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殖民主义 colonialism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-07 05:23:27


殖民主义 colonialism英语短句 例句大全



ments on the Studies of History of Southeast Asia Colonialism in China in the Past Ten Years;近十年来国内东南亚殖民主义史研究述评

2.Heart of Darkness-Racial Perspective in Criticism of Colonialism;《黑暗之心》——殖民主义批判中的种族视角

3.Changes in Forms Can t Conceal the Economic Colonialism from Lasting——the development and evolution of economiccolonialism;形式的变化难以掩饰罪恶本质的延续——论经济殖民主义的演化


1.a believer in colonialism.一个殖民主义的信徒。

2.Colonialism has had its day, ie is over.殖民主义已日薄西山.

3.Colonialism has had its day.殖民主义已日薄西山。

4.a champion against colonialism反对殖民主义的战士

5.colonialism in all its forms and manifestations一切形式的殖民主义

6.They are trying to replace old colonialism with neo-colonialism.他们企图以新殖民主义代替老殖民主义。

7.On the Sense of Anti-Colonialism and Colonialism in a Passage to India;论《印度之行》的反殖民主义意识与殖民主义意识

8.The world is so full of colonialism, neocolonialism, hegemony and power politics!老殖民主义、新殖民主义、霸权主义、强权主义,真不少啊!

9.Imperialism and colonialism are a twofold evil.帝国主义和殖民主义是双重的罪恶。

10.Influence and Interaction-Feminism and Post-colonialism;影响与融合:女性主义与后殖民主义

11.Feminism","the Third World Women" and "the Post-Colonialism;“女性主义”、“第三世界女性”与“后殖民主义”

12.The Colonial and Anti-colonial Consciousness of Meredith in the Egoist;《利己主义者》中梅瑞狄斯的殖民主义与反殖民主义意识

13.The Deconstruction of Binary Oppositions and the Decline of Colonialism--On the post_colonialist theme of Disgrace;二元对立的解构与殖民主义的没落——论《耻》的后殖民主义主题

14.Since the late 15th century Western colonialists started to grab and conquer colonies in a big way.15世纪后期起,西方殖民主义者大肆掠夺殖民地。

15.A Critique of Said s Postcolonial Literary Critic Theory;对赛义德后殖民主义文学批评的批评

16.The Dilemma of Joseph Conrad: An Anti-colonialist Fighter or a Colonialist Advocator;康拉德的困境:反对殖民主义的斗士还是殖民主义的拥护者

17.The Servants of Colonialism--A Comparative Analysis of Colonialists in Kipling"s Kim and Forster"s A Passage to India殖民主义的仆从——《基姆》和《印度之行》中殖民主义者的比较研究

18.The people of the world are crying out against imperialism, colonialism and hegemonism.世界人民强烈抗议帝国主义、殖民主义和霸权主义。



1.On the Animadvert of Colonism in Joseph Conrad s Heart of Darkness;《黑暗的心》对殖民主义的批判

2.In his The Heart of Darkness,we can see Conrad condemned the expansion of the westerncolonism ruthlessly; at the same time,we can also see Conrad offer the cultural support for the colonists for what he described the blacks as.在康拉德《黑暗的心》中,能看到他对西方殖民主义侵略扩张所进行的无情谴责,但是小说中所表现出来的文化霸权和对黑人形象的扭曲也恰恰迎合了殖民主义意识形态的需要,为殖民主义者提供了文化支持。

3.When Joseph Conrad treats the westerncolonism with critical sttitude,the influence of the colonist discourse model on him is simitaneously uncovered.康拉德的殖民地叙事把作为西方"他者"的殖民地当做一面镜子,以西方殖民主义者在殖民地的所作所为,揭示西方殖民主义话语在西方殖民进程中的作用及其对西方人的深刻影响,反映西方文明自身存在的缺陷。



1.Orientalism and cultural imperialism, postcolonial text analysis and cultural-political criticism strategy, periphery and aphasia are the major theoretical contributions to postcolonialism.东方主义与文化帝国主义,后殖民的文本研究与文化政治批判策略,以及边缘性与失语症话语,是后殖民主义理论的主要理论理据。

2.At the end of the century, with the wave of globalization, the postcolonialismhas became a striking phenomenon of culture.世纪之末,随着全球一体化的浪潮,后殖民主义成为众人瞩目的文化现象。

3.Postcolonialism is a kind of far-reaching contemporary cultural trend since the seventieth, the essay aims at reexamining the eightieth s "tracing back for root" Chinese literature in search for deep reasons of its birth and declination from the angel of postcolonialism, and further reveals the contradiction of "the searching for root" literature.后殖民主义是20世纪70年代以来影响深远的一种西方当代文化思潮。

5)post colonialism后殖民主义

1.Post Colonialism and the Universal Value in the Discourse of Governance by Law后殖民主义与法治的“普世价值”话语

2.New historicism and thepost colonialism are influenced by the deconstructionist since history-turn.新历史主义和后殖民主义作为“历史转向”以来深受解构主义浸染的两支批评流派,它们有各自的理论领域同时又相互渗透。

3.There were a number of articles on some contentions about the Chinese and Western music in recent years, and some of them based on the theory of the post modernism,post colonialism and the idea of culture relativity.文章针对近些年来有关中西音乐的若干论争 ,特别是其中涉及到应用后现代主义、后殖民主义以及文化相对论方法所写的文章 ,提出了不同的看法 ,指出其中若干文章对后现代等理论的误用 ,并进而提出自己的建设性意见。


1.Post-colonialism and Films and TV Programs in the New Era;后殖民主义与新时期影视

2.Influence and Interaction-Feminism and Post-colonialism;影响与融合:女性主义与后殖民主义

3.An Analysis of the Connection between Feminism, Post-colonialism and Ecocriticism;试论女性主义与后殖民主义、生态批评的关系


