100字范文 > 历史地理研究 the research on historical geography英语短句 例句大全

历史地理研究 the research on historical geography英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-08 09:38:15


历史地理研究 the research on historical geography英语短句 例句大全

历史地理研究,the research on historical geography

1)the research on historical geography历史地理研究


1.Historical Geography Study on the Eastern Sect of Chencheng s Visiting Route to the Western Region;陈诚西使路线东段相关历史地理研究

2.The "Cotton、hemp、plantain and Ge" Study on Historical Geography of Dress Raw Material in Lingnan;岭南服饰原料“棉、麻、蕉、葛”历史地理研究

3.Progress in Chinese historical geography in the 20th Century;20世纪中国历史地理研究若干进展

4.Review on the Region of Historical Geography;再论历史地理研究中的“区域”问题

5.Theories and Methods for the Study of Regional History and Geography;试论区域历史地理研究的理论和方法——兼论北方农牧交错带地区的历史地理综合研究

6.The Historical Geography Study of Lichu School:Taking Yu Zhengxie and Chen Enze as an Example;理初学派的历史地理研究——以俞正燮、程恩泽为例

7.Reviews of His-geography Researches on Qingzang Plateau from the Repulic of China;民国以来青藏高原历史地理研究之回顾

8.A Study on the Historical Materials Value of "Dongjing Menghua Lu" on Historical-Geography;《东京梦华录》的历史地理史料价值研究

9.Research Introduction to the Domestic Historical Geography Theory over 20 Years;来国内历史地理学理论研究概述

10.Meager Studies on Historical Xueshu Geography:Base on Studies on Historical Xueshu Geography Since 1980s;历史学术地理刍议——以20世纪80年代以来的历史学术地理研究为例

11.Some Problems in Studies on Regional Historical Geography;简论区域历史地理学研究的若干问题

12.The Academic Discussion of the Historical Geography Research in 1978~1978~:历史地理学研究的学术评论

13.Historical Status、Neo-Confucianism Thought and Achievements of History of Learning of Sun Qifeng;孙奇逢研究:历史地位、理学思想、学术史建树

14.The Historical Ideas on Global Development and the Enlargement of the Research Range on Chinese Historical Geography全球史观与中国历史地理学研究范围的拓展

15.The Research and Practice in the Utilization of the Knowledge of History and Geography for Junior History Teaching;在初中历史教学中运用历史地理知识的研究与实践

16.ZHENG Wen tian s Theoretical Studies on the Historical Period of Socialism and Its Historic Significance;张闻天对社会主义历史阶段理论的研究及其历史地位

17.On the Historical Economic Geography in Tujia Area of Hubei,Hunan,Guizhou Provinces and Chongqing Municipality;鄂湘渝黔土家族地区历史经济地理研究



Research Methods of History and Geography历史地理研究法

3)research history研究历史

1.Theresearch history of the family Tamaricaceae;柽柳科(Tamaricaceae)植物的研究历史

2.The superior species of poplar in China and abroad and theirresearch history and our achievements in breeding are introduced in thepaper.介绍了国内外杨树造纸材适生良种及其研究历史和我国在杨树育种方面成就;探讨了造纸用杨树新品种存在的问题;论述了杨木造纸良种的科学标准及其相互制约与优势补缺;提出了我国杨木造纸良种的分区规划方案;展望了杨树造纸适用良种的发展前景。

3.Our country sresearch history of soil erosion was reviewed.回顾了我国黄土地区土壤侵蚀研究历史。

4)historical research历史研究

1.British "Functionalism School" in Anthropology and Historical Research;英国功能主义人类学与历史研究

2.Historical Research and Practical Care:Mr. Zhang Haipeng s Scholarship and Life;历史研究与现实关怀——张海鹏先生的学问人生

3.The application of psychology theory inhistorical research has been a new ideological trend in the cross discipline research of contemporary west history.心理学理论在历史研究中的应用已成为当代西方史学跨学科研究中的一个新思潮,无论是精神分析理论、新行为主义理论还是认知心理学理论,都为历史研究开辟了新的视野。

5)history research历史研究

1.The Silk Road has an over 2 000 years of history and as an main artery of the intercommunication between the Oriental and the Occident and the living fossil of the interaction of human beings,so it is the hot field of thehistory research in the world.对其研究可以深入的了解古代人类变迁、自然演化等诸方面的进展,因此一直是学界研究的热点,在已有的研究成果基础上,采用空间技术为手段研究历史问题,为历史研究提供一种新的思路与方法。

2.The reform of history work requires history teaching andhistory researches to serve for modernization construction.史学工作的改革,是要求历史教学和历史研究为现代化建设服务,以及怎样为现代化建设服务。

3.Therefore,history research itself is a psychological process of choice and judgement based on the historical facts.所以 ,历史研究本身就是在历史事实基础上的一种选择和判断的心理过程。

6)Historical study历史研究

1.Basing upon the quality of historiography and historians’ missions,Professor Zhang Kaiyuan,the famous historian,interprets his original historical view objectively in connection with the present situation of historiography and the difficulties of historical study.著名历史学家章开沅教授针对史学的现状及历史研究所面临的困境,立足于史学品格与历史学家使命的高度,阐释了自己独到的历史观。

2.By means of such research methods as literatures and historical study,the thesis explores the premise of establishment of the International Olympic Committee(IOC) from subjective and objective perspectives.采用文献资料法和历史研究法,对国际奥委会创立的条件进行了主客观两个方面的分析,在此基础上,以组织学为理论基础,对国际奥委会创立之时的概况及特点进行了描述和分析,旨在为进一步了解奥林匹克运动和宣传奥林匹克提供一定的参考。

3.In their main lines stand out the case study, comparative study inclusive of elementary, partial and whole viewpoints, historical study, and comprehensive study inclusive of microscopic, mesoscopic and macroscopic perspectives.其研究思路主要有四条 :个案研究 ,比较研究 (含要素的、局部的和整体的三个级次 ) ,历史研究和综合研究 (含微观的、中观的和宏观的三个层面 )。


