100字范文 > 无自由水 without free water英语短句 例句大全

无自由水 without free water英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-04 15:21:13


无自由水 without free water英语短句 例句大全

无自由水,without free water

1)without free water无自由水

1.A new control fluidwithout free water has been developed: its density ranges between 0.通过攻关开发的无自由水压井液,密度0。

2)unconfined water自由地下水;无压地下水

3)unconfined groundwater自由地下水; 无压地下水

4)free and unconstrained自由无羁


1.Free and unconstrained,Pure and Natural--The Aesthetic Features of Leaves-Falling stream by Tian zhonghe;自由无羁 纯真自然——田中禾《落叶溪》的美学特征

2.Now she had no ties on earth, and at last, she was free.如今她在世上没有羁绊,她终于自由了。

3.They want only to enjoy their freedom, their independence and their leisure.他们只想优哉游哉,无羁无绊,逍遥自在地过日子。

4.He began to have a new horror of winning, of the victories of untrammeled autonomy.他开始厌恶占上风,厌恶不受羁绊的自由。

5.Independence and leisure were luxuries that had to be deserved through hard work.无羁无绊,逍遥自在是通过艰苦劳动才配享受的奢侈品。

6.Evolution of Liberalism Trends in Chinese Modern Literature and its Evaluation;追寻与现实羁绊——中国现代自由主义文学思潮叙论

7.Out of control and no limits in sight如野马脱缰、无所羁绊

8.Freedom is not free.“自由不是无偿的”。

9.The thing you own, end up owning you. It"s only after you are lost everything that you are free to do anything. Fight club represents that kind of freedom.不管你拥有什么,到头来只会钳制你、羁绊你;唯有失去一切。你才能自由自在的随心所欲。

10.Just look at her; she"s wild and free. Her hair"s blowing in the wind, her face is alive. She just looks wonderful."你看她,放荡不羁,自由自在,她的头发随风飘起,她的脸生动活泼,真是美妙极了。”

11.The inspiration to space comes from ceaseless soul, uncontrolled and unconstrained, let it free in large scale.对空间的敏感来自不肯停歇的灵魂,不被束缚,不受羁绊,让自由最大程度伸展于天地间。

12.Your season of singleness is a time to equip yourself by growing in relationship with Him and serve Him100% without distraction.在单身时期你们得以与上帝建立更为亲密的关系,全身心地、无羁绊地服事上帝,装备自己。

13.Arming the world is out of control and there is no limits in sight世界的军备供应如野马脱缰,无所羁绊。

14.Wild Spirit, which art moving everywhere;不羁的精灵呵,你无处不远行;

15.Her expression was aloof, poetic, rhapsodical.她的表情是超然的,诗意的,狂放无羁的。

16.FLAC Free Lossless Audio Codec自由无损音频解编码

17.give absolute freedom to...给与…无限制的自由

18.unbound particle无束缚粒子,自由粒子


unconfined water自由地下水;无压地下水

3)unconfined groundwater自由地下水; 无压地下水

4)free and unconstrained自由无羁

5)free surface自由水面

1.Based on the σ-coordinate transformation to fit the complicated boundary,the VOF to track the movingfree surface and the SIMPLE algorithm,this paper proposes a vertical 2D unsteady flow and suspended material distribution model.采用σ坐标变换拟合复杂边界、VOF方法追踪自由水面变化和SIMPLE算法求解控制方程等建立垂向二维非恒定水流及悬浮物分布数学模型。

2.The flow field withfree surface around two different configurations of a trimaran at several Froude numbers was simulated.文中在粘性理论的范畴内,将目前较流行的CFD技术应用于三体船的阻力性能研究中,在考虑自由水面效应的前提下,模拟了2种三体船构型在不同航速下的粘性流场,与三体船模型水池拖曳试验结果相比较,采用CFD技术模拟的结果是合理的。

3.Thefree surface of the flow can be obtained from the discrete solution of thefree surface flow equation.建立了三维水流大涡模拟数学模型,采用迭代法求解速度和压力,再由离散化的自由水面运动方程求解自由水面;根据试验观测的水面线和流速分布资料,对数学模型进行验证。

6)Free water自由水

1.Meso-mechanism of effects of free water on mechanical properties of concrete under confined compression;围压下裂纹中自由水影响混凝土力学性能的机理

2.The contents of free water and bound water were also calculated.为弄清烤烟品种 K32 6和翠碧 1号的烘烤特性 ,根据渗透原理 ,用阿贝折射仪测定经蔗糖溶液浸泡的 2个品种不同部位、不同成熟度烟叶组织前后的浓度 ,换算出烟叶自由水和束缚水含量 。

3.In this paper,on the basis of the peanuts" missing free water and bound moisture at different temperatures,we found out that the roasted peanuts can get the missed water back if they are given water again.研究了花生在不同温度下失去自由水和结合水的情况 ,发现在有水的条件下 ,花生失去的自由水和结合水都可以恢复。


