100字范文 > 析水 free water英语短句 例句大全

析水 free water英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-18 12:54:34


析水 free water英语短句 例句大全

析水,free water

1)free water析水

1.With large numbers of weight-loss experiments, the important influence of cement slurry"s stability,namely filtration andfree water, on its weight-loss is found and studied.通过水泥浆失重实验发现并研究了水泥浆体系稳定性 ,即水泥浆失水、析水对水泥浆失重的重要影响。


1.foam drainage time泡沫析水时间析出水分的时间

2.Analysis of industrial water consumption level and water-saving potentialities in Shanxi Province;山西省工业用水水平与节水潜力分析

3.Analysis on Water Supply Amount and Water Price of Repaying Loan For Langdian Water Project;浪店水源工程供水量及还贷水价分析

4.Reservoir water temperature changes in Plateau Power Station高原电站水库蓄水对水温的影响分析

5.Analysis of sludge disposal wastewater saving potential in Nanjing water plant南京城市给水厂排泥水节水潜力分析

6.Analysis on Water Hammer Pressure in Water Supply Pipeline of Hengquan Reservoir横泉水库供水管线水锤压力计算分析

7.Influence of Feed Water Quality on the Performance of the Electrodeionization进水水质对EDI产水电阻率的影响分析

8.Analysis on water quality variation for city drinking water source城市饮用水水源水质的变化特性分析

9.Study on the Scale of Water Supply to Shandong Province by South-to-North Water Diversion and the Water Price;南水北调东线工程山东供水区的调水规模及供水水价分析

10.Waterlevel Effect of Pumping Aquifer on Nonpumping Aquifers抽水含水层对非抽水含水层水位影响的效应分析

11.The Analyse and Prediction of the Wastewater Quantity and Quality of Nantaizihu WTP;南太子湖污水处理厂水质水量分析与预测

12.Surface Water Environmental Impact Assessment and Analysis of Hydropower Project of Luding Hydropower Station;泸定水电站水电工程地表水环境影响评价分析

13.Research on the Methods of Hydraulic Calculation and Water Quality Analyses of Urban Water Supply Network;对城市供水管网水力水质分析方法的研究

14.The Water-saving Current Situation Analysis and Study of Water-supporting Limit in Wuhan;武汉市供水节水现状分析及取水定额研究

15.Analysis of Hydrochemical Process of Drip Water in Furong Cave, Chongqing, China;洞穴滴水水文水化学过程分析及控制因素探讨

16.Analysis on calculation of water price for agricultural water supply from Wuluwati Water Control Project;乌鲁瓦提水利枢纽工程农业供水水价测算分析

17.Living water price of city & town residents and its structure analysis;城镇居民生活用水水价及水价结构分析

18.Research on Algae Monitoring and Water Quality Changes in Source Water水源水中藻类监测及水质变化原因分析




4)water quality analysis水质分析

1.Application of the blur artificial NN model in thewater quality analysis of Caihe reservoir;模糊人工神经网络识别模型在柴河水库水质分析中的应用

2.Flow injection analysis and application inwater quality analysis;流动注射分析技术及其在水质分析应用中的进展

3.Study on coastalwater quality analysis by the SOM;自组织数据地图用于近海水质分析的研究

5)water analysis水质分析

1.It has already been applied to many fields gradually at present, but the application inwater analysis is discussed few yet.拉曼散射光谱是一种研究物质结构强有力的工具,目前已经逐渐应用于许多领域,但在水质分析方面的应用讨论尚少。

2.In view of the determination of the alkalinity inwater analysis, the arcticle analyzes the relations between the pH and the existing form of alkalinity in the water, and how to confirm the capacity of alkalinity exactly.针对目前水质分析中的碱度确定问题,通过碳酸平衡实验结果分析了水中碱度的存的形式与pH值间的关系。

3.Laboratorial internal quality control system in undergroundwater analysis: D to select of relevant analytic method and quality pre-appraise 2 )to trace the source contrast of standard solution and put forward the techuical method.地下水水质分析实验室内部质量控制体系中:①有关分析方法的选择及其质量予评估:②标准溶液的溯源比对提出技术方法。

6)analysis of water quality水质分析

1.Application of surfactants to theanalysis of water quality;浅淡表面活性剂在水质分析中的应用


