势,并进一步分析了水价调整对居民承载力、节水器具市场和城市水资源利用率的影响,同时指出河北省的水价将在此基础上进一步调整的趋势。


1.To Strengthen the Basic Research of New Technology and Raise the Utilization Ratio of Precipitation Resources加强新技术基础性研究,提高降水资源利用率

2.Analysis on Utilization Efficiency of Agricultural Water Resource in China s Central and Western Regions;中西部地区农业水资源利用效率分析

3.The Allowable Exploitation Rate of Rivers Water Resources of the Seven Major Rivers in China;中国七大河流水资源开发利用率阈值

4.On the Water Use Efficiency and Trend of Ningbo;宁波水资源利用效率现状及趋势分析

5.Research on Spatial Disparity of Water Use Efficiency in China中国水资源利用效率的区域差异研究

6.Analysis of Rice Production and Water Resources Use Efficiency in the Zhanghe Reservoir Irrigation District漳河水库灌区水稻生产与水资源利用效率分析

7.The utilization ratio of health resources is not high.卫生资源利用效率不高。

8.Analysis on the Utilization Efficiency of Water Resource in Shaanxi Province and Its Effecting Factors;陕西省水资源利用效率及其影响因素分析

9.Study on Water Resources Value and Sustainable Utilization of Water Resources;水资源价值与水资源可持续利用研究

10.Study on Estimating Method of Utilization Rate of Geothermal Energy in Heating and Cooling System;基于地热水资源供热供冷系统能源利用率评价方法的研究

11.(2) Rational Development and Utilization of Water Resources(二)水资源合理开发利用

12.Dazhu County is one of31 poor water counties in Sichuan Province, with a relatively low water resources bearing capacity and water use efficiency.大竹县是四川省31个贫水县之一,水资源承载能力和利用效率较低。

13.System Arrangement, Resources Utilization Efficiencyand National Economy Welfare;制度安排·资源利用效率·国民经济福利

14.Rationally using, economizing on and protecting resources and increasing the utilization rate of resources.二、理使用、约和保护资源,提高资源利用率。

15.We will utilize natural resources more effectively and improve the system of compensation for their use.提高资源综合利用率,健全资源有偿使用制度。

16.2. Rationally using, economizing on and protecting resources and increasing the utilization rate of resources.二、合理使用、节约和保护资源,提高资源利用率。

17.Research on the Spatial-temporal Difference of Water Resources Utilization Relative Efficiency and Influence Factors in China我国水资源利用相对效率的时空分异与影响因素研究

18.Analysis of the Spatial-temporal Pattern of Water Resources Utilization Relative Efficiency Based on DEA-ESDA in China基于DEA-ESDA的中国水资源利用相对效率的时空格局分析


water utilization rate水资源利用率

1.Meanwhile the influence of water price adjustment on household bearing capacity, water - saving equipment market and urbanwater utilization rate is also be analyzed.在统计近一年来河北省各个地市水价调整的基础上,分析了河北省水价调整的趋势,并进一步分析了水价调整对居民承载力、节水器具市场和城市水资源利用率的影响,同时指出河北省的水价将在此基础上进一步调整的趋势。

3)hydroenergy resources utilization ratio水能资源利用率

4)efficiency of water usage水资源利用效率

1.Fore water resources,the key problem of China is theefficiency of water usage.由于区域自然条件、社会经济条件、水资源利用方式等诸多变量的不同,中国水资源利用效率表现出了明显的区域差异特征。

5)water resources utilization水资源开发利用

1.In this paper,a model system and new algorithm are developed for the coordinative management ofwater resources utilization and regional economic development, according to the theory of the hierarchical optimal control on a large-scale system.本文以大系统递阶优化控制理论为基础,提出了水资源开发利用与区域经济协调管理的模型系统,针对该模型系统提出了一种新算法,并将所提出的模型系统和算法应用于石家庄地区,结果表明,模型系统对水资源开发利用与区域经济协调管理提供了一种有效方式。

2.In this paper, a multilevel hierarchical optimal model and a new algorithm are developed for the coordinative management ofwater resources utilization and regional economic development, according to the theory of the hierarchical optimal control on a large-scale system.本文从大系统递阶优化控制理论出发,提出了水资源开发利用与区域经济发展协调管理的多级递阶优化模型,并针对该模型提出了一种新的算法。

6)water resources development水资源开发利用

1.Present situation and countermeasure ofwater resources development in Yangling;杨凌水资源开发利用现状及对策

2.And the response of runoff towater resources development(extraction for use) is estimated quantitatively based on the comparison between the observed and natural runoff data of Taonan hydrological station during 1961-2000.采用特征参数时间序列法,初步探讨了气候变化与土地利用/覆被变化的径流效应,并通过洮南站40年天然径流与实测径流的比较,定量分析水资源开发利用对径流的影响。


东北平原农业气候资源利用(见农业气候资源利用)东北平原农业气候资源利用(见农业气候资源利用)默军爵攫戳猛罚胃植和l用2 iyuanl心yong 见农业气候资
