100字范文 > 自由水 Free water英语短句 例句大全

自由水 Free water英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-08 00:34:58


自由水 Free water英语短句 例句大全

自由水,Free water

1)Free water自由水

1.Meso-mechanism of effects of free water on mechanical properties of concrete under confined compression;围压下裂纹中自由水影响混凝土力学性能的机理

2.The contents of free water and bound water were also calculated.为弄清烤烟品种 K32 6和翠碧 1号的烘烤特性 ,根据渗透原理 ,用阿贝折射仪测定经蔗糖溶液浸泡的 2个品种不同部位、不同成熟度烟叶组织前后的浓度 ,换算出烟叶自由水和束缚水含量 。

3.In this paper,on the basis of the peanuts" missing free water and bound moisture at different temperatures,we found out that the roasted peanuts can get the missed water back if they are given water again.研究了花生在不同温度下失去自由水和结合水的情况 ,发现在有水的条件下 ,花生失去的自由水和结合水都可以恢复。


1.free nappe自由射流,自由水舌, 溢流水舌

2.There is no free water standing on the surface.没有自由水积聚在表面。

3.Numerical Simulation on Free-surface of Flow in No-pressureTunnel under High Inlet Water Head;高水头无压隧洞自由水面数值模拟研究

4.An Investigation on Numerical Simulation of Free Water Surface and Entrainment Problems in Hydraulic Engineering;水工自由水面及掺气问题的数值模拟研究

5.A submarine gliding through the water.潜艇在水中自由行驶

6.free-water surface correction coefficient自由液面水修正系数

7.The water stored behind a dam has free energy.蓄在水闸内的水具有自由能。

8." Being underwater you get a sense of freedom.“在水下你会有一种自由的感觉。

9.Aquarians also enjoy freedom.水瓶座的人也很喜欢自由。

10.open expansion tank heating system自由膨胀水箱式供热系统

11.The soil will spontaneously absorb water from the reference state.土壤会由参考状态自动吸附水。

12.an actual object allowed to rotate freely around a horizontal axis.可以围绕水平轴自由旋转的实物。

13.Vibration Characteristics Analysis of Submerged Ring-stiffened Cylindrical Shells;水下环肋圆柱壳的自由振动特性分析

14.A Simple Comment on Agricultural Water Market under the Circumstance of Free Trade;浅谈贸易自由化条件下的农业水市场

15.The Automatic Control System of Sewage Drain by PLC;由PLC实现的污水排放自动控制系统

16.A free-swimming leak detection system for large diameter water transmission pipeline大口径输水管道自由浮游式检漏系统

17.Effect on the Free Water Surface of Different Inlet Model in the Pump Suction Sump吸水池进口结构对自由液面影响研究

18.With the city water mains cracked, for a while there was not enough water.由于市区自来水总管管道破裂,一度供水不足。


free surface自由水面

1.Based on the σ-coordinate transformation to fit the complicated boundary,the VOF to track the movingfree surface and the SIMPLE algorithm,this paper proposes a vertical 2D unsteady flow and suspended material distribution model.采用σ坐标变换拟合复杂边界、VOF方法追踪自由水面变化和SIMPLE算法求解控制方程等建立垂向二维非恒定水流及悬浮物分布数学模型。

2.The flow field withfree surface around two different configurations of a trimaran at several Froude numbers was simulated.文中在粘性理论的范畴内,将目前较流行的CFD技术应用于三体船的阻力性能研究中,在考虑自由水面效应的前提下,模拟了2种三体船构型在不同航速下的粘性流场,与三体船模型水池拖曳试验结果相比较,采用CFD技术模拟的结果是合理的。

3.Thefree surface of the flow can be obtained from the discrete solution of thefree surface flow equation.建立了三维水流大涡模拟数学模型,采用迭代法求解速度和压力,再由离散化的自由水面运动方程求解自由水面;根据试验观测的水面线和流速分布资料,对数学模型进行验证。

3)free water surface自由水面

1.A three-dimensional numerical model withfree water surface and wall shear stress was used to analyze the water flow affected by piers.该文采用具有自由水面和河床切应力计算的三维数学模型分析了桥墩群对河道水流的影响。

2.Numerical simulation problems aboutfree water surface and air entrained flows in hydraulic engineering.本文主要对水利工程中一些涉及自由水面及掺气的流动的数值模拟问题进行研究。

4)free water vortex自由水涡

1.Numerical calculation of thefree water vortex is carried out by using Reynolds stress turbulence model and PISO algorithm.采用雷诺应力湍流模型和PISO算法对自由水涡的运动全过程进行了仿真模拟,运用流体体积(VOF)模型处理自由表面问题,通过模拟计算得到了自由水涡的详细结构和运动过程。

5)free hydraulic jump自由水跃

6)free water tritium自由水氚

1.Two forms of tritium of HTO,free water tritium and bound tritium, exist in the environment.氚水进入环境后以自由水氚和结合态氚的形式存在 ,本研究说明自由水氚和结晶水氚的提取选在 1 30℃下蒸馏 8h和在 85 0℃下氧化燃烧 4min为佳 ,经比较试验测定氚水的闪烁液用 7gPPO + 0 5gPOPOP + 70 0ml二甲苯 + 30 0ml乙二醇乙醚为


