100字范文 > 殖民当局 colonial authorities英语短句 例句大全

殖民当局 colonial authorities英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-23 21:51:42


殖民当局 colonial authorities英语短句 例句大全

殖民当局,colonial authorities

1)colonial authorities殖民当局

1.whether the Malayan Chinese community was divided,what the aim pursued by the MCA leaders would be,and what role played by the Britishcolonial authorities in the formation of MCA.针对学术界对马华公会成立过程的不同观点和分歧,在认真研究英国殖民部相关档案的基础上,在马来亚华人社会的分化问题、马华公会领袖们的组织宗旨、英国殖民当局在马华公会成立过程中的作用等方面进行了探讨。


1.The colonialist authorities failed to remedy the grievances from which these disorders sprang.殖民当局未能消除引起骚乱的那些不满情绪。

2.A View on the Juggling History of the Japanese Colonial Authorities from the Historical Textbook of the Puppet Manchukuo;从伪满《历史教科书》看日本殖民当局对历史的篡改

3.Reasons for the Delayed Release of Malayan Union Plan by British Government;英国殖民当局延缓公布马来亚联盟计划的原因探析

4.South African White Colonialist Ruling Authorities南非白人殖民统治当局

5.International trade patterns today are still marked by the characteristics of trade between the suzerain and the colonies and semi-colonies that existed before the 1950s.当今的国际贸易格局仍然带有20世纪50年代以前宗主国与殖民地和半殖民地国家贸易的痕迹。

6.the civil [military] authorities民政 [军事] 当局

7.Interim Quadripartite Authority of National Reconciliation民族和解四方临时当局

8.One settler knew this was wrong.一位殖民者当时意识到这是错误的,

9.a member of the race of people living in North America when Europeans arrived.当欧洲殖民者到来时,住在北美洲民族的人。

10.Some of the early colonists were cruel to the native population.有些早期移居殖民地的人对当地居民很残忍。

11.The authorities are determined to clean up skid row.主管当局已经下定了决心整顿贫民区。

12.Rooftop dwellers are encouraged to register on the Waiting List for public rental housing.当局鼓励天台屋居民登记轮候公屋。

13.British authorities are telling citizens to stay vigilant and patient.英国当局告知民众要保持警惕和耐心。

14.The authorities dragooned the peasants into leaving their farms.当局用武力把农民驱离田庄。

15.DPP Authority s "Taiwan Independence Diplomacy" and Southeast Asia;民进党当局的“台独外交”与东南亚

16.Skilful men, of the medical and chirurgical profession, were of rare occurrence in the colony.当时在殖民地,精通内外科医术的人尚不多见。

17.In Colonial times, people had to eat whatever was available to them locally.但在殖民时期,人们只能食用当地现有的食材。

18.The Comparison of Contemporary Art between China and Japan in the Context of Post-colonialism;后殖民语境下的中日当代艺术比较研究


aviation authority民航当局

3)civilian authorities民政当局

4)DPP administration民进党当局

5)KMT Government国民党当局

1.The Postwar Scrambles betweenKMT Governments for Japanese Possessions;试述战后国民党当局对北平敌产的争夺

6)civilian administration民政管理当局


