100字范文 > 水资源污染 pollution of water resources英语短句 例句大全

水资源污染 pollution of water resources英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-18 00:46:39


水资源污染 pollution of water resources英语短句 例句大全

水资源污染,pollution of water resources

1)pollution of water resources水资源污染

1.Study on the emergency mechanism for suddenpollution of water resources;我国突发性水资源污染事故应急机制的若干问题评述


1.Analysis of Agricultural Non-point Source to the Pollution of Water Resources in Shaanxi Province;陕西水资源污染农业非点源贡献分析

2.Study on Water Pollution Assessment of Chaohu Lake by RS and GIS;基于RS与GIS的巢湖水资源污染评价研究

3.Estimation of Economic Loss Caused by Water Resource Pollution Based on the Logistic Model基于Logistic模型估算水资源污染经济损失研究

4.On Water Pollution and Management in Shaoxing绍兴市水资源污染状况及综合治理对策

5.The shortage of water resource exaggerates the pollution of water body.水资源短缺与水体污染并存。

6.Water Waste and Pollution in China and Methods to Curb;我国水资源浪费和污染的现状及治理

7.Surface Water Resources Consertion and Water Environment Total Amount Research of Changsha City;长沙市地表水资源保护及水污染总量控制研究

8.The Relations between Water Resources Protection and Water Pollution Prevention in the Legislation;水资源保护与水污染防治在立法上的关系探析

9.Calculation of Coupling Value of Water Resources Based on the Loss Created by Water Pollution;基于水污染损失的水资源耦合价值计算

10.On water-pollution Administering Strategy by Analyzing the Current State of Water Resourse in Our Country;从我国水资源的现状论水污染治理的策略

11.Researches to Make Little Polluted Water Useful and the Drinking Water Supplying Equipment Conveniently to be Taken Along;微污染水源水资源化及便携式生活饮用水供水设备研究

12.Study on Water Resources Protection Planning and Total Amount Control of Water Pollutants of Jingcheng City;晋城市水资源保护规划与污染物总量控制研究

13.Water Quality and Pollution Load Information System水质及污染量资料系统

14.Another dangerous factor is the water pollution which aggravantes the seriousness of fresh of fresh water shortage.另一个危险因素是水污染,它使严峻的净水资源短缺问题更加恶化。

15.The industrial production will cause water contamination and it will also decrease the potential usage of water supply further more.工业生产造成的水污染又会使可以使用的水资源进一步减少。

16.Water pollution reduces the amount of pure, fresh water that is available for such necessities as drinking and cleaning.水污染使得我们用来饮用和清洗的纯净新鲜的水资源不断减少。

17.The Research on the Treatment of Water Pollutions and the Water Resources Protection in the Urbanization Process of Changsha-zhuzhou-xiangtan Urban Group;长株潭城市群城市化进程中水污染控制与水资源保护研究

18.Impacts of Water Pollution and Shortage on Economic Development of the Haihe River Basin;海河流域水污染及水资源短缺对经济发展的影响


water pollution水资源污染

1.Based on the current environmental situation,some comprehensive managements onwater pollution are suggested in this paper on the view of watershed,region and pollution sources by adjusting industry structure,promoting wholesome production and replanning drainage layout.绍兴市水资源污染源主要来自于工业污染源、生活污染源、农业面源污染源、径流污染源等。

3)polluted water resources污染水资源

4)medium polluted water resource中度污染水资源

5)water resources pollution"s loss水资源污染损失

1.Based upon the present situation analyses of the Guanzhong Region water pollution briefly, the water resources pollution′s loss of Guanzhong Region was quantitative studied.在简要分析关中地区水污染现状的基础上 ,对关中地区水资源污染所造成的损失进行了定量分析 ,结果表明 ,水资源污染损失是巨大的。

6)actuality of water resource and water pollution水资源与水污染现状


地下水水资源评价(见水资源评价)地下水水资源评价(见水资源评价)d ixiashui shuiziyuan Ping】ia地下水水资源评价见水资源评价。
