100字范文 > 殖民学校 colonial schools英语短句 例句大全

殖民学校 colonial schools英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-03 01:31:44


殖民学校 colonial schools英语短句 例句大全

殖民学校,colonial schools

1)colonial schools殖民学校

1.The church schools andcolonial schools are the tools of the Western powers to aggress China\"s education and culture.而教会学校尤其殖民学校就是西方列强对中国教育文化领域进行侵略的工具。

2)Academic colonialism学术殖民


1.“Arrogant Behavior of Knowledge” and Culture Consciousness;“知识傲慢行为”与文化自觉——《学术殖民主义在行动:美国认证他国大学》读后

2.The Writing of India: Some Intricate Relations between Colonial Literature and Post-colonial Literature;印度书写:殖民文学与后殖民文学的历史关联

3.From Self-colonialism to Post-colonialism Deconstruction--On the Female Narration of the New Immigrant Literature从自我殖民到后殖民解构——论新移民文学的女性叙事

4.Symbol and Ritual: A Study of the Procreation Witchcraft of the Yi Nationality;象征与仪式:彝族民间生殖巫术考察

5.Rueyard Kipling: Narrations of India of the Colonial Context;吉卜林:殖民文学中的印度书写——“殖民与后殖民文学中的印度书写”研究系列之五

6.The Culture Biology and Technology and Selective Breeding in Manila Clam, Ruditapes Philippinarum;菲律宾蛤仔养殖生物学、养殖技术与品种选育

7.The Research of Propagation Biology and Artificial Culture Technology on Sebastes Schlegeli Hilgendorf;许氏平(鲉)繁殖生物学及人工养殖技术的研究

8.The Self of Colonist and the Colonial Other: Philosophy Introspection about the Relation Between Masters and Slaves;殖民者的自我和殖民地的他者:主奴关系的哲学反思

9.Rebirth of Post-Colonial Cultural Theory:A Review of Literature Between India and Britain:A Post-Colonial Perspective后殖民文化理论的“新生”——评石海军《后殖民:印英文学之间》

10.History, Literature and Identity: An India Behind Post-Colonialism;历史、文学、身份:后殖民背后的印度

11.On Spivak s Postcolonial Feminist Criticism;斯皮瓦克的后殖民女权主义诗学批评

12.Chinese American Women s Iiterature and Post-colonial Criticism;美国华裔女性文学与后殖民主义批评

13.A Critique of Said s Postcolonial Literary Critic Theory;对赛义德后殖民主义文学批评的批评

14.Early Irish Literature in English Translation in a Postcolonial Context;后殖民语境中的爱尔兰早期文学翻译

15.A Brief Review on Reading English Literary Classics from a Postcolonial Perspective;英国经典文学作品的后殖民解读述评

16.Title: On the "Tracing Back for Root "Literature with in the Scope of Postcolonialism;论后殖民主义视野中的“寻根”文学

17.To form or establish a colony or colonies in.殖民组建殖民地或殖民于…

18.On Post-colonial Theory and Minority Literary Criticism谈“后殖民主义”理论与少数民族文学批评


Academic colonialism学术殖民

3)colonial literature殖民文学

1.As for the writing of India, there exit some complicated and intricate historical relations betweencolonial literature and post-colonial literature, which is related to the Orientalist attitude of British writers and Indian-British writers.殖民文学与后殖民文学在书写东方印度主题方面,存在一些复杂微妙的历史联系,存在着历时性和共时性的"东方"话语,这与一些英国作家和印裔英国作家的东方主义心态有关。

4)Colonial Medicine殖民医学

5)History of Colonial Medicine殖民医学史

6)post-colonial literature后殖民文学

1.With the analysis of the discourses ofpost-colonial literature by local writers, immigrant writers and white immigrant offspring writers, this paper aims at systematically elaborating its common characteristics: rewriting of histories, remolding of identities and intermingling of languages .本文通过对后殖民文学中本土作家、移民作家及殖民地白人移民后裔作家写作话语特征的分析,系统地阐述了后殖民文学的话语共通点历史的重写、身份的重塑和语言的混杂。

2.As for the writing of India, there exit some complicated and intricate historical relations between colonial literature andpost-colonial literature, which is related to the Orientalist attitude of British writers and Indian-British writers.殖民文学与后殖民文学在书写东方印度主题方面,存在一些复杂微妙的历史联系,存在着历时性和共时性的"东方"话语,这与一些英国作家和印裔英国作家的东方主义心态有关。

3.Naipaul is an important modern writer ofpost-colonial literature.奈保尔是当代后殖民文学的重要作家。


