100字范文 > 规律探析 research on the rules英语短句 例句大全

规律探析 research on the rules英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-24 03:05:29


规律探析 research on the rules英语短句 例句大全

规律探析,research on the rules

1)research on the rules规律探析


1.The Evolution and Regularity of the Entrance Area of University Campus in China;中国大学入口空间演化及其规律探析

2.On the Status, Characteristic and the Regularity of the Network Moral Education.;网络德育的学科地位、特点与规律探析

3.On the Law of Career Development of Teachers in Newly-promoted Undergraduate Universities;新升本科院校教师职业发展规律探析

4.On Talents Capital: Definition, Features and Operating Law;人才资本内涵、特征与运行规律探析

5.Exploration of Rules about the Localization of Marxism Philosophy in China马克思主义哲学中国化进程规律探析

6.Research on the Rules of News Writing from the Prospective of Thinking Science思维科学视阈下的新闻写作规律探析

7.Rules of acupoints selection in treating Alzheimer"s disease by acupuncture and moxibustion针刺治疗阿尔茨海默病用穴规律探析

8.On the Laws of the Theoretical Innovation of Sinicization of Marxism马克思主义中国化理论创新规律探析

9.The winning laws of world gymnastics competition under the new regulation;新规则下世界体操比赛的制胜规律探析

10.Study on the Compatibility Law of Materia Medica in the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis with TCM;中医治疗类风湿性关节炎组方配伍规律探析

11.Analysis of School Interior Environment and Its Influences on the Innovative Ability of Students;学校内部环境对学生创新能力影响规律探析

12.Research on systematics-based college students class construction rules;基于系统学理论的大学生班集体建设规律探析

13.Discussion on Legal Regulation of Badware in China;我国恶意软件法律规制相关问题探析

14.ANALYSIS OF NOBEL PRIZE;诺贝尔奖析——科学研究规律探讨之二

15.Study on the win-loss rule of all previous matchesbetween China and South Korea women-basketball teams;探析中、韩女篮历届比赛胜负之规律

16.Research Chinese Electric Power Industry Regulated by Antitrust Law我国电力行业的反垄断法律规制探析

17.Analysis of the relations between criminal laws & cases and regulation in the Qing Dynasty清代刑案律例与地方性法规关系探析

18.An Exploration on Legal Regulation of Companies" Investment公司转投资行为的法律规制问题探析


Rule of Teaching in Reading Classes阅读教学规律探析

3)Seeking the Law of Education in Party School党校教育规律探析

4)regularity exploring规律探索

5)coal control principle探煤规律

6)exploration of law规律探讨

1.Theexploration of laws and analysis of types in which fundamental research lead to the significant technology innovations;基础研究导致重大技术创新的类型与规律探讨


