100字范文 > 国际教育服务贸易 International education service trade英语短句 例句大全

国际教育服务贸易 International education service trade英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-10 22:38:52


国际教育服务贸易 International education service trade英语短句 例句大全

国际教育服务贸易,International education service trade

1)International education service trade国际教育服务贸易

1.International education service trade has also sharply increased and has become an important part of service trade in some developed countries.20世纪80年代中后期以来,国际贸易活动发展十分迅速,服务贸易愈来愈成为国际商贸的主导产业,国际教育服务贸易急剧增长,一些发达国家的国际教育已经成为他们国家服务贸易的重要组成部分。


1.International Trade in Educational Services:The Foreign Trade Position of China and Her Strategies to Face the International Competition;国际教育服务贸易:我国的对外贸易地位与对策

2.On China s Trade Deficit in the Field of International Education Service and Counter Measures;论我国国际教育服务贸易逆差及对策

3.A developmental study of international educational service and trade in Shanghai;上海国际教育服务贸易进展及其启示

4.The Safeguard of National Education Sovereignty under International Trade in Educational Services论国际教育服务贸易下的国家教育主权维护

5.On International Trade in Education Services: Rules Analysis and China s Commitments;国际教育服务贸易研究——规则解读与我国的承诺

6.An Analysis on China"s International Education Service Trade:Current Development and Solutions浅析我国国际教育服务贸易发展现状及对策

7.Correlative Theory of International Education Service Trade and Its Interpretation;国际教育服务贸易的相关理论及其解释力

8.On the New Trends of International Education Service Trade and China s Countermeasures;国际教育服务贸易的新趋向及对策思考

9.Development Mode of International Trade in Education Services of Australia澳大利亚国际教育服务贸易发展模式研究

10.International Trade of Education Services from the Perspective of FTA-Taking Australia as an Example;自由贸易协定视角下的国际教育服务贸易——以澳大利亚为例

parative Analysis of our Country and Various Countries Education Service Export我国及世界各国教育服务贸易出口的国际比较

12.Service Commodity:the New Attribute of Higher Education in the Background of International Trade;服务商品:国际贸易背景下的高等教育新属性

13.On Trade in Higher Educational Services in the Perspective of International Trade--Taking Pan-Beibu Gulf Economic Zone for Example;国际贸易视野中的高等教育服务贸易研究——以泛北部湾经济区为例

14.The Liberalization of Education Service Trade and Chinese Educational Development;教育服务贸易自由化与中国教育发展

15.On WTO Educational Service Trade and Internationalized Higher Learning Education;充分利用WTO教育服务贸易大力推进高等教育国际化

16.A Quantitative Study on the International Competitiveness of Trade in Educational Services of the Developed Countries and Its Inspiration;发达国家教育服务贸易国际竞争力分析及对中国的启示

17.International Trade in Services Statistics国际贸易服务统计组

18.Research on the Factors Affecting the International Competitiveness of Services Trade of China s Higher Education;我国高等教育服务贸易国际竞争力的影响因素研究


theory of international education service trade国际教育服务贸易理论

3)International trade of the educational service教育服务的国际贸易

4)international trade in service国际服务贸易

1.By using the bibliometric analysis, and taking core jounals in China Journal Full Database (CJFD) as the data source, this paper makes statistical analysis on 241 academic papers oninternational trade in service published in China from 1988 to .应用文献计量学方法,以中国期刊全文数据库(CJFD)中核心期刊为数据源,对1988—期间我国发表的241篇国际服务贸易研究论文进行了统计和分析。

2.This paper discussed some problems related to the development ofinternational trade in service, including history and present condition, characteristics, pattern, causes and trend.对国际服务贸易发展的相关问题,从历史与现状、特点、格局、原因及趋势几个方面进行了探讨,重点讨论了国际服务贸易发展的特点与格局。

3.In the wave of trade liberalization,theinternational trade in service increasingly suffers from the threat and damage of unfair competition.在贸易自由化浪潮下,国际服务贸易遭到不公平竞争的损害和威胁,并呈愈演愈烈之势。

5)international service trade国际服务贸易

1.On the Intensivity of International Service Trade and Its Enlightments on China;国际服务贸易集中度研究及对我国的启示

2.Knowledge economy,international service trade andthe development of Foshan economy;知识经济、国际服务贸易和佛山经济发展

3.The problems of China"sinternational service trade and the countermeasures我国国际服务贸易存在的问题及对策

6)international trade in services国际服务贸易

1.The author illustrates pushing functions of the multilateral trading system in theinternational trade in services, and analyzes some of its new characters.近年来,国际服务贸易迅速发展,其增长速度超过了同期货物贸易的增长速度,引起了广泛的关注。

2.Firstly, the development path ofinternational trade in services appears to be similar with that in goods.本文以联合国《世界贸易发展》2001-06年数据资料为依托,进行研究,归纳出21世纪初六年以来,国际服务贸易格局的如下特征:国际服务贸易与国际货物贸易发展基本同步;在国际服务贸易结构中,运输服务所占比重稳定,旅游服务比重下降,其他商业服务比重上升;国际服务贸易格局继续呈现以发达国家为主导,以欧洲、亚洲、北美为中心的,地区、国家间发展不平衡的局面;发展中国家国际服务贸易发展迅速,发展速度快于发达国家。


