100字范文 > 服务贸易逆差 service trade deficit英语短句 例句大全

服务贸易逆差 service trade deficit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-24 07:51:47


服务贸易逆差 service trade deficit英语短句 例句大全

服务贸易逆差,service trade deficit

1)service trade deficit服务贸易逆差

1.Study onservice trade deficit problem under the situation of trade surplus in Chinese foreign trade;中国对外贸易顺差下的服务贸易逆差问题研究


1.Study on service trade deficit problem under the situation of trade surplus in Chinese foreign trade;中国对外贸易顺差下的服务贸易逆差问题研究

2.On China s Trade Deficit in the Field of International Education Service and Counter Measures;论我国国际教育服务贸易逆差及对策

3.An Unfavorable Balance of Foreign Student Education Service Trade in China: Causes and Administrations;我国留学教育服务贸易逆差原因分析及其治理

4.Couse and Countermeasare of Edacation Service Trade Deficit in China;中国教育服务贸易逆差原因及对策分析

5.The Analysis of the Trade Deficit of the Higher Education Service in China;关于我国高等教育服务贸易逆差的分析

6.On the Reasons of China"s Deficit of Service Trade in a Long Term and Its Countermeasures我国服务贸易长期逆差原因分析及对策

7.Research on Influence of Trade Service on Sino-US Trade Imbalance服务贸易对中美贸易差额影响的研究

8.The Trade of Goods and Service:The Complementary Total Payments and The Substitute Relationship of the Balance of Payment;货物贸易与服务贸易:总量互补与差额替代关系

9.Analysis on Substitution and Differentiation between Service Trade and Merchandise Trade服务贸易与货物贸易的替代性及差异分析

10.Trade deficits have ballooned.贸易逆差急速增大。

11.Australia"s Trade Deficit Worsens澳洲贸易逆差持续恶化

12.Service, Service Trade and General Agreement on Service Trade服务、服务贸易和《服务贸易总协定》

13.The Different Impact of the Liberalization of Trade in Service and Merchandise Trade on the Economic Growth服务贸易与货物贸易自由化对经济增长影响的差异性研究

14.Motivation of Trade and Investment:Differences between Services and Manufacturing;贸易与投资动因:服务业与制造业的差异

15.The Sino-US Trade Deficit, Diplomacy Responses and Bilateral Trade Balance;中美两国的贸易逆差、外交反应与双边贸易平衡

16.Adjustment of American Trade Deficits and Its Impact on China’s Foreign Trade;美国贸易逆差调整对中国对外贸易的影响

17.An Analysis of the Causes of the US Trade Deficits and the Sino-US Trade Friction;美国的贸易逆差及中美贸易摩擦成因探析

18.Trade and Investment Promotion Service贸易和投资促进服务(贸促服务)


Services trade balance服务贸易差额

3)trade deficit贸易逆差

1.Trade Deficit,Fiscal Deficit and Taxation Policy of the U.S in New Century;新世纪美国的贸易逆差、财政赤字与税收政策

2.Causes of Global Economy Imbalance and Its Adjustment——A study based on the causality test of UStrade deficit and long-term interest rate;全球经济失衡原因及其调整方式——基于美国贸易逆差与长期利率的因果研究

3.The forming reason,effection and strategy to the Chinesetrade deficit of USA;美国对华贸易逆差形成原因、影响及应对策略

4)adverse balance of trade贸易逆差

1.The USA Technology Export Control to China and the Adverse Balance of Trade: Essence and Proposals;美国对华出口管制与美对华贸易逆差:实质与对策

paring with the leading Movie &TV trade countries in the world such as America, this paper takes a primary exploration on the reasons why China has suffered anadverse balance of trade in Movie &TV trade for such a long time.通过与美国等世界影视贸易大国进行对比,初步探讨了中国影视文化贸易逆差的原因。

5)service trade服务贸易

1.On Development of Our Country s Service Trade After Entering WTO;对入世后我国服务贸易发展的思考

2.Positive analysis of FDI and China sservice trade development;FDI与我国服务贸易发展的实证分析

3.Research on the Movement of Natural Persons in the Service Trade;服务贸易中的自然人流动研究

6)trade in services服务贸易

1.Review of RTAs andtrade in services on higher education;区域经济一体化与高等教育服务贸易研究综述

2.Probing into the opening of China strade in services;开放中国服务贸易的探讨

3.China s Structural Imbalance of Trade in Services and Correction;开放条件下我国服务贸易结构性失衡与对策


贸易逆差研究一国对外贸易发展情况,主要借助于政府定期公布的对外贸易平衡表。一般而言,平衡表比较系统地载有表明出口和进口的数字统计,大体可反映一国在特定时期内对外贸易乃至国民经济发展状况。一国对外贸易按出口大于、小于或等于进口等情况,分别构成贸易顺差( Favorable Balance 0f Trade )、贸易逆差( Unfavorable Balance 0f Trade )或贸易平衡( Balance of Trade ),贸易顺差以正数表示,贸易逆差以负数表示。贸易逆差( Unfavorable Balance 0f Trade )所谓贸易逆差是指一国在一定时期内((如一年、半年、一季、一月))进口贸易总值大于出口总值,俗称 %26ldquo; 入超 %26rdquo;,即%26ldquo;贸易逆差%26rdquo;,或叫%26ldquo;贸易赤字%26rdquo;;表明一国的外汇储备减少,该国商品国际竞争力弱,该国当年在对外贸易中处于不利地位。同样,一国政府当局应当设法避免长期出现贸易逆差,因为大量逆差将致使国内资源外流,对外债务增加,这种状况同样会影响国民经济正常运行。
