100字范文 > 教学科研互动 interaction between teaching and research英语短句 例句大全

教学科研互动 interaction between teaching and research英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-03 05:15:43


教学科研互动 interaction between teaching and research英语短句 例句大全

教学科研互动,interaction between teaching and research

1)interaction between teaching and research教学科研互动

1.This paper discusses the necessity ofinteraction between teaching and research in training innovative talents,especially their innovative ability in medical physics teaching for clinical medicine undergraduates at military universities.论述在军医大学临床医学本科"医学物理学"的教学中,试行教学科研互动,培养创新型人才,特别是培养医学生创新能力的必要性,并介绍了我们的具体做法。


1.Scientific Research Regurgitation Feeding and Interact with Teaching;教学科研互动 科研反哺教学——浅谈教学与科研的关系

2.Interaction Between Teaching and Research to Upgrade Quality of Medical Physics Teaching;教学科研互动提高医学物理学教学质量

3.Establishing an Interactive Mechanism of Teaching and Scientific Research to Guarantee Quality of Training Talents;建立教学科研互动机制,保证人才培养质量

4.The Interaction of Research andTeaching in the Regional University;教学型地方高校科研与教学互动探析

5.The Positive Interaction of Teaching and Research in Research-oriented Universities;论研究型大学教学与科研的良性互动

6.Mutual Response and Promotion between Ordinary Course Teaching and Scientific Research in College of Teaching-researching type of University;综合大学中教学研究型学院本科教学和科研的互动与互进

7.Study on Collaboration and Interaction of "Subject Librarian + Faculty"“学科馆员+教师”协同互动合作研究

8.Promotion and Amalgamation of Key Subject Construction and Graduate Education重点学科建设与研究生教育互动共融

9.The research of "subject contest-technology innovation-teacher research" mutual mode“学生竞赛-科技创新-教师科研”互动模式的研究

10.Study on Production,Learning,Researching and Teaching Mutual Cooperative Education Mechanism of Engineering Geology;工科地质类“产学研教”互动型合作教育机制研究

11.Seeking Favorable Teaching-research Interactions to Develop the Training Center for Children s-Literature Talents;教学科研良性互动,构筑儿童文学人才培养基地

12.Expound the interaction of university s journal and teaching research work;论高校学报与教学科研工作的互动作用

13.Research on Harmonious Development Between Scientific Research and Teaching in local university;地方院校教学与科研工作互动的实践研究

14.The Scientific Research Medicine Colleges Library Studies with Teaching,Interactive Relation for Scientific Research医药院校图书馆与教学、科研互动关系研究

15.University Student Science and Technology the Innovation Educative Practice with Innovation Interactive Research and It Expand;大学生科技创新教育与实践互动作用研究

16.Study of Interactive Relationship between the Vocational Technical Education and the Science and Technology;职业技术教育与科学技术之互动关系研究


18.The Interact and Blending the Humane Educationwith Scientific Education;论人文教育与科学教育的互动与融合


Research on Interactive Teaching教学互动研究

3)interactiveness of teaching research教研互动

1.According to the theories of sociology and teachers profession improvement, the paper proves that the basic way of improving teacher profession is theinteractiveness of teaching research.本研究选择该热点问题中的薄弱环节为研究方向,根据社会学、人际关系学、教师专业成长等理论,论证了教研互动是教师专业成长的根本途经。

4)teaching and research教学科研

1.Doing well in the chemical reagent supply, to serve theteaching and research;做好化学试剂供应,为教学科研服务

2.Role of new era vocational college library: how to serve forteaching and research;新时期高职院校图书馆如何为教学科研服务

3.On the Role of the Branch Library System to the Teaching and Research in Peking University;北京大学图书馆分馆工作对教学科研的保障作用

5)teaching and scientific research教学科研

1.Enhancing the management of radiation safety to guarantee the safe operation forteaching and scientific research;加强辐射安全管理,保障教学科研安全运行

2.An Exploratory Study on the Mode of College Teaching and Scientific Research in the Environment of the WIKI Technology;WIKI技术环境下的高校教学科研模式探究

3.Seizing the Chance,Seeking Truth and Striving for Practice to Meet the Requivement of the Qualified Estimation of Teaching Level for Undergraduate Courses A Speech at the First Conference on Awarding the Achievements of Teaching and Scientific Research;抓住机遇 求真务实 迎接本科教学水平合格评估——在首届教学科研成果表彰奖励会上的讲话

6)teaching research教学科研

1.A teaching method of combination of physics, history of physics andteaching research;面向21世纪专业教学、物理学史与教学科研相结合教学法

2.Library, being one of three pillars of colleges, is the important guarantee ofteaching research in college.图书馆作为高校三大支柱之一 ,是高校教学科研的重要保证。


