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世俗法 Secular Law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-27 17:41:06


世俗法 Secular Law英语短句 例句大全

世俗法,Secular Law

1)Secular Law世俗法


1.A secular law, rule, or code of law.世俗法规世俗的法律、制度或法典

2.Doctor iuris utriusque世俗法和教会法双重法学博士

3.A Comparison of the Buddhist View of Good and Evil with that of Common Law;佛教的善恶观及其与世俗法律之善恶观的比较

4.Studies on the Transformation of Indian Law Secularization;法律的宗教化与法律的世俗化—印度法律的世俗化变革研究

5.In a worldly manner.世俗地以世俗的方式

6.The birth of secular culture,its characteristics and historical legality;世俗文化的成因、特征及历史合法性

7.Vulgar, Fawning Vulgar,and Popular --On the Literature at the Turn of the Century;世俗·媚俗·通俗——世纪之交文学纵横谈

8.The German literate reversed this process with the profane French literature.德国著作家对世俗的法国文献采取相反的作法。

9.Without art the crudeness of reality would make the world unbearable.如果没有艺术,现实的粗俗将使世界无法忍受.

10.Aquinas s Law of Nature and Integration of the Sacred and the Secular;阿奎那自然法对神圣与世俗的有机共构

11.Of, relating to, or devoted to the temporal world.世俗世界的属于世俗世界的,和其有关的,或奉献给世俗世界的

12.Patriarchal-feudalism was culturally significant in that it compelled religions to get involved in the world, stress secular values and practice ethical cultivation.“宗法性”使宗教突出了入世性、世俗性和伦理性,有其文化的意义;

13.Too much concern for the good of one"s own section of the community, rather than that of everybody使(某事物)现世化,世俗化

14.characteristic of or devoted to the temporal world.有世俗世界的特性或奉献给世俗世界的。

15.Law,A Worldly God Religion in the Spirit of Western Legislation法律:一种世俗的神学——论西方法律精神中的宗教观

16.not concerned with the temporal world or swayed by mundane considerations.与世俗世界无关或超脱于世俗考虑之外的。

17.Religionization of Secular Conceptions and Secularization of Religious World世俗思想的宗教化和宗教世界的世俗化

18.Bach provided the world with a genius" musical testimony of God"s glory that even the mundane world cannot deny.巴哈提供天才般的音乐,向世界见证神的荣耀,即使世俗的世界都无法否认这样的见证。


secular etiquette and laws世俗礼法

1.Besides exercising institution about government controling Taoist and census register of Taoist,government kept Taosim within the bounds ofsecular etiquette and laws,embodied management feature on combining Taoism with worldliness,andsecular etiquette and laws, higher than,and controling Taoism s rules.唐政府对道教实行了有效的控制与管理 ,制定了各种各样的管理制度和措施 ,除了实行度牒制度和道籍制度外 ,还以世俗礼法来约束道教 ,体现了道俗结合、世俗礼法高于并统摄教内法规的管理特征。

3)worldly technique世俗化手法

4)a worldly outlook世俗的看法

5)The Dialectics of Secularization世俗化辩证法

6)common customs世俗

1.Running between the spirit and thecommon customs:The Theme and Narration of Zhou Yu s Train;奔跑于精神与世俗之间——《周渔的火车》主题与叙事

2.It forms unique construction system,from different aspects such as the orientation of Buddhism temple,the influence of the Confucian and Taoism thoughts,the integration ofcommon customs as well as the changes of tower,it elaborates the culture of Chinese Buddhism,so as to let us know more about it.指出作为三大宗教之一的佛教,在传入中国以后,吸收中国传统文化和建筑语汇,形成了独特的建筑形制,从佛寺的由来,儒家和道教思想对佛教的影响、世俗观念的融入以及佛塔的演变几个不同的方面,对中国佛寺的文化进行了阐述,从而更进一步地了解佛寺文化。

3.Their love is strangulated due to the breach of the moral norm ofcommon customs.他们的爱情因违反了世俗道德标准而被扼杀,这场悲剧引起了人们对爱情、道德、战争等问题的深入思考。


