100字范文 > 校际互动 interaction between schools英语短句 例句大全

校际互动 interaction between schools英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-15 15:05:36


校际互动 interaction between schools英语短句 例句大全

校际互动,interaction between schools

1)interaction between schools校际互动

1.The typical states of practical organization oninteraction between schools include:teaching and research community between schools,collectivization of elite schools,community between rural and urban schools,school alliance,community on educational research and experiment.校际互动意在充分挖掘每所学校的潜力,从而实现资源共享和优势互补,促进学校的内涵发展。


1.Interaction between Schools:a New Approach on High Quality and Balanced Development of School校际互动:学校优质与均衡发展的新思路

2.The Relation of Primary School Teachers Professional Self-concept and Interpersonal Interaction in Campus;小学教师职业自我概念与校园人际互动

3.The Survey and Analysis of Inter-group Interaction of PE Teachers and Students高校体育专业师生群际互动的调查与分析

4.Investigation and Analysis of College Students Internet Activities;普通高校学生互联网真实英语交际活动调查分析

5.Empirical Study on Relativity between Interpersonal Interaction and Social Capital, Based on Campus SNS Network对校园SNS用户人际互动与其掌握社会资本相关性的实证研究

6.automated inter-library loan system馆际互借自动化系统

7.How to Avail itself of VPN Technology to Build Intercommunication among Schools;如何利用VPN技术搭建校际间互通

8.A Discussion on the Interactional Relation between University Academic Journal and Library;论高校学报与高校图书馆的互动关系

9.Interactive Practice Between Culture Construction and Ideological Political Work for Students in Universities;校园文化与高校思政工作的双向互动

10.An Analysis on the Interaction Effect between Real Interest Rate and Real Effective Exchange Rate of RMB;人民币实际利率与实际有效汇率互动关系研究

11.On the Evolution of International Relations in thePast 400 Years and its Interaction with International Laws;四百年国际关系的流变及其与国际法的互动

12.The Interaction between the Teaching of International Relations and International Law;国际关系理论与国际法学在教学上的互动

13.Interactions between Research of International Relations and Research of International Law;国际关系与国际法研究的互动方式分析

14.On the Interaction between International Trad and FDI of Industry Level;论中观层面的国际贸易与国际投资互动

15.From Antagonism To Interaction:On Interpersonal Relationship During Transition Period从拮抗到互动:转型期人际关系论

16.In reality the rights of animals are relative.在实际上,动物的权利都是相互依存的。

17.On the Development of English Learners Interactive Communicative Competence;试论英语学习者互动交际能力的培养

18.Analysis about the Characters of Interpersonal Social Contact among The Children in Single-Parent Family;单亲家庭子女人际交往——互动特征分析


intercommunication between colleges校际互通

3)Interpersonal Interaction人际互动

1.Simple Analysis ofInterpersonal Interaction in the Coverage;新闻采访中的人际互动浅析

2.Analysis of interpersonal interaction characters of internet self-tour;网络自助游的人际互动特征分析

3.(2) Finding more career sustainment for primary school teachers from interpersonal interaction, providing a good work condition for primary school teachers career development, meanwhile improv.本研究是以校园中的人际互动为切入点,采用质与量两种不同的研究方法,探讨小学教师的职业自我概念的发展,一方面是为了揭示小学教师职业自我概念的形成和发展规律,丰富心理学的理论;另一方面,力图为小学教师在人际互动中寻找更多的职业支持,帮助小学教师职业发展营造一个良好的工作环境,在发展职业自我概念同时提升教师个人素质和心理健康水平。

4)international interaction国际互动

1.The Research of International Interaction Chain of Technological Innovation;技术创新的国际互动链研究

5)communicative interaction交际互动

1.Functionalist Translation Theory holds that translation is a kind of cultural transfer,acommunicative interaction,and a cross-culture event oriented towards the functions of the TL.德国功能派翻译理论认为,翻译是一种文化转换,一种交际互动,一种以目的语功能为导向的跨文化活动。

2.Functionalist Translation Theory holds that translation is a cultural transfer,acommunicative interaction,and a cross-culture event oriented towards the function or functions of the TL,in which the clients specific requirements,the specific text functions,and the receiving audience s expectations for the TL text,etc.功能翻译理论认为,翻译是一种文化转换,一种交际互动,一种以的语功能为导向的跨文化活动。

6)Intergroup interaction群际互动


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