100字范文 > 水资源所有权 ownership of water resources英语短句 例句大全

水资源所有权 ownership of water resources英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-14 07:26:22


水资源所有权 ownership of water resources英语短句 例句大全

水资源所有权,ownership of water resources

1)ownership of water resources水资源所有权

1.Theownership of water resources is an identical abstract proprietary right among curren.水资源所有权在我国现行法上为一个同一的、抽象的所有权,实务上至今没有提出数个水资源所有权的要求。

2.Water rights are composed of a group of rights related to water, such as theownership of water resources, the right to use water and other water rights.水权利是一组涉水权利,由水资源所有权、水权和其他水权利构成。


1.Discussion on Water Resources Value and Water Resources Ownership Realization;试论水资源价值与水资源所有权实现

2.A Study on the Perfection of Ownership and Tenure of Water in China;我国水资源所有权与使用权完善的研究

3.Meta-property right,derived property right and right of modification of biogenetic resources;生物遗传资源的元所有权、衍生所有权和修饰权

4.On the Separation of Property Right of Tourism Resources from Managerial Right;试论旅游资源所有权与经营权相分离

5.The object of water right is water resource.取水权的客体是水资源,是取水地点所在范围内的水资源。

6.Click here to request access from the resource owner:单击此处向资源所有者请求访问权限:

7.Human Resource Management System Based on Employee Ownership;基于员工所有权的人力资源管理系统

8.Study on the Real Right Attribute in National Ownership for Natural Resources in China;我国自然资源国家所有权物权属性研究

9.On the Tangible Assets Operator s Resource Adaptation and Restructuring View and the Micro-ownership Arrangement;资产运作者的资源配置观与微观所有权安排

10.Article 3: Water resources are owned by the State, that is, owned by the who1e people.第三条 水资源属于国家所有,即全民所有。

11.Article3. Water resources shall be owned by the state, that is, by the whole people.第三条水资源属于国家所有,即全民所有。

12.The Levy of the Compensation Fees for Mineral Resources is the Direct Embodiment in Economic Benefit of the State s Ownership for Mineral Resources;矿产资源补偿费是矿产资源国家所有权经济收益的直接体现

13.Associating Property with Pre-occupation and Not--Economic analysis on Talimuhe Valley Utilizing Water Resource;所有权与先占行为的挂钩和脱钩——塔里木河流域水资源利用的案例研究

14.The origin of capital is different, property is different, droit is different also.资金的来源不同,性质就不同,所有权也就不同。

15.Study on Protection of Individual Ownership of Forest Resource in China;我国林木资源个人所有权保护若干问题研究

16.CBA reserved sources and human capital ownership;对CBA后备人才来源及其人力资本所有权的研究

17.The Establishment of the Multiform Ownership on Wildlife in China;我国野生动物资源所有权体系多元化的构建

18.The Resources Ownership System Reform and the Western Region Economic Development;资源所有权制度改革与西部地区经济发展


resources ownership资源所有权

1.Should consider each corpus of the resources benefits well inresources ownership system reform, well in consideration of the benefits of the different benefits corpus synthesizes equilibrium, need particularly in consideration of on-site benefits in resources problem, the establishment resources region aroused income power that belong to a ground of resour.在资源所有权制度改革中应充分考虑资源利益的多主体性和不同利益主体之间的利益综合平衡,尤其需要考虑到资源所在地的利益问题,确立资源地区对属地资源的收益权,增强资源地自我约束、自我积累、自我发展的能力,才能保证西部资源的开发能有效地带动当地经济的发展。

3)state ownership of water resource水资源国家所有权

1.In fact,in the history of thestate ownership of water resource,civil law has never brought it into private ownership system,it has more public law characteristics.《物权法》肯定了将水资源国家所有权改造成为纯粹的私权的主流观念。

4)the ownership of mineral resources矿产资源所有权

1.The paper discusses the frame system of property income associated with mining rights, namely:the ownership of mineral resources; the civil rights characteristics of mining rights; the shift of mining rights and mining rights income.文章从矿产资源所有权、矿业权的民事权特点、矿业权流转、矿业权收益等几个方面 ,论述了我国矿业权财产收益框架体系 ,提出按照资产管理改革要求、加快矿业权收益管理改革步伐的建议。

5)ownership to forest resources森林资源所有权

6)Natural resources ownership自然资源所有权


资源所有权资源所有权resource ownership2 lyU0n SUOyOUqU0n资源所有权(resource~。hip)社会赋予资源所有者对自己所有资源行使的排他性权利。它不是一系列财产权利的集合,而仅仅是一种体现资源价值的权利,一种最完整、充分的自物权。完整的资源所有权包括资源所有者对自己所有资源行使占有、使用、收益和处置等方面的权能。如果上述某些权能受到限制和禁止,就称为资源所有权的残缺。不同的历史时期,对资源所有权界定的权限是不相同的,历史上曾将资源所有权界定为资源所有者对自己所有的资源可以绝对自己行使的权利,后来资源所有权在法律上或事实上逐渐受到了不同程度和不同方面的限制。资源所有权通常可以理解为有关资源所有权契约明文限制权利以外的所有权利,即资源剩余控制权。资源所有权的界定形式可以有个人所有权、社团所有权、集体所有权和国家所有权等4种形式。中国目前全部自然资源都以法律的形式规定为国家所有(即全民所有)或集体所有。在《宪法》以及《土地管理法》、《森林法》、《草原法》、《矿产资源法》和《水法》等法规中,明确规定矿产资源和水资源全部为国家所有,土地资源、森林资源和草原资源为国家所有或集体所有。随着中国经济体制改革的深化,自然资源所有权与使用权、经营权等的分离程度将会不断提高,由个人占有的自然资源使用权和经营权的比重会有所增大,但是,自然资源所有权归国家(或集体)所有的法律规定是不会改变的。
